She was lost in her fantasies of speaking to her lady for an hour maybe more. The coffin she was in jerked from its resting place on the Catacomb shelf and landed with a thud on the floor. Wood cracked and tore as it was ripped back with no regard for the steel nails holding it down. She was looking up at Andrew.

Like the music of a thousand angles singing, "Oh my sweet Aurora. You were too

"Things must change now. It was unfair fo me to ask so much. But your gifts were the first real hopes of saving him and by that saving us all. We have been discovered and it is possible all this way of life is over. But it matters not my sweet child. Let the Valtirium burn it means nothing in comparision to what you are and can do. Walk in sunlight, enter the isle step into temples, all of that makes you the only real hope we have of saving Lord Darkness. Those racist paladins stormed his home when he had done no harm to anyone and attacked him. They continued to pursue him until they had killed the most powerful and best of our kind. If it takes decades or centuries exercise patients. His remains are in an urn held in a secure room on the Isle. Please me and get it. Bring it to the mountians which surround the Mei Kong valley and we will open it together and witness the salvation of our people. I love you Aurora, and I depend on you. We all do, our one great hope."
The door burst open falling off its hinges and Greyson stumbles in. He has his light swords activated and a blind fold over his eyes. BLOOD AND ASH, WILL THIS MAN NOT STOP. Tatyana's honey rich voice says calmly and with resolve to Andrew, "Kill him." She and her cat vanished. Bella looked where she was longing and hoping that she would come back that she would still be there. Spent moments trying to recreate the image of her again and again. She barely noticed Andrew draw to rapier swords and advance on the blind folded Greyson.
Greyson had blinded his physical eyes and felt through the force what the illusion of the world would look like. He still moved to slow to block the coming strikes. However his stoneskin ward prevented any harm coming to his physical form. He whirled his blades and struck his attacker. His attacker responded by dropping his blades and grabbing his shoulders. As he lifted off the ground and smashed into the stone wall. he could hear the stone crack and what little plaster was left flake off to the floor.

He fought against the mans grip but it was by far too strong. Instead he reached through the force to the part of the force that made up his fine chain mail armor and tore the links so they come loose in the mans hands. Greyson fell to the floor and lunged reaching Bella. As he touched her he willed himself to exist somewhere else and to take her with him. The action left his back exposed but it did not matter they would be safe in Atlanta.
It did not work his pool collided against some rugged shoreline in the ocean of the force. Then he began to drain away. Like a wineskin that had been poked with a dagger, he could not stop himself from bleeding out the life force which made him him. He would not last another few moments he had to get out now. Digging deeper than he had ever down before Greyson charged the shoreline and broke through.
Landing on the ramp on the edge of the Isle of the Winds, Greyson pulled his blindfold off and lay still catching his breath. He felt empty, hollow. He had not only risked his life, which was of no consequence life and death were part of the cycle of the force and the natural end, he had risked the force that made him and though individuallity was an illusion, the destruction of that force was a threat to all he believed and to the multiverse itself.
Bella stood first and for a long moment looked down at him. She was not smiling. "Why can't you just DIE?!?!" She stepped over him and walked onto the isle.
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