Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Firey Man from the North

Gresgrum pretended to check the stacking of stones on the north end of the fortress. The Oroag wanted him to patrol, but nothing was here. After a few minutes he returned to the fire and tore a chuck of meat from the cooking rat. As he chewed it he heard something near the north wall. The stones shook then collapsed as something rushed out of the ground leaping into the air and landed behind the fire burrowing into the ground. Goblins were rushing about screaming drawing and dropping weapons. Gresgrum wanted to run himself. It was only the Oroag growling orders that made him stand.

Rushing through the wall was clear stacks of gel sliding and pulsating towards him. One engulfed the orc next to him and another surrounded and consumed his brother. He struck it with a spear but the spear was just sucked into the mass and left him unarmed.

He reached down grabbing a sword trying to get to higher ground. He was stopped as something snared his leg causing him to tumble hard to the ground. More blobs were everywhere but these were different like large moving drops of dark oil. He struck one that approached and it cut in half clean with his blade. Both halves hit the ground and began moving toward him again. He tried to get up and run but found himself ensnard in a spider web. It caused him to roll down the hill wrapping up in a cacoon of webbing.

He heard the screams and calls of pain all around him. Terror struck him, and his breath barely escaped his trembling mouth. Then something even more horrific happened -- It stopped. Silence wrapped him as tightly as the webs. Someone broke the silence speaking in a deep growl, he could not understand it but the fear it inspired was the same. He had heard Oroags growl and even Raz Guz thrash his followers but that was nothing in comparison.

He peaked through the cross strings of the web and saw the Oraog being restrained by two creatures completely wrapped in some type of linen. He could see him looking up at a man. He could only see the back of this man and it was cloaked in shadow. It raised its hand and the Oroag begain to scream the thrash in pain, then finally flames exploded, erupting out of his body along his bones. With in the seconds his commander was dead and the shadowy man was carving something into his skin. Gresgrum saw it looked like a shield with some symbol or letter on it.

A giant spider drug Gresgrum toward the man. The man ripped the webbing in a clean move then shoved a claw up under Gresgrum's ribs. There was pain then Gresgrum was laying on the ground. The man walked away only a tiny hint of moonlight showed the red on the cloak, all of his creatures following him.

Gresgrum stood up and ran. He ran and ran and ran.

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