Friday, November 14, 2008

Reporting in

The following is a written report submitted by Master Jeric Windstar to the Empress of the Crystal Empire:

To Empress Anastaia Silvermoon

From:Jeric Windstar, Director Knight Watch

Subject: Report and Emergency Request


I have been working with the Isle of the Winds since the time of Genie Rebellion. Though I did not participate in that situation, I did join with the Council and entered into the fight with the Dark One and his Forsaken. This situation took me to Sigil, where myself and the Council of Geneva fought and killed many Forsaken and defeated the small part of the Dark One that was still free. Shortly after this, we all engaged the remanent of the Doomguard Army sent to the Prime to cause chaos for the Dark One. This victory left a very Unitied feeling and many with greater faith in the armies of the Light.

Since that time I have been helping the Isle set up an Organization, which main purpose will be to provide a place for all nations to come together to discuss any and all issues between them in a nuetral environment. The goal will be to limit the choas that we have seen caused by war and those with Evil intent, as well as attempt to create a more unitied world working together to save our people. I hope this Organization will have your support in its creation.

A short time ago one of the Knight Watch, Shogun Knight Grayson Pierce, joined a Team lead by General Galan a Paladin to Tyre to act as my eyes and ears. I assigned him to them due to the fact that this group of adventurers, for lack of a better term, seem to always be on the frontline in the battles that come to our world. They do not appear to be the cause of, but rather the first to learn of, and/or take action against these situations. My decision proved a good one because Knight Pierce found that one of the group was an intelligent Golem from the future sent back in time to protect a Gold Half-Dragon named Ko'tar of clan Skyrim, also known as Dante. The now Captain Dante seems to have an important role in the future, specifically in the war with Apocolypse and his Golems. Shortly after joining the team, the Golem, named "X",sacrificed himself to save Captain Dante and was destroyed by a man named Alan that has a vendetta with Captain Dante. Peirce was able to obtain the Artifitial Soul of the golem and get it to me. I then proceeded to study it, and determined that a new body was needed or it would cease to function in a matter of days.

Once I obtained information from Lord Raquel about the golems, specifically the Transforming Golems that came back in time to kill a mage known as Blade, I begain a search within the Force to find life similar to that of the being known as "X". I did find 3 such beings located in a Mage's Tower, however they were able to close themselves off from the Force when they detected my presence. I went to investigate and found the Tower. I attempted to enter with stealth but when that failed I simply asked to meet with the Mage and proceeded to asked him about the golems. He was very interested in my visits to Ravenloft and everytime I asked about the golems he would not answer directly, but he would imply that he was working on them. Finally I decided to leave and he attacked me, I believe it was because he wanted to know more about what I knew of Ravenloft, and possible to stop me from reporting on the Intelliegent Transforming Golems. While I did managed to escape, the power he was able to use and the speed of which he called it, was impressive. I returned to the Isle to let them know what I had found.

At this point I was informed that the Isle does not have the resourses at this point to deal with the Golem Crisis and Lord Raquel asked me to continue to handle the situation. To that end, I am in need of assistance. This Mage is working with Transforming Golems from the future to research Intelligent Golems, which, if the golems succeed, will end in the creation of the future where mortal beings are nearly destroyed by a war with Itelligent Golems lead by Apocalypse. He has a great deal of magical power, experience and resourses, and while obsessed with Ravenloft, he is capable, intelligent and is able to organize and plan quickly. He protects his Tower with a large magical barriar, as well as blocking teleportation through the Force and I believe magical means. He also uses an unknown number of Golems statues to attack intruders, during my escape there were 10 to 20 of these Golem Warriors. The only other Living person in the tower is that I know of, is what I believe to be, a Half Drow women that serves him and at protects him. She did not seem a threat but with magic one can be and do more than what you normally could. These are just the defenses I have witnessed, and as it is said, "anything is possible with magic", there may be much more to his defenses.

It has been 2 hours since my escape from the tower, to the time I am writing this. I request an emergency deployment, as soon as possible, of any forces you allow to take this Tower, capture the Mage and destroy the Transforming Golems, as well as to obtain any and all research about Intelligent Golems located within for destruction. I have one future Golem named Optimus Prime that is working to try and stop the Apocolypse future from happening, He is willing to fight with me in this battle. I also believe Mages with a high understanding of Magic and trained professional Soldiers to handle whatever physical forces he has prepared to protect his Tower will be needed. However I trust in your Wisdom and whatever assistance I do recieve I will be grateful. Time is critical because he may be able to move if he has another tower or location he can continue his work.

Thank you for your time Empress

Jeric Windstar

Director Knight Watch

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