Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What about Undeath?

The Lumani would not accept the death of their goddess and had traced the horn here to Reddas. These fools fought though they could not succeed. He was touched by the one winged angel. And the one winged would not claim him so long as he was faithful. He could not die and these Lumanai fought him anyway.

They had scattered and Kadaj pursued with the horn strapped to his back he lept up the wall into a second story window of the tavern. He was running through to get to the roof when he noticed the man in white cloak and cowl sitting in the room staring into the small fireplace as if waiting for him.

He spoke the soft confident voice of someone who had nothing to fear, "Give me the horn deatheater." It was an order. How dare he.

"You know not to who you speak worm. I am a deatheater among the highest tier of the Emperor, may he live forever, ranks. You Lumani can not win."

"I am not Lumani."

"Then who are you?"

"I am the only thing that matters. The only think eternal. Even the brightest fire fades to ash. As your life will expire."

"I am immune to death." Kadaj charged the man but was surprised to see him stand and effortlessly catch him by the throat. The cloak and cowl dropped to the floor exposing radiating omega symbols from his eyes.

"But are you immune to undeath?"

Two other figures came from the shadows and sunk their sharp teeth into his neck. He noticed the cold before the pain, then the numbness. He then could only sense words, "Loneliness, alienation..." Then the One Winged angel ended his life and spared him the Darkness.

The horn belonged to them now.

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