It could not end He had a future, a future he was afraid of, a future that haunted his every thought. He needed to live that future. He could not fail now. "I will never go with you."
"Are you going to resit me? Morality ends, and much more powerful men then you have resisted and failed. Though if you swore to serve me and sacrificed your will completely to me then I will let you live again as my puppet."
A female voice stepped into the conversation, "He's not from your world Malekite, he's from Cyrodil and thats my world."
She was beutiful but frightening. He tried to swim away through the air but she was there. As she reached out her hand was blocked by a dark silver long blade. "I was talking to him. His death is not final."
She responded by and explosion of lightning. And the two entered combat neither hurting the other but both enthralled and even intoxicated by the dance. LIke two people so full of hate and rage and now where to release it but at each other. Danted considered running, but he thought he would wait. Wait until one was on the cusp of defeat and jump in and kill both of them. That is what a hero would do.
The fight raged for what must have been hours or days but there was no way for him to tell the time. Then, exhausted they both left. Dante was alone. They left so quickly he could not act.
He decided to move on he had to find something. Surely there was something here, wherever here was, he could use. He would succeed because he would not give up. General Galan had taught him that.
He continued to swim until he saw the hilt of a sword. It was there just floating in the mist. He grabbed it and held it for a moment and drew it close to him. Then as if his had were water, the sword passed right through and stopped about 4 feet below him. It floated up on its own and soared away from him. He followed passionately.
He stopped as two bright lights approached then he saw the holy symbol of his God Zues. Instead of welcoming him it caused him great fear. ALl he wanted to do was leave. He swam, and swam, moving faster adn faster flailing and thrashing desperate. It stung his eyes and made him feel sick in a stomache he otherwise could not sense.
He ran for what must have been a day. He stopped in the same grey hazy nowhere he started. Realizing he could not save himself he prayed, "My Dear Zues, I have failed you. I have wanted nothing but to serve you. I have failed and failed. Give me your grace and bring me back to life as a full Gold Dragon and I will make you Lord of the multiverse."
Almost to his surprise there was a response. "Katar."
He turned around and saw a man with stunning features and waved hair. Eyes cracked with blackness and a pupil that has eaten its iris. A medallion hung from his neck of a boats wheel with 12 handles. "I am a messenger of the Great Father and have come to give offer you a covenant. The Isle has fallen to corruption, a man named the Fox runs a criminal ring in its shadow and pulls the puppet strings of the council. Lord Atrayu, all be it ignorantly, has lost the sight of what the Isle is suppose to mean through his rigid dogmatic view of his mission. And General Galan possess an artifact that must be returned. Dark times that corrupt even the saviors of man kind. I will restore you to life as a full Gold Dragon so you may be my worker in the mortal realm for these purposes. So I offer you the following covenant. You must never speak to anyone mortal or otherwise of this covenant or myself. You must do all I ask with out question or fail, so long as those conditions are met not only will I let you live but will grant you the honors and positions and powers of a Paladin to execute my will."
"Who are you?" Was all Dante could think to say.
"I am Abraham, angel of the Great Father."
"Yes I covenant. Give me the power to save the world and it will be done."
"It is done."
Dante woke up numb and fuzzy.
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