The chamber was no longer still and silent. Here at the bottom of the 9th layer of hell resting in the coils of Asmodeues true snake form, only things which were invited ever entered. Even for a loyal demon lord they could count few such invitations. Mephistopheles was invited today. The petty and jealous lord of the frozen 8th strode through the court. His presence was large and vast yet dwarved in this small space by the heavy weight of her fathers presence.
The lord of Cania sought this audience to bring judgement and punishment to a demon lord once loyal to him. The great lord of the flies, Rivenic, had betrayed Meph and stole the power of a now dead god mean for the lord of the 8th.
The rotting demon had also arrived. His twisted goat head held a confident snarl as an intoxicating black light emanated from him.
The room itself demanded silence, as though even the sounds of hoof prints upon the black obsidian floor were a betrayal. No light no sound just presence. Glaysa felt the ecstasy of torture stroke her blood. Her heart pound slowly with excitement until the room began to choke it out. slower and slower. Longer between beats, she thought the room may kill her and she longed for the pleasure of it.
"You have the posturing of petulant children." The room spoke and Glaysa felt the cold solidify in Mephistopheles' heart. "Speak child."
The lord of Cania spoke quickly, "Rivenic was suppose to serve me and guard the Oak tree. I would kill Corel and shake the pantheon. The power was to be mine as I consumed him. The lord of flies stole it from me and proved a failure, the Genevan's retook the tree. He has failed you my lord. Destroy him Destroy him now while I act to conceal from them our true plans. It is not yet too late."
The room spoke again, "It is you who is incapable. You were not strong enough to keep your servants loyal to you. You tempted them with irresistible power and act surprised when you fail. I will take Rivenic unto myself. This matter is closed. Return to your post, Doom must strike when summoned."
Fury and jealous rage swelled in the demon lord but only, "yes" was spoke. You don't get this far with out biting your tongue.
The room spoke again, voice from everywhere and no where, "Your power is considerable. You've proven yourself lord of the flies. You shall serve as my Daughters protector and envoy as she needs you. in some millennia you may serve me directly." The servant left.
Glaysa stepped out of the shadows and bathed in the darkness directly.
"Father, things are as you commanded. For centuries I was slave to the Tulani in order to steer him to the saint, so I could guide their crusade. A gentle hand and a careful whisper, using truth to spread lies. Mistrust has destroyed faith and the world has no salvation. I have corrupted the god's prophet and made him their enemy. The lost servants of the Dark One in desperation have proved the easiest to manipulate and their power is at your disposal, the Dark Empress strikes tomorrow covering our attack.
With the lull in the Blood war due to the false vegetas we have the time to strike, finally, once in eternity. Our mortal allies will redirect the comet thinking themselves heroes, and the Olympians will suffer from the only weapon powerful enough to destroy them -- their own power.
Cut off from faith and divided we will isolate the weak gods and do as was done with Corel. Their power will be yours, the blood war will be won. With all the lower planes to your charge, the gods power at your service and the Olympians cut from their faith strings, victory over the multiverse will be yours.
This is my offering to you. All is as you asked it to be. Reward me father."
Your reward
Darkness embraced her, stroked her, filled her, clenched her, suffocated her, tore at her flesh, shredded her soul. Only pain, only suffering, only death.
Slowly the darkness rebuilt her, condensed her, housed her, filled her, stroked her, and embraced her.
She lie on the floor laughing with ecstasy, her giggled moans and streams of screams filled the silence. She opened her eyes and extended her grin, she had a wedding party to attend.