Katsumi stayed unmoving in her tree overlooking the small cabin. She hoped this would not end up being just another lead, after rushing all across Jong Guo she was ready to wrap this one up. She had stayed with Nathan's team to stay free of Darkness's grasp and she didn't know what old mage journals had to do with keeping her free. Then again, she just did her job.
Yavin's journal was suppose to have notes on the construction of an energy lantern, it was stolen by a thief named the spider, who sold it to an underdark prince. The prince lost it as a result of a short war with Madam Mim. Her estate was destroyed by Yavin and later these bandits pillaged it like common thieves. The journal should be there.
Looking through the spyglass, she could see two of the elves carrying supplies into the back of the cabin. She then saw three others leave on horseback into the woods, most likely to go hunting based on their previous routine. Now was the best moment to strike, even without Lana. She signalled Keshala and Duncan. They would be the distraction, by comparison Katsumi had the easy job.
The summoned wolves and raven circled the cabin. When one of the elves went outside to investigate Duncan was there with a strong side kick followed by a roundhouse taking him off his feet. They sent out several more elves to fight Duncan, an opportunity Katsumi used to slip into the cellar.
Duncan took down the third attacker with a spin kick. Two arrows punctured his body but the wounds were quickly dismissed by Keshala's healing touch. He kicked a blade out of one of there hands but missed a block of a thrown dagger that now rested in his throat. Keshala's healing touch again soothed the pain but they were out numbered. Hopefully Katsumi had gotten what she needed.
Just then the cabin went up in flames windows bursting out and flames scaring the night sky. Duncan and Keshala took that opportunity to flee into the woods.
The next morning Katsumi meet them at the rendezvous point and tossed to Duncan a small leather bound book which carried Yavin's seal on the front. "Now we just got to get it back to Nathan. "
Duncan replied, "Good work everyone. Lets hope the Seeker can use this and its worth the price we've paid."
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
The cleric observed the goblin carefully. The black boils on its skin had began to rupture leaking the greasy black fluid all over the ground around him. Whatever this disease was, it was getting serious. Dozens of reported cases among the goblins guarding Draconia were springing up. This was the first case and so far it only affected goblins. To be safe, the vice roy had ordered all the goblins and orcs moved outside of the city.
It was not a disease the cleric could cure. Strange, if he could find out where the goblin got the disease it may help. There was no telling really, they were filthy creatures and the wilds were full of strange cursed artifacts and what have you.
The goblin began rambling, most likely the result of a fever. It was heavily slurred buy he could make out bits, "Green skinned beast. . . walked like a man... they were dieing all around. . . he wore red. Red like blood.... so much power. .. Power to fear.... let me die. He is coming."
Then the goblin died. The only clues his ramblings. General Maximus had arrived back in the city earlier that day perhaps he could ask the general to put some scout teams together and search the northern outposts for any clues to this source.
It was not a disease the cleric could cure. Strange, if he could find out where the goblin got the disease it may help. There was no telling really, they were filthy creatures and the wilds were full of strange cursed artifacts and what have you.
The goblin began rambling, most likely the result of a fever. It was heavily slurred buy he could make out bits, "Green skinned beast. . . walked like a man... they were dieing all around. . . he wore red. Red like blood.... so much power. .. Power to fear.... let me die. He is coming."
Then the goblin died. The only clues his ramblings. General Maximus had arrived back in the city earlier that day perhaps he could ask the general to put some scout teams together and search the northern outposts for any clues to this source.
Nathan sat barefoot in the sand looking on the almost still night time ocean. It was hard to see where the ocean ended and the sky began as they acted as perfect mirrors of each other. Occasionally due to gusts of wind or perhaps the passing of a distant ship ripples would stir in the water. It was only the most subtle of ways he could remind himself he was looking at the ocean and not the sky.
"Isn't this nice?" She said in the familiar honey dipped voice.
Nathan had grown use to her intoxicating sound but could never tire of it. "Yes it certainly is."
"I'm so glad I decided to send Tyros away for a while, gave us some much needed time alone."
"Indeed," He said feeling the sweat on his forehead, "Since we are alone, you should feel able to be completely honest with me. The question I asked you, have you give it any more thought?"
"I don't know what you mean."
"What does it matter to you so much that I love you? You want to be free of Darkness of so you say. I believe the truth can set you free, but finding the truth always involves asking the right questions."
He could see in her she needed him as much as he wanted her. Both urges were considerable and rested right on the very edge of what could be controlled.
She responded brushing off the question, "Sometimes truth can only be found by feeling. By being honest to what your heart says." She leaned in close enough Nathan could smell her inviting aroma. He felt his eyes closing he longed to kiss her as if he felt her kiss would erase all his pain. Luckily, he heard a sword being drawn from its sheath drawing his attention.
He opened his eyes and sprung up to his feet turning toward the sound. It was with silent and deadly precision Tyros landed his two blades on either side of Nathan's chest before he could respond.
Death and Nathan had met previously so he was familiar with the feeling. He knew the routine as ones body shut down to numbness. He was no stranger to it neither did he fear it. However, he did regret his mission would go unfulfilled. Perhaps he should have never let himself be distracted by the issue with Darkness. The gods had given him a mission, perhaps he was foolish to overreach his calling. He prayed the next seeker of Truth would be wiser than he. His thoughts were interrupted by Tyros ranting in anger. This was different than when he spoke before as if all that was left was sadness and rage. "You want the truth seeker? the truth is you should thank me. I'm really saving you."
Nathan replied in short cold gasps, "Interesting....saving me from...what?"
"From becoming me."
From there things were pretty dark. He could hear Tatyana screaming and crying. Tyros responded something about Darkness's will and that it can't be fought. He thinks in the last few moments Tatyana was holding him. "I won't let Derrick take this from me." "Yes Black Velvet as you command." "We hide, as before, we hide forever if we must."
Nathan woke up with the taste of Copper in his mouth. He also felt a strange uneasiness and sickness to his joints and stomache but a strange hidden strength as well. He set up feeling like he should cough but was incapable of doing so. He look up to see Tatyana closing a coffin with Tyros inside. She looked over at Nathan he could almost feel her looking back at him. She rushed to his side, "My precious, are you ok. I healed you the only way I could. I'm glad you've survived. Now we can be together."
"What happened. Tell me."
"Derrick felt the Hymn has spread too far its gotten too bad. He had sent me to distract you to prevent you from interfering in his great plan and Tyros he sent to wipe out any trace of the Hymn. Tyros seems to have succeeded but now Derrick wants to take no chances. He ordered Tyros to kill you. You have no concept of the power he has over me. I can no oppose him all we can do is run. I can not afford to give you up. Not when I've just found you."
"Ok, I'm not really one for hiding but I see your point. If Tyros is trying to kill me why bring him along."
"I have him back under my control now. Something changed in him after he returned. What ever was left of the Tyson I once loved is now completely gone. Only a monster's rage remains. I had to use the limit of my skills to entice him back into service, but he is under my control now."
Nathan stood up and felt a cold power within him. "You said you healed me... how?"
"The bride ritual. Vampire's do not die. My blood has the secret of immortality I shared some with you. It is the glorious first step in a wonderful eternal life we will share. You have passed your first night with my blood in your veins. You are on the horizon. You but need to kill once and we can be together forever."
Nathan found the cold power came with rage as well, "How dare you? I would have rather died than become like you?"
"Am I really so terrible? Am I some monster to only be feared? What is so wrong with me that I don't deserve to be happy." Tears now streaked her perfect cheeks.
"We only deserve to be happy if our choices allow us. You are a monster because you chose to be a monster. You always whine about how you are miserable. But instead of chance it you insist on making others the same. I could only save you if you wanted to be saved. But that was never what you wanted. The truth is you wanted to hide from truth you can't accept that you became a monster, and your attempts to hide only claim innocent victims." He drew the seekers sword, "I know how to stop the bride ritual. I can be returned to mortality only if the vampire whose blood I drank is killed. Destruction is the only salvation left for you."
"Nathan, No. This is not you. Where is your compassion? your warmth?"
"You took it from me."
As he stepped forward sword drawn she fell to her knees arms spread wide begging. "Because If you love me, I must not be a monster. Because that would have meant that Derrick did not take everything from me."
Nathan stopped for a moment. She continued, "That's the answer to your question. I want it so desperately that until know I've been willing to destroy anyone and everyone it takes to prove that to myself. But now I know I will never find happiness. KILL me NATHAN end it all."
Nathan stood for a long long moment then dropped his sword and knelt to embraced his love, "Now you are truly chosing to be free. I don't know how but we'll get through this. We'll find a way to stop Darkness ... together."
"Isn't this nice?" She said in the familiar honey dipped voice.
Nathan had grown use to her intoxicating sound but could never tire of it. "Yes it certainly is."
"I'm so glad I decided to send Tyros away for a while, gave us some much needed time alone."
"Indeed," He said feeling the sweat on his forehead, "Since we are alone, you should feel able to be completely honest with me. The question I asked you, have you give it any more thought?"
"I don't know what you mean."
"What does it matter to you so much that I love you? You want to be free of Darkness of so you say. I believe the truth can set you free, but finding the truth always involves asking the right questions."
He could see in her she needed him as much as he wanted her. Both urges were considerable and rested right on the very edge of what could be controlled.
She responded brushing off the question, "Sometimes truth can only be found by feeling. By being honest to what your heart says." She leaned in close enough Nathan could smell her inviting aroma. He felt his eyes closing he longed to kiss her as if he felt her kiss would erase all his pain. Luckily, he heard a sword being drawn from its sheath drawing his attention.
He opened his eyes and sprung up to his feet turning toward the sound. It was with silent and deadly precision Tyros landed his two blades on either side of Nathan's chest before he could respond.
Death and Nathan had met previously so he was familiar with the feeling. He knew the routine as ones body shut down to numbness. He was no stranger to it neither did he fear it. However, he did regret his mission would go unfulfilled. Perhaps he should have never let himself be distracted by the issue with Darkness. The gods had given him a mission, perhaps he was foolish to overreach his calling. He prayed the next seeker of Truth would be wiser than he. His thoughts were interrupted by Tyros ranting in anger. This was different than when he spoke before as if all that was left was sadness and rage. "You want the truth seeker? the truth is you should thank me. I'm really saving you."
Nathan replied in short cold gasps, "Interesting....saving me from...what?"
"From becoming me."
From there things were pretty dark. He could hear Tatyana screaming and crying. Tyros responded something about Darkness's will and that it can't be fought. He thinks in the last few moments Tatyana was holding him. "I won't let Derrick take this from me." "Yes Black Velvet as you command." "We hide, as before, we hide forever if we must."
Nathan woke up with the taste of Copper in his mouth. He also felt a strange uneasiness and sickness to his joints and stomache but a strange hidden strength as well. He set up feeling like he should cough but was incapable of doing so. He look up to see Tatyana closing a coffin with Tyros inside. She looked over at Nathan he could almost feel her looking back at him. She rushed to his side, "My precious, are you ok. I healed you the only way I could. I'm glad you've survived. Now we can be together."
"What happened. Tell me."
"Derrick felt the Hymn has spread too far its gotten too bad. He had sent me to distract you to prevent you from interfering in his great plan and Tyros he sent to wipe out any trace of the Hymn. Tyros seems to have succeeded but now Derrick wants to take no chances. He ordered Tyros to kill you. You have no concept of the power he has over me. I can no oppose him all we can do is run. I can not afford to give you up. Not when I've just found you."
"Ok, I'm not really one for hiding but I see your point. If Tyros is trying to kill me why bring him along."
"I have him back under my control now. Something changed in him after he returned. What ever was left of the Tyson I once loved is now completely gone. Only a monster's rage remains. I had to use the limit of my skills to entice him back into service, but he is under my control now."
Nathan stood up and felt a cold power within him. "You said you healed me... how?"
"The bride ritual. Vampire's do not die. My blood has the secret of immortality I shared some with you. It is the glorious first step in a wonderful eternal life we will share. You have passed your first night with my blood in your veins. You are on the horizon. You but need to kill once and we can be together forever."
Nathan found the cold power came with rage as well, "How dare you? I would have rather died than become like you?"
"Am I really so terrible? Am I some monster to only be feared? What is so wrong with me that I don't deserve to be happy." Tears now streaked her perfect cheeks.
"We only deserve to be happy if our choices allow us. You are a monster because you chose to be a monster. You always whine about how you are miserable. But instead of chance it you insist on making others the same. I could only save you if you wanted to be saved. But that was never what you wanted. The truth is you wanted to hide from truth you can't accept that you became a monster, and your attempts to hide only claim innocent victims." He drew the seekers sword, "I know how to stop the bride ritual. I can be returned to mortality only if the vampire whose blood I drank is killed. Destruction is the only salvation left for you."
"Nathan, No. This is not you. Where is your compassion? your warmth?"
"You took it from me."
As he stepped forward sword drawn she fell to her knees arms spread wide begging. "Because If you love me, I must not be a monster. Because that would have meant that Derrick did not take everything from me."
Nathan stopped for a moment. She continued, "That's the answer to your question. I want it so desperately that until know I've been willing to destroy anyone and everyone it takes to prove that to myself. But now I know I will never find happiness. KILL me NATHAN end it all."
Nathan stood for a long long moment then dropped his sword and knelt to embraced his love, "Now you are truly chosing to be free. I don't know how but we'll get through this. We'll find a way to stop Darkness ... together."
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Imperial Invitation

All leaders and nobility of the world are invited to a day and evening of celebration to celebrate the victory over the Dark One and commemorate those lost to do so.
The event and all expenses sponsored by the newly crowned Emperor, MAY HE LIVE FOREVER. Malekite Silvermoon. He welcomes you as his guest and hopes to usher in a new era of peace and cooperation among all the people of the world.
Festivities include
- Jousting Tournament
- Banquet
- Masquerade Ball and dance
- Special original Performance of the epic Fallen Thunder Featuring prized vocalist Mallory.

Let us unite in celebration and stay united in friendship. With the conflict behind us we all hope no one chooses to be an enemy.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Firey Man from the North
Gresgrum pretended to check the stacking of stones on the north end of the fortress. The Oroag wanted him to patrol, but nothing was here. After a few minutes he returned to the fire and tore a chuck of meat from the cooking rat. As he chewed it he heard something near the north wall. The stones shook then collapsed as something rushed out of the ground leaping into the air and landed behind the fire burrowing into the ground. Goblins were rushing about screaming drawing and dropping weapons. Gresgrum wanted to run himself. It was only the Oroag growling orders that made him stand.
Rushing through the wall was clear stacks of gel sliding and pulsating towards him. One engulfed the orc next to him and another surrounded and consumed his brother. He struck it with a spear but the spear was just sucked into the mass and left him unarmed.
He reached down grabbing a sword trying to get to higher ground. He was stopped as something snared his leg causing him to tumble hard to the ground. More blobs were everywhere but these were different like large moving drops of dark oil. He struck one that approached and it cut in half clean with his blade. Both halves hit the ground and began moving toward him again. He tried to get up and run but found himself ensnard in a spider web. It caused him to roll down the hill wrapping up in a cacoon of webbing.
He heard the screams and calls of pain all around him. Terror struck him, and his breath barely escaped his trembling mouth. Then something even more horrific happened -- It stopped. Silence wrapped him as tightly as the webs. Someone broke the silence speaking in a deep growl, he could not understand it but the fear it inspired was the same. He had heard Oroags growl and even Raz Guz thrash his followers but that was nothing in comparison.
He peaked through the cross strings of the web and saw the Oraog being restrained by two creatures completely wrapped in some type of linen. He could see him looking up at a man. He could only see the back of this man and it was cloaked in shadow. It raised its hand and the Oroag begain to scream the thrash in pain, then finally flames exploded, erupting out of his body along his bones. With in the seconds his commander was dead and the shadowy man was carving something into his skin. Gresgrum saw it looked like a shield with some symbol or letter on it.
A giant spider drug Gresgrum toward the man. The man ripped the webbing in a clean move then shoved a claw up under Gresgrum's ribs. There was pain then Gresgrum was laying on the ground. The man walked away only a tiny hint of moonlight showed the red on the cloak, all of his creatures following him.
Gresgrum stood up and ran. He ran and ran and ran.
Rushing through the wall was clear stacks of gel sliding and pulsating towards him. One engulfed the orc next to him and another surrounded and consumed his brother. He struck it with a spear but the spear was just sucked into the mass and left him unarmed.
He reached down grabbing a sword trying to get to higher ground. He was stopped as something snared his leg causing him to tumble hard to the ground. More blobs were everywhere but these were different like large moving drops of dark oil. He struck one that approached and it cut in half clean with his blade. Both halves hit the ground and began moving toward him again. He tried to get up and run but found himself ensnard in a spider web. It caused him to roll down the hill wrapping up in a cacoon of webbing.
He heard the screams and calls of pain all around him. Terror struck him, and his breath barely escaped his trembling mouth. Then something even more horrific happened -- It stopped. Silence wrapped him as tightly as the webs. Someone broke the silence speaking in a deep growl, he could not understand it but the fear it inspired was the same. He had heard Oroags growl and even Raz Guz thrash his followers but that was nothing in comparison.
He peaked through the cross strings of the web and saw the Oraog being restrained by two creatures completely wrapped in some type of linen. He could see him looking up at a man. He could only see the back of this man and it was cloaked in shadow. It raised its hand and the Oroag begain to scream the thrash in pain, then finally flames exploded, erupting out of his body along his bones. With in the seconds his commander was dead and the shadowy man was carving something into his skin. Gresgrum saw it looked like a shield with some symbol or letter on it.
A giant spider drug Gresgrum toward the man. The man ripped the webbing in a clean move then shoved a claw up under Gresgrum's ribs. There was pain then Gresgrum was laying on the ground. The man walked away only a tiny hint of moonlight showed the red on the cloak, all of his creatures following him.
Gresgrum stood up and ran. He ran and ran and ran.
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