"This seems wrong don't it" Utho said in a hushed tone to Ur. Ur just shrugged as scartched his bearded face. Ur didn't know much about right or wrong. He knew the clan chiefs were working together and they had marched west to fight in the greatest battles of history. Or that is what they said. In the end, he knew you did what the clan chief said or you and the clan died.
"Listen Ur. Those aren't men that united the clan chiefs. This isn't right."
Ur shrugged and wiped the sweat from his brow. "there are lots of things that aren't men that live to the west. Heard the shaman and bard stories since we were kids. I remember Nial talking of dragons and demons and the like to the western desert."
"But why are we fighting their fight?"
"I don't know. These people for far away came to invade their land and they asked for the chiefs help? I don't know. Its not my concern. They ask me to kill so I kill."
"I don't worry about the battles. It brings us honor. But the greatest sin that leads us. They say he answers to a half god creature that is the reason the desert is hear. That he destroyed the sea and took away the water. That he kills even his own men for pleasure. I think the clan chiefs have been tricked. I don't think any of us are going to survive this."
"To die in battle is honor." He spat onto the dry ground the water from his spit nearly vanishing before it hit the ground.
"I don't think we'll die in battle. This greatest sin will murder us when we are no longer useful. I have a woman and two sons in the hunting lands. I know you have a son and two daughters. If this greatest sin destroys our warriors our women will be easy prey for him and his horde of monsters."
"What are you saying?" He said with the slightest hint of interest.
"There is a large group of us that are leaving tonight. We are just going to go home. I want you to come with us Ur."
"I'll come friend this heart of darkness makes my stomache turn."
Zui Sui, the Greatest sin, carrier of the forbidden, knelt before the great Chosen Ishmael. "The ranks are breaking many of the barbarians are fleeing. With no enemy in sight they are sneaking off to avoid their mandate to serve me. I will destroy them for their cowardace."
Zui Sui cautously observed the other messenger. He was finely dressed and human. A genevan from the look of him and his dress. Ussually, Ishmael should never be interupted but he thought this warranted the interuption. Ishmael's voice was calm with no surprise in it, "Let them go. They served their purpose." Ishmael was holding the bound volume in his hands. The same volume Zui Sui carried in his flesh from the arena of Dragon to the Heart of Darkness, and the same one Ishmael ripped from his body. He did not know what it was exactly but that it was powerful. And since that day Ishmael was always holding it. "With the weapons Persephone gave you, this smaller force should still hold off Raquel. And if not I can kill them all myself now that I have this." He lifted the volume. "It is only Galan that concerns me and he will be here soon. Do not waste resources keeping the barbarians. Keep the patrols looking for Galan. It is critical that he arrives, and equally critical I be prepared for it."
Ishmael dismissed Zui Sui. He was a good servant and had the potential to be one of the Forsaken someday. Someday soon maybe, as their would be vacancies soon. But, that was not Ishmael's concern. He turned to the messenger, "My apologies for the interuption. Continue."
The man spoke in an equally even tone. "The Antilife equation works by replacing the will of one with the will of another. It essentially convinces the will their is no point in its struggles and has it surrender to the last variable in the equation. It is mediated by Hope. The more the subject will has hope the more their faith can drive them to action. We are very close to unravelling how to remove hope in a predictable systematic way. But your targets in the underworld should have no such problems. Shades are by their nature devoid of hope."
"You and your master have done well. And will be rewarded. Soon the great lord Abbadon will be released and a new world built for just us faithful. Your master's timeline is acceptable but I urge him to caution. Do not move too fast, it must be perfect."
"Yes my Lord." He said and with a nod he vanished.
Ishmael breathed a sigh,
It won't be long now. It will all be over.