Sunday, April 28, 2013

Scout Report

I have traveled and observed the area called Jong Guo for 2 months at the Saint's command.  I have found the area largely devastated by a golemn plague.  The plague seems limited to drow and high elves.  There remain pockets survivors scared and desperate.  Though there are many resources to scavange for their survival many are too afraid to venture far from their pockets of safety for fear of contracting the plague.

Though, unlike in neighboring Babylon, these survivors are never hostile.  They seem to let reason guide their actions before impulse.  Strangers are treated with trust and kindness on a whole.

These people need the protection of the Red Army and will be loyal, grateful and devoted subjects.

There are occasional dissapearances. I believe the Cyrstal Empire is still somehow influencing the scene. I have seen yellow lights that correspond with Imperial strong holds and pockets of armed military camps.  The remaining elements of the plague are still here as well and need to be eliminated before hope of large scale settlement can be realized.

This is my report.  I stand ready to answer whatever Inquiries the Saint of his appointed officers may have.

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