Raquel smiled and somehow that allowed everyone in the room to feel accepted and as if they were part of the right decision. "Then, we offer it too them. General Galan, I want you to step forward and invite their leader to speak with me on terms of mercy. It will be dangerous so I only want one person to go." Galan said simply, "yes sir." Jeric spoke up, "I will go with him, it is too dangerous he should not stand alone." He could help but remember when he let Nathan stand alone, he wouldn't let that happen again. Raquel responded, "Truly, you feel like that? Anyone else unwilling to let Galan go alone?"
"If it is our intent to be gracious to them what could be more gracious than to be addressed by the Rock himself?" Jonathan added to which Raquel smiled and nodded
"I will stand with the Paladin as I stand with the Isle." Lady Elaine Mogath said "And I" "and I" over and over as the leaders decided to stand together.
There was a stretch of blood stained adn body littered ground between the two armies. The armies of the free people surrounding the Doomguard on everyside and the now close to 1500 Doomguard compressed into as small and tight a circle as they could be turning for the first time from offensive power to defensive tact. Galan and the rest stepped forward into the space between. Vadellya maginfied his voice to be heard by all, "The Free people of this world wish to discuss with you a truce. Send your leader forward." A ripple ran through the ranks as the enemy tried to decide how to react. Galan could tell by the looks on their faces they were even more shocked then the world leaders were when they heard the idea. Yet after the ripple filtered through the horde a man stepped forward. A think man which burly was the only appropriate word for.
Galan salutes him and stands aside as Raquel steps forward his voice now the one magnified, "You can see here the Power of our Gods. You have come here to destroy us, to break down our homes and leave nothing but destruction and devestation. Where we have sought only to protect our families, to fight for our liberties our homes our companions and our faith. For this reason the powers of the Light have delivered you into our hands this day. We will end the conflict here. If you will lay down all of your weapons and swear an end to your war making we will let you live and even provide lands for you to prosper on the east of the World's wall." Holding one executioner style axe in each hand the burly man says, "We were sent to destroy you and collect the keys that is not finished and neither is the conflict."
"If you will not accept peace it will be thrust upon you." How can he be some welcoming and compasionate in one sentance and in the next breath take the warmth from your blood? Galan thought as he saw the man weighing his options and sweat broke his brow.
"Don't do it friend I know what your thinking and don't do it."
The man leaps seeming more cougar than human towards Raquel and stops seemingly held in midair by a floating hand. Jeric with arm extended calls out, "Accept the offer" then propells the man back into his men with a concussion of force.
The Doomguard respond by stomping. It was slow at first just one man somewhere in the back. Then another joined with him. Then another and more and more. The stomping turned to pounding their fists on armor and stomping. It was a powerful rythm, over a thousand soliders knowing they were going to die but determined to destroy everythign with in their reach until not a breath was left. STOMP. Fear left their eyes and a crazied desperation replaced it. STOMP. A scream echoed and then another. STOMP. Soon all the ground shook as they snarled and howled and collided their armor. STOMP. Raquel took his sword from its sheath and too the leaders around him, "Now we show them where our real power is. Why good will never fall to evil why light will never be defeated by darkness. We show them the power of good." Striking his sword in the earth he kneels behind it head bowed voice still magnified even above the earth shaking of the demons, "Join me now in prayer of faith. My brothers call to heaven for aid and not a single one of you will be lost. This I promise in teh name of Hajama, please pray to whatever God you worship and protect us with your faith." His speech becomes unintelligable as he enters a conversation only meant for him and his Lord.
Elaine Galan and Lucian immediately kneel to a familar posture. Prayer was a paladins one true solace.
Jeric folds his legs in a meditation stance. Though he did not give his worship to the gods he focused and felt out through force of his mind finding a oneness with everything.
Drakus hesitated adn knuckels turned white as rage threatenned to charge the rallying troops. Yet he paused. Aries here my cry grant my ax...
As the leaders of the world kenlt even in the face of their enemies, the soliders of the respective kingdoms did as well. Such faith and spiritual power was tangible in the air. Raquel wondered if he had ever seen such a show of faith, yet it will need more.
The Doomguard exploded in all direction. Fueled into a frenzy of hate buring like the hottest brimstone of hell they struck the kneeling defenseless lambs before them. Heads rolled off bodies and men were tore in half. Had he led us this far to kill us all? I have to defend myself this is suicide. The solider made only a slight motion for his blade and from the corner of his eye saw Raquel. He was struck with a spear through the chest yet he continued to pray. So will I.
Lightning cracked the sky and thunder shook the ground. The sky was torn, ripped clouds falling through the hole in heaven pourred as raging river from a cliff. The clouds struck with such force a crater washed up around the impact. The light was blinding and the movement horrible in its swiftness all Galan could see was the loose shape of people and wings with in the mist and brillance. Then in a moment it was gone. A sublime serene silence prevailed and though it was the middle of the night the light of a noon sun glew from a man standing before the Vanquiser of Shadow. White red and golden wings extended to what must have been over 15 feet in wingspan. "Thank you my lord." Raquel said softly. To which the angle Gabriel responded, "I promised you if you could unite the world and turn them to remember the source of their salavation and life I would deliver you. All the lives lost after you asked them to pray will be restored a witness to all the world that faith is never the wrong decision." The light of noonday reached into the heaven and Gabriel ascended. Just as quickly as it has all started it was over and only the mortals were left. Though no one would ever feel again they were actually alone.
Raquel stood torents of emotion held just under the surface. Tear beaded in his eyes but did not fall to his cheeks. His voice torn and shook if only slightly. "Thank you my brothers and sisters. Thank you for your strength, thank you for your courage, thank you for your very lives and thank you for your faith. Today their can be no doubt that it was the gods that saved us. Though there can be no doubt that a greater group of men ever bound together with greater trust and faith then the brethren that stood before me. We have much to rebuild but we will survive and flourish because we have before, and now we have learned the source of all success. Before anything else please join me as we pray for the brothers and sisters who gave all so that we could return to the warmth of our hearths." Tears flowed from many of the hardenned soliders overwhelmed by the emotion and grief. Astounded at the chance for life and the total of the victory, inspired by a man who was more than a man who was a champion even among champions.
Later that night but before daybreak as men were busy collecting their dead and returning to their homes, the Leaders met in conference. Jeric spoke, "We should form a League were we can meet together and organize to fight the threats of the Dark One and others. Even the smaller concerns of working out our trade and disagreements. We proved ourselves brothers today we should not let this be the last time." Raquel said, "I agree. We are all on the same team. SO long as we stand together the only thing that can happen is prosperity and peace. In fact this afternoon I plan to return to the Keeper and renew my commitment to stand for justice and light. He has been apointed by the gods to protect the seals and is the one man who speaks for the will of the light. My loyalty, our loyalty should ultimately be to him."

"In the afternoon the sun just crossing over the Temple of Light, The leaders of the world were gathered before Atrayu. He was one of the few last of his kind a people who were committed since creation to protect the seals and defend the will of Zues on Earth. HOlding the holy and sacred position of Keeper of the Seals he stood on the steps of the Temple of Light spear of destiny in his left hand. Raquel, Hunter of Horseman, stepped forward to him and knelt. Lifting his hand to touch the spear of destiny he looking into Atrayu's eyes and said, "I have lived all my life to fight for the light to protect those who could not protect themselves and I today before the Gods and you renew my commitment to do just that. All of my power and the power of all those who will head my voice I give to you to fight the darkness that would overtake us." Atrayu nods and says simply "Bless you."
One by one the leaders of the free people of the world kneel before the Keeper and though not swearing political loyalty acknowledge his spiritual leadership. The Dark One defeated his army destroyed, the world united Faith driving them all to heights far beyond what they had hoped to reach.
One by one the leaders of the free people of the world kneel before the Keeper and though not swearing political loyalty acknowledge his spiritual leadership. The Dark One defeated his army destroyed, the world united Faith driving them all to heights far beyond what they had hoped to reach.
Nice. Well-written. I like the stomping.
So this "league" is just a group of people acknowledging Atrayu's spiritual leadership? Are the city-states united? Simply allies? United only against the Dark One? What's the plan? I'm tuned in for more....
Writing a campaign log is always difficult. Keep up the good work!
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