Lucian say with his fingers tapping the table. The trap, as it was, had been set and Lucian had to believe that right woudl prevail. He took a quick sideways glance to his left to see Greyson dressed in disguise so much so Lucian barely recognized him. Tapping his fingers on the table he noticed that his right knee was bouncing. He looked back over his right shoulder to at an ackward angle attempting to verify General Galan was in position without looking directly at him
. Good he's there. Lucian felt for his mace and confident that it was secure he shifted his eyes back to the door. Not only did he have to worry about Captain Haws who was coming he also had that warrant out for his arrest. His heart skipped as Captain Haws strode into the tavern followed by 6 of his followers.
Lucian quickly catalogged who was with him. He first noticed another Paladin female dressed in the standard armor, luckily she did not have a grandmaster mark on the blade like Captain Haws. There was a mage dressed in the robes from Mordin's school of magic and a priest to Apollo with two knots on his golden belt. The other three were not soliders or priests but they had swords and Lucian knew Captain haws would not have brought them if they could not fight
. If this goes bad we might be in a little trouble.
In a matter of seconds the group had surrounded Lucian and were sitting at the table with him. Captain Haws spoke, "Well, you say you were mistaken. I agree. Even if you are sincere you must be aware it will be a long rode to redeem for your lack of vision."
Lucian's cover nearly ripped off of him as he said biting back the venom, "I support and fight for the light. Regardless of who the enemy is, even if that enemy comes from with in, even if I am part of that threat myself."
Captain Haws stood realizing the fallacy of Lucian's intention, "Willing or not you are coming with me. You are an enemy of the state Lord Lucian."
Lucian tried to fight down the panic but not seeing Galan he reached for his mace. "Captain Haws, by authority of Raquel Al-Shatel both you and Lucian are summonned to meet with him, will you come." Galan's voice cut the tension and somehow added to it anew. Captain Haws looked to General Galan and then back to Lucian, "What did you do solider?"
Galan says again, "Captain will you come."
"I am here attempting to arrest a dangerous criminal, General do you intend to interfere?" There was an uneasy tension between the two and the rest of the Tavern know began to take notice.
"Lucian is coming with us. I imagine it is about this matter he wishes to speak with you both."
Captain Haws moved quickly, more mentally that physically. "Place your weapon of the table Lord Lucian. You do not deserve to carry such an a holy object. We will escort you with out being in bonds so as to save your dignity so long as there is no trouble." Looking to the female paladin he continues, "Sariah stay here gaurd the mace. We'll return shortly and if I do not you have your orders." She salutes and nods.
Walking out, escorted by General Galan, Captain Haws, two strong men, and the priest to Apollo, Lucian noticed Galan give a quick glance to Greyson and then to Lucian's mace. Lucian hoped Greyson noticed it as well. If the Order of Light got that Mace Lucian would never see it again.
Greyson had received his silent orders from Galan and meant to carry them out. No sooner had the
escort left than Sariah ordered the mage to secure the mace. He had taken a small bag and openned it as if expecting the whole massive two handed mace to fit into a bag slightly larger than a watermelon. Making no physical movements Greyson's mind grabbed onto the mace and held it in place. The mage responds in amazement, "Soemthing must be holding it." Sariah snaps back, "Lock this whole place down no one gets out." Raising her voice she leaps to the top of the table, "I have now envoked Paladin Law. This Tavern and everyone in it are under my command. There is a dark traitor her and we will find him. Better to show yourself." She scans the room, then scans it again. She nods to the mage.
The mage places his hand on the mace and it flies to the other end of the room colliding into an invisble wall just short of the window. Greyson had hoped to send it outside and catch General Galan's attention. The third man, who must be somekind of fighter, picked up the mace and strated for the door. "Whatever dark force is here I will destroy it." Sariah called out sword drawn pacing the middle of the room. The fighter was at the doorway and the pushed open the door. Greyson propelled himself with sheer will and force leaping across the length of the tavern. Throwing a ball of compressed air into the chest of the fighter Greyson pulled the mace to him with his mind. The man and the mace propelled in opposit directions with violence of force.
Sariah leaps herself from teh floor to a table smilling the drinks and crushing the dinner of some unlucky patron, then back to the floor and sword drawn inches from Greyson. The mage casts something and Greyson's feet seem to stuble and fall from under him. By the mercy of the force he fell through the door out onto the street. Not more than a second later, Sariah and her two cronies rush out of the tavern door. Greyson had used the mere second of time he had to conceal himself in the shadow of the neighboring alley. He heard Sariah bark her orders, "Find him and find the mace. He has defied paladin law and must be an agent of darkness. Subdue him if you can kill if necessary. I will advise Captain Haws this is a trap." She sprinted faster than anyone he had ever seen run down the street towards the Atlanta Palace. Greyson decided he had best follow it was going to come to blows and he could help Galan and Lucian. Stretching out his mind he ceased existing where he was and manifested his lifeforce on the roof tops across the street where he could observe Sariah running like a loose mare.
General Galan watched the men marching ahead of him waiting for the moment it stopped. He was not overly concerned. Capatain Haws had brought enough strength to subdue Lucian if needed he had not accounted for Galan. If it came to combat the biggest concern would be not killing the enemy. It was strange for him to think of them as the enemy. The saying had always been
if you can't trust a paladin from the Isle who can you trust? That was a more powerful question than ever and made the hair stand up on the back of his neck. He hoped, though not with true faith, that they would suceed and arrive easily to Lord Raquel who would clean all of this up with out incident. He even dared to believe it as they hailed the guards of the inner palace and the gates were open. Yet in a moment all that hope shattered.
"Captain Haws, its a trap, its a trap. Its all a lie." IT was a female voice approaching rapidly from behind. General Galan spun around to see Sariah running up to them faster than most horses he had seen in calvary charges. Suddenly she was before Galan and with he full breath still, "Captain Haws were were attacked and sabotaged in the tavern. You've been set up."
Captain Haws stood in the doory way facing the palace. Slowly his head swivelled and he looked over his left shoulder. Taking a deep breath he turned around methodically. "So Lord Lucian you set me up. Your betrayal and treason runs deeper than even I thought possible. I will deal with you personally. We are done here general." He stepped out of the gate and back into the street.
"Halt, come with me to Lord Raquel. This is a direct order and one I will enforce."
"Come men secure the prisoner."
General galan looked at the priest and said, "This is my order release Lord Lucian come with me." They do not respond they simply look to Lord Haws. It was suddenly very apparent to General Galan what had happenned. They believed in him and what he meant. They did not believe in him as a representative of the Isle, this movement was independent of the Isle beneath it and through it like some lyconthropic curse resting just beneath the surface of a good man. Galan drew his sword slowly and with a stone face now speaking clearly to an enemy, to the wolf with in the man, "Stand down or be stood down."
Captain Haws draws his Grandmaster marked Holy Avenger and retorts, "General Galan you are an example of every corruption facing us today. You flirt with the shadow and associate with those who would destroy us. You push the law and bend it to your own goals. You are the parasite that must be removed. If this contest must come now then so be it. Right will triumph regardless of the odds. The light will succeed because it must succeed and I will succeed because I fight for the light."
"The Light will win the day. You fight against the Isle and against the light."
The two Paladins are propelled into Combat. Galan swings at the Captain's blade hoping to disarm. Captain Haws moves to counter and block. Galan's massive two handed sword nearly leaps from his hands and he slides back in the dirt several inches, as does Lord Haws. Haws capitalizes and goes for a quick killing blow. Galan's response is a simple sweeping parry and again the two swords and men are seemingly catapulted away from eachother. Galan and Captain Haws look at their blades and realize their holy swords have refused to fight eachother. Sariah had no such reservations as her blade finds her mark on Galan's back and again and again.
The fighter grabs Lucian by the elbow to which Lucian responds by charging the man into the wall. His grib is lost but his sword cuts Lucian's leg deeply. The priest beings to pray.
Greyson from his hightenned vantage point, sees Lucian in trouble with out his weapon. Closing his eyes he feels for Lucian's ripples in the pool and moves the mace to it through the waves of his mind. Opening his eyes, he saw Lucian pulverize the fighter in the chest knocking him to the ground.
Galan was not so lucky. Preoccupied with Haws he could not engage Sariah how landed blow after blow to the General. Greyson had never seen anyone take so much punishement and remaining standing. Perhaps the gods had indeed made him powerful. Greyson marvelled as despite the Paladins' willingness to engage eachother their swords refused seeming to hit invisible barriers and repell backwards. Haws perhaps hoping to end the Stalemate and put Galan down for good openned his defenses and let Galan strike. Greyson could tell by the force of the blow and the blood which instantly saturated teh ground that Captain Haws regretted the decision but it did allow him to land 3 powerful blows of his own and caused Galan to fall to one knee blood pouring from his armor lift water through a fishing net.
Guards began to race from the inner palace to aid in the conflict. Seeing two paladins fight the guards were confused enough to give Captain Haws a moment to act. Sariah screamed, "Run my lord the order needs you I will hold them here." To which the wounded Haws responded in a rapid sprint.
He can't escape. Greyson ceased to exist then manifested himself in front of Haws engaging in combat instantly. The wounded Paladin was merly annoyed with Greyson's actions trying to side step him. Greyson responded by striking with his light sword the left knee of Captain Haws slowing him down. Greyson felt the impact as he hit the ground. Sariah was on top of him tackeled him adn driving her sword into HIs shoulder. Greyson used his mind to propell her sword straight up in the air her grip on it so tight she went with it. Guards swarmmed past them in pursuit of Haws. She released her sword and struck greyson with her fist in a martial arts strike. Gresyson responded witha flury of light sword strikes leaving her in a daze.
Haws even heavily wounded was outpacing the guards and just turned around a corner. Greyson afraid they would lose him popped in and out again infront of Haws.
Galan had administered the grace of Tyre to himself and healed some of his wounds. He saw Lord Raquel standing at the gate of the palace guards racing before him to catch Sariah and Haws. "They are too strong my Lord they will not be enough." To which with a smile the Hunter of the Horsemen responded, "These are my personal guard they'll be fine." Galan was amazed at how easily his Lord always assumed victory no fear not even the fear of defeat ever entered his mind.
Sariah spun cut deeply by the blades of the showgun. As guards past her he picked her blade up from the ground and sliced one in the neck dropping him instantly to the ground. Her loyalty was admirable. A clear and painful expression of what the type of dedication the Isle required and inspired could do if turned in the wrong direction. The guards attempted to subdue her but she refused. Spinning she sliced the chest plate and chest of another. With her wounds as deep as they were she did not last long when they started returning blows. One strike then another Galan watched paralyzed by the fear and astonishment of what was happening. Paladins were killing paladins. Every sword that pierced her skin caused holy concecrated blood to hit the ground and not by the hands of some dark lord or zombie or goblin horde but by her own. She fell to the ground and so did Galan's heart. Blood raced from her body along the ground and the guards raced from her trampling over her blood. There were no words.
He saw Greyson suddenly appear before Haws. As quickly has he had appeared Captain Haws struck him 3 powerful blows the last one driving between his shoulder and his neck deep into his check cavity. The showgun began to shake as his body enterred shock. His light swords dropped and so did he. Lying shaking on the ground the showgun had paid the sacrifice required for justice.
It had given the guards the time they needed. They now surrounded Capatain Haws who by now could barely stand. General Galan knelt beside Greyson and administered to him the best he could. Praying for tyres grace to find him the showgun healed it was a miracle. A miracle that Galan had grown unamazed by. It was well with in Tyres power to do somethign so small. Galan flanked Lord Raquel as he approaced Captain Haws. Lord Raquel spoke with an effort of calmness, "Captain Haws It seems at the very least you are guilty of insubbordination, armed assault, Assault of a superior, conspiracy and murder. THat is without the charges of the murder of Lord Tristan."
Haws spoke with conviction and purpose, "I did what had to be done. Sloth and vanity and comprimise has made us what we meant to destroy. Lord Logar Mogath would never have permitted such a weak Isle to exist. Dragon needs to be destroyed you all know it and I was the only one willing to do what was necessary. I did it to save us, I did it to save the world and if you are too blind to see that the world is doomed."
Lord Raquel takes a deep breath and if General Galan did not know better he may think Lord Raquel finally had a task that stretched his capacity. "In light of your confession and with the authority I hold I strip you of all rank title and authority and find you guilty of all charges your fate to be in the determined by thouse you have offended."
"I do not need your blessing our authority, I answer to my god and my god alone."
Lord Raquel simply touches his forhead. The visual impact of that touch made Galan shutter. It was as if glory and greatness washed of him as fresh paint runs off a canvas if water finds it before it dries. A hollow shell remained in shock and blankly stared into heaven. Galan had heard of Paladins being stripped of their station but had never seen it. Fate worse than death. Galan found himself praying for Haws hoping he found redemption and he could avoid the fate of a Death Knight. "We work for the Gods Skylar, did you not realize that?"
The guards easily take the stunned former captain into custody.
Out of the street and in a private room of the Palace Lord Raquel addressed them. "Well now of course you are cleared of all charges Lucian. And I am very proud of you all, for facing the enemy no matter how hard the truth was."
Galan responded with resolution, "People died today that did not need to die. We are killing eachother."
"And I fear it may not be over. A movement like this could not exist if there were not some truth to what they are saying. A greater threat we have never faced. We risk making him a maurter."
Greyson spoke up holding out a small piece of parchement. "I probed his mind my lord. I have here the names of his top followers. There were many more my mind was flooded with them and I'm afraid in my weakenned state I did not get them all I was overwhelmed. IF we wait a couple of days for me to recover we can know what he knows about this order. At least then we know who we are fighting. He did not even know everything sir. Though he was the founder and leader we worked with some shadowy people here in Atlanta to get his goals accomplished that he did not knwo the identity of. Could he not see he had become what he was opposing?"
Raquel takes the list in his hand and before he reads it says, "Its a matter of justification. The Ends justify the means. You face something so evil and so wrong you have to do what it takes to stop it. Starts small cheating the rules and ignoring common conscience. Before you know it you become the law unto yourself. You are the only right. Like forcefully entering someones unwilling mind to extract private secrets and information. I'm sure you felt the ends justified the means."
Greyson just stood silent as Lord Raquel held the list over a candle watching it burn. "The greatest war with the shadow has always rested with in the hearts of mortals. We now fight that war here. Pursueing them with the sword will do nothing to resolve the conflict only divide the Isle and destroy us all. True repentance and redemption can only be achieved when the person wills it. So we will wait for them to come to us. Their leader has lost their paladinhoop a clear unmistakable sign of where I and the gods stand. Given time to consider what that means I have faith in teh goodness of those committed to him and they will see the error of their ways."
With the strength by which he spoke they could do nothing but agree. And Greyson thought,
I should be more careful of whose mind I enter. Or at least who I tell about it. There was nothing wrong with what he was doing.
The next day the world again converged upon Atlanta. General Galan watched from the balcony of the great square as what appearred to be an entire Legion of Dragon's troops flooded the square. On the other side of the square at the main enterance to the palace stood 30 men and flew 10 skyriders. In their center stood the reasons for all their nervousness--Skylar Haws. He was chained around his ankles and his wrists, his knees, waist and shoulders. The chain was just short enough to cause Haws to bend slightly. Though this was not the same downtrodden and defeated man from yesterday evenings episode. This man was a commander a man of resolute purpose. Though the chain necessitated he not stand at full height he bent his legs instead of his back allowing his shoulders to remain back and broad. His face cast and his eyes driven by some undeclared purpose, he stood like a statue of stone. "Even the great Logar Mogath will judge my actions righteous and justice will find all of you. Do what you will with me. Good will not tolerate your shadow forever."
That was it. No protests or fighting. The guard handed him over to Dragon authorities to serve trial and judgement for the murder of their diplomat. Considering how Dragon hated Geneva the only futuer Galan could see for him was death. As soon as the prisoner was secure the Dragon envoy teleported away back behind the walls of their city state no doubt.
The war is over. Galan had heard the blockade of Tradecity was disbaneded and all other Dragon forces were pulled back. After Lord Raquel's diplomatic magic no further concessions beyond handing over Haws were required. Another victory it would seem. NO enemy could conquer or defeat the Isle.
Not one from without anyway.