"yes master" Was all his learner said.
The child was young but skilled. For 5 years they travelled together and the boy was ready to be a man and face the trials. A fine example of what a shogun could be.
Such examples were needed and rare. The Heritic Jeric poisoned the Shogun mind, and despite his constant string of betrayal some, especially the young, were tempted by his philosophy. Rumors floated of deserters seeking out a rouge temple in Geneva, but that did not matter now.
In a world of active opposition the Saint offered an ally against the tide. The council embraced this ally and so had Master Typhius. With courage and serenity he sought the will of the force free of the tyranny of the gods.

The battle had come. With Serenity Master Typhius and his young padawan defended their ground soundly. When the dragon fell the Genevans poured out of city into the broken ranks of the Red army.
As men died on both sides the Red army started to break. The retreat was called for. A small group of nurses and wash maids were stuck in the chaos with their wagon wheel broken. Master Typhius had to by them time. The whirlwind of terror - Drakus Truehammer was coming this way.
Imperials and Harmonium died at the hands of the monster enraged and empowered by the evil God of War. Driven by hatred and Rage the darkside saturated the surrounding area.
Master Typius used the force to rebuild the wagon and send the helpless running. He no sooner finished then to see his young padawan stand bravely before Aries rage beast and be struck down with a casual stroke of his blade.
Master Typhius then felt something he had forgotten how to feel. Peace is a lie, there is only passion. He used it and closed the distance between him and the monster in one leap. He was met with a flamming battle axe and struck out of the air motionless to the ground. Black closed in around him as angels swarmed the monster. Nothing.
He awoke to the prodding of Paladins. The elite soliders of the gods. There was a time Typhius respected them but that was long past. "Are you ok?" The question rank in his ears and he was not sure who asked it. His eyes opened and floods of colors attacked his eyes. And that feeling, the feeling was still there.
Among the tidal wave of sights was his dead apprentice cleaved into 2 pieces both charred and being thrown into the back of wagon by careless paladins. The feeling consumed him, Through passion I gain strength.
With a flick of the wrist his apprentices saber flew to his hand and he ignited both blades to defend himself.
"Take it easy master shogun. The battle is over." One of the paladins with a blue cape said. He was on a pegasus so that meant he was in charge. The sights were clearer now...
piles of dead bodies.
Smoke rising from the camp sites,
Lines of prisoners in chains,
geneva's flag waving above the city,
His cause lost,
He pressed this feeling into his sabers and their hue changed from blue to red. Through strength I gain power.
Life and power filled him as never before. It exploded in torrents of fire consuming his captures. Through Power I gain Victory.
The moment was over. He breathed deeply and felt a serenity unmatched in all his previous life. His attackers, the ones who threatened the innocent, the unjust, those who killed his padawan, were dead and he stood alone. Through Victory my chains are broken.
He vowed that Geneva would pay, he would have justice. He would not be the puppet of any stronger than he. He turned off his sabers and attached them to his belt. Wrapping himself in the scarred blue cloak of his dead attacker there was an audible pop and Master Typhius was gone.
The Force Shall Free Me.