Straight lines represent family ties. Curved lines indicate some other strong relationship. Those circled in Black have died. Those circled in GOld have ascended to godhood and those in blue are nobility or royalty. (Click to enlarge)

The best place to start is Andrea since she was the first character.
Andrea Silvermoon: The first Empress, may she live forever, of the Crystal Empire. Their sigil is a gold griffin. She united 7 kingdoms as she became an Archmage. The climax of her progression was being raised as a Demi Goddess by the Fates to serve them a seer. She remains the Mother of the Crystal Empire and its patron goddess.
Swift Litefoot: The human thief who, from humble beginnings as a thief in Dragon, met the right people. In particular, he met Andrea Silvermoon and rose through the ranks of heroes with her. Eventually he became Proxy of the Lord Aries, and the King of Thieves. He was killed by his own wife (Andrea) when he and his peers faced their first real failure. He was outsmarted in a test he orchestrated to name the next king of thieves. Swift and Filtch Greyfoot set up a race of sorts to steal the Seals of the Dark One's prison. Filtch won, which drove Swift to madness. He raised an army and slaughtered thousands in an attempt to get the Seals.
Empress Anastasia Silvermoon: The Defender of the Faith, Keeper of Light, Defender of the 7 Kingdoms, Mother of the Empire, Empress of the Crystal Empire. MAY SHE LIVE FOREVER. Half of the world's population, give or take, lives and dies by her command. She is kind, generous and strives to be as wise as her mother. The last child and only daughter of Andrea Silvermoon, she rules now in her place from the Crystal City of Andreal of an empire that spans more geographical area than our planet Earth.
Eric Silvermoon: Second son of Andrea and Swift, this man shuns the nobility and power that his birth would give him and guards the Crystal Empire from the creatures which lurk in the Dark Wood. He is "good," in his own way, and both loves and hates his family.
Malekite Silvermoon: Few people have ever had more impact on the world of men than Malekite. First born of Andrea, it is said that the residual effect on her body of her storing and using magic imbued her son with great power. He is evil, vile, ruthless, dark and wretched in every way imaginable. His quest for power has made him Emperor of the Sith. He created an underground culture in the Empire that would destroy their Empress and make them serve him. After receiving a God-wish for the completion of a rather difficult quest, he forced the gods to make him a DemiGod. He is the Angel of Death, charged by Lord Hades with collecting the souls of the dead from the mortal plane and taking them to the underworld. Called "The One Winged Angel," he enjoys his life, but plots for even greater power. His dark and brutal influence is all too often seen and felt in the mortal plane. He is chief rival and counter stroke to Logar Mogath.
Morgan La-fey: Man of noble birth chosen by Malekite to marry his younger sister Anastasia because it was the best political move. Despite being married to the Empress, may she live forever, he has little direct political power outside of his military positions.
Rin and Cortana: The toddler twin daughters of The Empress, may she live forever, and Morgan La-Fey. Rin, born seconds earlier, is the heir to the throne.
Shishimaru Landstar: The Lord Captain Commander of the Imperial Forces. His personal command, or "fist," is the elite 501st Legion. Lord Landstar is the ultimate reluctant warrior. In love with Anastasia from the moment he saw her, he lives to keep her save and see her will executed. Though he and Anastasia love one another deeply and have the occasional moments of passion, they both have chosen to remain in loveless marriages. Shishimaru feels it is simply the path on which he was born. Or built, rather. He was a creation of the Empire's Mandalorian project to built the super solider. He was the first survivor of the procedure. He was then trained to be the ultimate fighter by Malekite, though Shishimaru grew to hate the man. He despises the Empire for what they have done to him and feels alone in a world, but stands by Anastasia. He cares little for his own life and nothing for his own goals.
Ghost: Shisimaru's twin and the result of a completely successful Mandalorian project. As the ultimate super-soldier, he possesses powers beyond what any man can hold. He does all he knows how to do: kill. Those who pay his outrageous prices are guaranteed a successful mission. He sends letters to his targets, giving them 3 days to prepare. He is currently on retainer by Filtch Greyfox, who funded his retirement in exchange for Ghost killing whoever is brave enough to kill Filtch.
Raquel Al-Shatel: The Vanquisher of Shadow, Hunter of the Horsemen. From the Al-Kadeem world, he was married and had children 3 times. All were slaughtered by akingdom of Drow he had a rivalary with. This instilled a hatred for the Dark Elves and the sure knowledge that Paladins should never get too close to anyone. He rose to the level of Proxy of the God of Bravery Hajama and was purged of all fear, except his fear of snakes, and made to not age. He traveled to the Isle of the Winds to mentor and train Logar, eventually coming to see him as a son - as Logar could protect himself.
Logar Mogath: The Rider of the Wind, Keeper of the Seals and now the God of Righteous Judgement. He sees the world in clear and strong lines of good and evil. Evil should be destroyed at all costs. "It is a war that can be won if the good would just be more committed." He established the Isle of the Winds with a wish spell to create a place where evil could not dwell to use as a starting point to eliminate all other evil. Eventually, with the movement of the Seals to the Isle all the gods solidified that ward making it unbreakable. He was the military arm of the emerging Imperial Colony of Geneva and was instrumental in its independence. Today he judges the content of the souls who pass to the afterlife.
Katherine: Logar fell in love with a thief, quite by accident. The only thing his iron will could not conquer was his love for her. She cleaned up and stood as a faithful wife to the Rider of the Wind. But his passing to godhood caused her to turn to her old ways and eventually kill herself out of shame.
Tassadar Mogath: The Bringer of Hope. Logar and Katherine had twin boys. Tassadar was born first and he grew to be strong, compasionate, merciful, kind, selfless and noble. As Andrea's magical power made Malekite powerful, so did Logar's righteousness instill power in Tassadar. He rallied mankind to defend their homes and lands against Trevor Seguin in the Raven Wars. (Seguin was a lich,trying to capture the Seals.) With his father's ascension to demi-godhood, he rose to sit on the council of Geneva and brought the old Human empire under Geneva's banner. He also inherited the position of Keeper of the Seals. The battle to protect the Seals not only consumed his life, but his soul.
Luther Mogath: Luther always resented that his brother was better, and therefore more loved by his father. Never able to live up to the standard his brother set, his hatred eventually led to his giving himself to the Dark One in an attempt to steal the Seals. He was stopped and killed by Raquel. Raquel never fully forgave himself.
Illyena: Tassadar's first love. Through following Raquel's advice he shunned her to keep her safe. The lost heir of the elven Enron throne, she chose exile while allowing Filtch to place an imposter and puppet on the throne. She was later killed in a failed attempt to claim her throne. Enron currently remains a province of the Expanded Genevan Kingdoms.
Vadellya: Left on the doorstep of the Mage school of Mordin's School of magic and Mischief, she grew up a prodigy of magic to a powerful mage. Meeting her family and finding connections to the Greyfoot throne, she was married to Tassadar as a political union that was also blessed with love. Her family heritage allowed the Greyhavens to solidify under Genevan rule. However, she fell to the temptations of the Dark One to protect her son. She died a darkfriend but was later saved due to an experiment between Logar and Malekite to determine if humans were inherently good or evil.
Geirzon: Geirzon is the son of Vadellya and the God Malekite. She made a deal to escape the grip of death and in return allowed Malekite to bed her. The result was Geirzon, a child who pulsates with power. Logar cleaned his soul, leaving the choice to walk good or evil up to Geirzon. He chose good and commited to it fully. He now lives and trains in the Crystal Empire under the hand of Eliana Mogath Silvermoon.
Mordin: Few elves have ever matched Mordin for ambition. One of the few apprentices that Andrea ever took. He learned powerful magic and became an arch mage. Along the way he collapsed the fragile Human empire and founded the Isles of Geneva as a colony of the Crystal Empire. The ruling member of the first council of Geneva. His genius led to huge economic prosperity and political influence of Geneva. His ambition led him to become a Gold Dragon and he eventually followed his masters footsteps and also ascended to godhood under the Elder God Chronos to become a watcher and protector of Time. Andrea and Mordin's relationship remains close as they strive to protect and preserve the best future.
Polaridin Tel Al Mordin: The only son of Mordin. He was left large treasures, estates and a body full of powers to unlock. He started with no knowledge of his father or their connection. As he grew in power he found his power and a large tower in the wild, unclaimed area beyond the Spine of the World. Prophecies connected him to be either the Savior or the Deceiver of the world. Destined to either unite Dragonkind against the opening of the Red Prison, or to trick Dragonkind into their own destruction. His destiny is not yet fully clear. He has however attempted to break from Geneva on good terms, but his choice of allies and need to follow his destiny and not oversee his growing kingdom continue to build raising hostilities.
Drakus Truehammer: Rarely do you find a heartier, rougher, tougher, or braver Dwarf in all the underdark or overworld. From humble beginnings as a Dwarven fighter, his path has led from good to evil to good. Drakus became the personal body guard of Tassadar, and led his Dwarven clan to victory against a demon invasion. The Dwarven clans rallied behind him and joined Geneva as Drakus was raised to the Council of Geneva, where he sits and leads today.
Filtch Greyfox: The Fox. Mordin's childhood friend. Mordin remains the only one that Filtch has any true or sincere feelings of friendship for. He is the longest sitting member of the Genevan ruling council, even though he sits in secret, unknown to the public. Despite that, his greatest power comes from the series of secret societies and criminal organizations he owns and runs across the world and multiverse. Wealthy to an infinite point, he pursues his goal of always being on top. A larger part of him wishes he could hand it all in for the life of a farmer, but he is in far too deep to ever get out alive and realizes he will meet his eventual demise at the hands of some up and coming crook. He is masterful at staying exactly in the middle of the road, playing both sides against the other, leading to his greatest benefit. Currently his more shadowy dealings have been made known to Atrayu, the current Keeper of the Seals, who has ordered General Galan to arrest him. He is in hiding. This is alarming because it was prophesied that the way to release the Dark One was to expose Filtch's evil to the Keeper then offer to make him a Forsaken. An alarming scenario since he is the only living person who knows the true seals actual location. He is one of the most complicated and deep characters to ever be in the game.
Remus Underguard: This Gnome is the complex but fun-loving right hand man of Filtch. He operates large sections of the Black Raven for the Fox. Married to a Genie who he wished she would get her greatest wish: she would be loved and cared for. He would love to overtake Filtch and is waiting for the opportune moment.
Kief/Kife: Filtch's brother who was appointed as head of the Fox's Den-- The intelligence and thieving agency that 'serves' the Council of Geneva to gather intel and run the needed black ops.
Jank: Of Filtches hundreds of illegitimate children, Jank is one who tried to expose and destroy him. His efforts have only earned him being locked up to rot in the Sigil prison.
Rumor: Being directly under Filtch ;) in the den and other areas, she operates much of the bureaucratic movements of the Den from her post in the Journey's End Inn in Atlanta. A constant Chameleon she changes identities and names constantly. Her greatest service to Filtch is in jealous rages, killing mistresses and bastard children.
Margaret: A mistress that was not found and destroyed. Little is known or confirmed but that she is a weretiger and a darkfriend.
Swipe: On this list as a classic example of Filtch's addition to the worlds population. The alleged child of Filtch and Margaret who is just finding his weretiger heritage.
It is these Characters that began and expanded the story and the world that we know play in. It is their story and their world. I will attempt to add further posts like this with additional generations of characters.
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