Sunday, September 28, 2008
Confronting the truth
The ease Lucian felt was suddenly gone replaced by a sinking pit in his stomache vastly more powerful than the nerves he felt before speaking to his Lord. Summoning his courage he relates the truth of the experience concluding with, "I was commanded to defeat Fu Mei and as I felt I was presented with the choice to stop her or let her go back and cause the death of countless others. Though it may not have been the most honorable, I feel it was in line with the will of my god."
Raquel will absorb the information and say, "I appreciate your integrity a lesser man would have rode on the fame like a ship rides out a storm. That integrty speaks to how good your heart is. I can question the choices made in the heat of battle not being their myself, what I can offer you is this perspective. What we, the Isle and the world, was able to do just a couple of days ago was not because of strength of arm but by faith. The Isle is a symbol of goodness that people trust with out question, it allowed the world to unite despite everyones differences and fight for the common good. That power is our greatest, for the true battle of good verses evil is fought in the heart of every man woman and child. The Isle is a beacon for the hearts of men. A symbol that is bigger than all of us, bigger than our individual faith. In order for that symbol to remain what it is we all as a part of it have to be above reproach, even at the cost of our own life or any other price. If the symbol should fall to corruption the destruction of the hearts of men would follow. I'm glad you have the integrity to be part of that symbol."
Lucian attempts to digest the full magnitude of Lord Raquels gentle reproach and responds simply, "Thank you sir."
On his way out of the Temple of Light a priest approaches Lucian. Dressed in ceremonial robes with a golden robe tied around his waste with 2 hanging knots, the priest held the symbol of Logar Mogath, god of righteous judgement. "Lord Lucian, my name is Kevin. I wanted to let you know many of us admire you for what you've done. There are those of us who believe in doing what is necessary to stop evil. Please join me for an evening meal this night at the Angels Haven. Just give the doorman your name and he'll help you find us, and come hungry you feast to your victory." Simply in shock by his recent conversation with one of the worlds greatest men Lucian fails to process the conversation fully and responds, "Sure thanks, I'll be there."
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Hammering a Forge
"It is time we clans meet. A meeting of the clan leaders to decide the destiny of our people. The two-fronts war and defeat of the Dark One leaves ripples we must all respond to. Come to the Table of the Ancients- we will light the fire and empty our mugs together. Bring with you whomever you may, Honored Drakus of Truehammer."
Drakus sets down his mug of dwarven spirits as streams of it run down his long beard rolling over chuncks of meat and bread caught from days of feasting. He trades his turkey leg for a pen and replies, “I appreciate the invitation to meet with our clan leadership. I will gladly come to represent Clan TrueHammer to celebrate the strength of the Dwarves! Tell me when and where and I will come.”
Two days later, the Head of each 12 clans meet at the Ancient Table (A powerful symbolic reminder to all in attendance. It was an ancient ruin, all that is left of the capital from when the Dwarves were one nation thousands of years ago)
A smooth stone table crafted by the finest dwarven sculptors is nearly all that is left. The middle of the table is hollow where a magical eternal fire burns. As the Clan leaders meet many embrace in brotherhood, others grimace and reflect generation old grudges. Some do both. The clan Truehammer is highly respected though few move to embrace the oversized Drakus.
After hours of feasting on roast goblin and firmented spirits, Garfax of StoneForge brings his hammer against the table and stands to speak, "My brothers, fellow dwarves. We gather not just for feasting but I have brought you from your warring and mining for yet another purpose, though it may not be as grand as the merrymaking we now partake of." Slamming a mug he continues, "Honor to Clan Truehammer for standing against the Doomguard." The rest cheer as well, pounding the table. "We hear mighty tales of your courage, honor and power great one. From this day forth Drakus shall be known as the Bear of Honor." The clan leaders cheer and swig their ale in approval. "Your tales and the tales of what's happened far south have reached even the fartherst corners of the Dwarven kingdom. With Talyun enslaving the fallen clans and the goblins renergized by some unseen force, the unity that I hear of has inspired me to call you all here. All of our clans should band together again. Rebuild this hall and let the world shake with our hammers and axes. Once we are united our strength should be given to that of Geneva. They have helped us before in everyway. We should help them, join them, pay our taxes to them, give our men to their armies so we Dwarves can be a part of something greater than our petty feuds-- something even greater than Dwarves ourselves. I would move for Drakus the Bear of Truehammer to be our joined clan leader and to appeal to geneva for annex into their empire." All the clan leaders explode to speak at once so much that no one can distinguish anyhting from another. Garfax will say, "Let the Bear speak first. He was there he saw Geneva open the heavens he led Clan truehammer to be more than what it was. It is he who we would make leader let him speak."
Drakus stands and after a very brief pause…”These are interesting ideas. Does each dwarf of rival clans even remember how their conflict began? Let us this day set aside our petty differences… I agree that after the many centuries of the great dwarven feuds it is time once again to raise our hammers, axes and mugs in unity!” to emphasize his point he raises his mug into the air and drinks from it.
“As for annexing into Geneva, if this great council decides that the best course of action is to add our great strength and amazing craftsmanship learned from our noble ancestors to the faith-based strength of Geneva, then we must do it. What a sight it was to see the heavens open during our battle against the Doomguard! Everyone on that battlefield was blessed with seeing the might of the gods that day. I agree that this could be a great opportunity for us and for the world to experience the dwarves this day and in days to come.
“Garfax, you honor me with the proposal to lead our great nation into this Genevan proposition. If this great council wishes Drackus, the Bear of Truehammer to do this, I would truly be honored to be spokesman for the strength of our noble dwarven kingdom.”
Garfax will guzzle his ale in approval, joined by nearly three quarters of the other clan leaders. The rest will hold out over bitterness towards one clan or another. The most powerful force of the resisting clans will agree that they should all unite under the Bear of Truehammer if the first matter of business was to use the united strength to drive the Talyun humans out of the dwarven lands and end the centuries old slavery trade. Garfax will say that uniting and joining Geneva will solve that because Talyun, while brave enough to fight broken dwarves they are not stupid enough to fight Genevan might.
After hours of debate, the resisting tribes will only join the confederacy if Talyun is dealt with. And a leader from each clan meets in council. While The Bear of Truehammer maybe the leader this council will fight for the interests of their clans and can overrule the decisions of Drakus with a majority vote.
After the decisoins are made the Bear of Truehammer taking ax in hand leads to forge these clans together as if he was forging a great ax, and with this AX he would split assunder the enemies of his brethren.
“I agree that the Talyun slavers must be dealt with first. While Geneva will be a powerful asset, we cannot rely on their army to defend us against the dirty slavers. After the Two Fronts war and Darkness Falls , not to mention the Doomguard conflict, the Genevan army is stretched thin. Besides that, we must show Talyun that we and our brothers will no longer endure the hardships they enforce in our lands. We must prove our strength!
“If we are to join the ranks of the Genevan empire, we should first show that we are a civilized race. Diplomacy should come first on our agenda. We will send a runner to the people of Talyun with our message that if they do not clear our lands within four days of our message, we will come with our united Dwarven armies to drive the intruders out. The message should also include the contingency that if the runner does not return on a specified day, we launch our attack that day.
“What do you, my brothers, think of this proposal?”
"AYE!!!!" They dwarves call in unison, the mountain caverns shaking with their might.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Mercy Extended and the Power of Good
Raquel smiled and somehow that allowed everyone in the room to feel accepted and as if they were part of the right decision. "Then, we offer it too them. General Galan, I want you to step forward and invite their leader to speak with me on terms of mercy. It will be dangerous so I only want one person to go." Galan said simply, "yes sir." Jeric spoke up, "I will go with him, it is too dangerous he should not stand alone." He could help but remember when he let Nathan stand alone, he wouldn't let that happen again. Raquel responded, "Truly, you feel like that? Anyone else unwilling to let Galan go alone?"
"If it is our intent to be gracious to them what could be more gracious than to be addressed by the Rock himself?" Jonathan added to which Raquel smiled and nodded
"I will stand with the Paladin as I stand with the Isle." Lady Elaine Mogath said "And I" "and I" over and over as the leaders decided to stand together.
There was a stretch of blood stained adn body littered ground between the two armies. The armies of the free people surrounding the Doomguard on everyside and the now close to 1500 Doomguard compressed into as small and tight a circle as they could be turning for the first time from offensive power to defensive tact. Galan and the rest stepped forward into the space between. Vadellya maginfied his voice to be heard by all, "The Free people of this world wish to discuss with you a truce. Send your leader forward." A ripple ran through the ranks as the enemy tried to decide how to react. Galan could tell by the looks on their faces they were even more shocked then the world leaders were when they heard the idea. Yet after the ripple filtered through the horde a man stepped forward. A think man which burly was the only appropriate word for.
Galan salutes him and stands aside as Raquel steps forward his voice now the one magnified, "You can see here the Power of our Gods. You have come here to destroy us, to break down our homes and leave nothing but destruction and devestation. Where we have sought only to protect our families, to fight for our liberties our homes our companions and our faith. For this reason the powers of the Light have delivered you into our hands this day. We will end the conflict here. If you will lay down all of your weapons and swear an end to your war making we will let you live and even provide lands for you to prosper on the east of the World's wall." Holding one executioner style axe in each hand the burly man says, "We were sent to destroy you and collect the keys that is not finished and neither is the conflict."
"If you will not accept peace it will be thrust upon you." How can he be some welcoming and compasionate in one sentance and in the next breath take the warmth from your blood? Galan thought as he saw the man weighing his options and sweat broke his brow.
"Don't do it friend I know what your thinking and don't do it."
The man leaps seeming more cougar than human towards Raquel and stops seemingly held in midair by a floating hand. Jeric with arm extended calls out, "Accept the offer" then propells the man back into his men with a concussion of force.
The Doomguard respond by stomping. It was slow at first just one man somewhere in the back. Then another joined with him. Then another and more and more. The stomping turned to pounding their fists on armor and stomping. It was a powerful rythm, over a thousand soliders knowing they were going to die but determined to destroy everythign with in their reach until not a breath was left. STOMP. Fear left their eyes and a crazied desperation replaced it. STOMP. A scream echoed and then another. STOMP. Soon all the ground shook as they snarled and howled and collided their armor. STOMP. Raquel took his sword from its sheath and too the leaders around him, "Now we show them where our real power is. Why good will never fall to evil why light will never be defeated by darkness. We show them the power of good." Striking his sword in the earth he kneels behind it head bowed voice still magnified even above the earth shaking of the demons, "Join me now in prayer of faith. My brothers call to heaven for aid and not a single one of you will be lost. This I promise in teh name of Hajama, please pray to whatever God you worship and protect us with your faith." His speech becomes unintelligable as he enters a conversation only meant for him and his Lord.
Elaine Galan and Lucian immediately kneel to a familar posture. Prayer was a paladins one true solace.
Jeric folds his legs in a meditation stance. Though he did not give his worship to the gods he focused and felt out through force of his mind finding a oneness with everything.
Drakus hesitated adn knuckels turned white as rage threatenned to charge the rallying troops. Yet he paused. Aries here my cry grant my ax...
As the leaders of the world kenlt even in the face of their enemies, the soliders of the respective kingdoms did as well. Such faith and spiritual power was tangible in the air. Raquel wondered if he had ever seen such a show of faith, yet it will need more.
The Doomguard exploded in all direction. Fueled into a frenzy of hate buring like the hottest brimstone of hell they struck the kneeling defenseless lambs before them. Heads rolled off bodies and men were tore in half. Had he led us this far to kill us all? I have to defend myself this is suicide. The solider made only a slight motion for his blade and from the corner of his eye saw Raquel. He was struck with a spear through the chest yet he continued to pray. So will I.
Lightning cracked the sky and thunder shook the ground. The sky was torn, ripped clouds falling through the hole in heaven pourred as raging river from a cliff. The clouds struck with such force a crater washed up around the impact. The light was blinding and the movement horrible in its swiftness all Galan could see was the loose shape of people and wings with in the mist and brillance. Then in a moment it was gone. A sublime serene silence prevailed and though it was the middle of the night the light of a noon sun glew from a man standing before the Vanquiser of Shadow. White red and golden wings extended to what must have been over 15 feet in wingspan. "Thank you my lord." Raquel said softly. To which the angle Gabriel responded, "I promised you if you could unite the world and turn them to remember the source of their salavation and life I would deliver you. All the lives lost after you asked them to pray will be restored a witness to all the world that faith is never the wrong decision." The light of noonday reached into the heaven and Gabriel ascended. Just as quickly as it has all started it was over and only the mortals were left. Though no one would ever feel again they were actually alone.
Raquel stood torents of emotion held just under the surface. Tear beaded in his eyes but did not fall to his cheeks. His voice torn and shook if only slightly. "Thank you my brothers and sisters. Thank you for your strength, thank you for your courage, thank you for your very lives and thank you for your faith. Today their can be no doubt that it was the gods that saved us. Though there can be no doubt that a greater group of men ever bound together with greater trust and faith then the brethren that stood before me. We have much to rebuild but we will survive and flourish because we have before, and now we have learned the source of all success. Before anything else please join me as we pray for the brothers and sisters who gave all so that we could return to the warmth of our hearths." Tears flowed from many of the hardenned soliders overwhelmed by the emotion and grief. Astounded at the chance for life and the total of the victory, inspired by a man who was more than a man who was a champion even among champions.
Later that night but before daybreak as men were busy collecting their dead and returning to their homes, the Leaders met in conference. Jeric spoke, "We should form a League were we can meet together and organize to fight the threats of the Dark One and others. Even the smaller concerns of working out our trade and disagreements. We proved ourselves brothers today we should not let this be the last time." Raquel said, "I agree. We are all on the same team. SO long as we stand together the only thing that can happen is prosperity and peace. In fact this afternoon I plan to return to the Keeper and renew my commitment to stand for justice and light. He has been apointed by the gods to protect the seals and is the one man who speaks for the will of the light. My loyalty, our loyalty should ultimately be to him."

One by one the leaders of the free people of the world kneel before the Keeper and though not swearing political loyalty acknowledge his spiritual leadership. The Dark One defeated his army destroyed, the world united Faith driving them all to heights far beyond what they had hoped to reach.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The sounds of War
The stomping of feet on ground competed with the noise of a distant battle as Strife marched with the milita. They had just seen explosions ahead, "Sir we should swing around and try to flank the enemy." He said, almost ordered, the Commander. The Commander was some rich nobles kid looking for adventure. When the news reached TradeCity there was no army between the DoomGuard and our homes someone had the bright idea to band together shop owners and dock workers into a milita. They were a sad lot Strife thought, with no armor most had swords but not all knives and torches. Strife easily considered himself the best warrior in the group, years of living and performing in the arenas required he be better than most other men, it was that or die. Though untrained, 8000 men should be able to help tip the scales of whatever battle was being wagged. They were close enough now he could hear the screams of war. Thanking Aries he had the privilage to hear such a sound again, he closed his eyes and heard the crowd cheering for him as steel struck steel and opponents begged for mercy or screamed in attempts to chase away the Angel of Death.
The woosh of twirling blades was ignored as Drakus's axe found its mark again. All he saw now was rage and battle. Blood splashed on his armor as the skulls of his enemy split. He hardly had time to slash one enemy before another one took his place. A grimlock passes Drakus as he's distracted in dispatching an Ice Troll. Turning to drive his ax through the spine of the Grimlock he leaves himself open for a shot under the ribs then another. Turning he strikes right under the armor of a charging Doomguard getting his Axe wedged. In attempt to loose it and rip through the body of his victim, he pulls with all of his might. The axe come free but from his hand. Drakus lunges for his lost weapon and is swarmed in an attack of blades, spears, and teeth. In a whirlwind, his battle rage strikes a Minitaur with so much force the bull man explodes. He was know covered in blood and a lot of it was his own. His vision begain to cloud and arms felt week. Today is a good day to die, he thinks as he raises his axe one last time.
Galan hears the screams his companions to his left and right as he desperately tries to save as many as he can. The moan of every one of his men that he let die would be heard over and over for the rest of his life. Though that may only be a couple of moments. Galan strikes a troll 3 times who had just lifted a solider over his head and snapped in half. Striking again and again, he stops taking the time to carefully plan his strikes. He remembers his Grandmaster training slow is smooth and smooth is fast, take time aim your attacks. Making an effort to make every strike count he slows and slips past the defeneses of a drow warrior dropping her to the ground. His attacks were not as fast as some for his great two handed sword and aged muscles moved slower but they nearly always killed what they hit. A Doomguard slipped past him, then another. He had to be smooth and fast. Taking down what looked to be an elf, he takes several strok strikes from a couple of axes and a sword. His kness begin to buckle. Lightning flashes from a mage. He pulls up his holy blade and the Lightning seems to be absorbed by it. Though he is not as lucky with the well calcuated archer's arrow. "Tyre receive my soul." He mutters digging deep into his faith to find the strength to stand just a little longer.
Jeric heard nothing. He moved in a trance; he was no longer aware of his surroundings he was one with them. His actions were fast and precise and powerful. Doomguard fell before him. The meditation was taxing every swing of a sword at him was blocked everyone that squared off against him died faster than they could set their stance. The only wavering to his perfect force enduced trance was the sight of Drakus wavering. He's going to die. Jeric wills himself high into the air and over to his comrade. They had travelled the world together with the seeker of truth and faced man demon and worse together, Drakus would not fall this day not if Jeric still had strength. Jeric reached out as if to strike Drakus and when he touches the champion of Truehammer, Drakus finds himself invegorated wounds cleansed adn healed as if he had spent a year rejuvenating. Jeric looks back to his post and sees it now over ran with Doomguard. He leaps soaring through the air arriving back to his post to see the gate he was guarding had been over ran mages slain and gate inoperative. All he could do now was continue to fight.
A wyvern's scream pierces the air as Lucian and the Skyriders move to engage. Well trained and disciplined the Skyriders create and hold a pattern to contain the enemy. Only a dull thud reflects the impact of a spear to a skyriders chest. The Paladin falls form his mount but the formation holds and Lucian engages. His griffon dives at just the right moment giving maximum force to his blow. A crushing strike that renders the wyvern rider worthless. From his angle he can see the whole battle field. The mages have 2 of the three gates operating. Dwarves and soliders from the Crystal Empire are charging through. Dieing in droves just being mowed down by Doomguard yet the free people of the world were gaining ground-- slightly. He also sees the Center of the human line buckling. Not many humans left at all. Galan! Luian orders his sky riders to follow and dives into the fray. Lucian calls out striving to be heard above the fray, "GALAN!" Then twisting on his mount just at the border of where his skill will let him stay in flight and reaches. Extending his faith Great Father give him grace, Lucian touches Galan renewing his strengh and with divine power healing some of his wounds. Each of the skyriders follow and do the same. Galan feels himself empowered and fresh moving to fight back the tide of monsters before him.
The heavy breathing of panic was the sound coming from nearly every man around him. It took longer than Strife had hoped but the milita was now in place to flank the enemy and the commander called charge. A portion of the Doomguard had broken off roaring and snarling howling and screaming they were charging to intercept the militia. "HOLD!" Strife screamed as the avalance hit. Men were literally thrown twenty feet into the air so strong was the charge. The snap of bow strings signaled the archers took their volley. Arrows, swords and men bounced off Doomguard armor. Panic turned to fleeing. Strive saw the first man break rank and new it was over. WIth in moments the men were scattering or begging the Doomguard for mercy, mercy they would never find. This was lost before it was began. Sheep should stay in their pasture and let the dogs fight the wolves. Strive thought and then he fled as well.
"Fall back mages to teleport you need you to guard more gates on the far side." Raquels voice was heard among the choas as if he stood right next to Galan. With out question the Paladin moved to obey falling back into the ranks of soliders now several thousand strong as they had poured through the gate.
"Take the skyriders over and cover the mages setting up gates on the far side." Raquels voice was now heard in Lucian's hear. Confused He orders the Skyriders to follow and races over the sea of destruction. As they race appearing over head with no sound to explain it was a Crystal Empire war ship. The Crystal Empire was know through out the world for their core of Mages that were far above anything else in the planet. They had created ships that sloated above the Earth and flew like a Pegasus, fired lightning and fire from above. And this one did. No sooner did it arrive then fire and death rained from it to the Doomguard below.
The moan of a fallen enemy had become a familar sound but never a sound Drakus would tire of hearing. Just as he had fell another challenger he found himself somewhere new. To his left were 2 Skyriders and Lucian. To his right Galan, who looked a little worse for wear. Behind him were Mages setting up teleport gates. Lucian called out, "Hold the LINE" Sky riders begin drawing and firing arrows as fast as they could but Drakus knew blades not bows would decided the day. Taken me from my home, slain my brothers beside me, destroy them kill them ALL. Consumed by the rage with in him Drakus let out a war cry to shake mountians and slid the battle axes in his hands. You want war? HERE I AM. He hit them. Charging the force of his blades were that of Aries himself. Goblin, drow, troll, Medusa, pit Fiend it was all the same --enemy, and they would all meet the same fate -- Death.
Lucian heard the hum of the teleport gate. Thats one. The sound was followed by more sounds Calvary of Talyun chargining through the gate into the fray. Lucian beats back a Grimlock that would have slipped through but leaves himself open. The sky rider to his right blocks a would be fatal blow to Lucian from a Lizard mans spear but to do so leaves himself exposed to another's spear which pierced his heart.
A dragon's roar fills the air and masked the sounds of choatic destruction surround them. From a newly openned teleport gate flew a massive Grey Dragon and a smaller Silver. That was followed by arrows from Grey Haven elven archers. Jonathan the Rock Greyfoot had arrived. Galan chuckled and almost dismissively thought, He'll say that he did the whole thing himself, but I'm grateful he's here.
In silence, Raquel carefully watched the illusion of the battle field Vadella projected before him. He had here put up a cone of silence around them so as to not be distracted by the local noise and focus on the entire layout of the battle field. With a smile, "All three gates are up on the opposite side and Jonathan brought enough firepower to balance this out." Wiping the collection of stray thin blond hair from his face, he watched the Doomguard pull back to a defensive line as they realized they were surrounded. How many lives had that cost. He refused to think that, not now at least their would be time for mourning soon. Bravery had made it possible for the the free people of the world to stand against this foe, but they would need much more if his true goal was to be achieved. The great battle, the battle of faith still lay ahead. Turning to Vadellya, "Send messages to the leaders stop everyone stop hold position, and the leaders should report to me immediately." Smiling, "Thank you Vadellya, all of our efforts will be rewarded if we have faith but a little longer. Stay true, the hardest is coming."
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The effectual struggle
As pieces of the camp flew in various directions, the light and fire from the explosions revealed the DOOMGuard infantry seeming to just materialize from the darkness of the night marching like an unstoppable tidal wave toward the disorganized human troops. Wyverns screeched overhead their riders pulling a net between them that strained at carrying the weight of its capture. Full of What? Lucian thought to himself as they openned the net. Like an avalanche the heads of elves rained down on the ranks on soliders bracing for the overpowering rush approaching them. The Enron army. Thats where the Doomguard where, off destroying them. They bought us mere days with their lives, worth nothing if the men's heart's fail them.
An armored lizard running on its back two feet is the first to reach Galan. Though, even as Galan lifted his blade the lizard falls dead as hand axe appeared just beneath his jaw. Looking the direction the axe must have come, Galan sees him--Hope. There stood Raquel Al-Shatel, Vanquiser of Shadow, Hunter of the Horseman, Avatar of Hajama a legend, no a myth. His worn leathery hands swept back a collection of dark blond hair that must have fell into his eyes as he threw the axe. Behind the 6 foot tall Paladin, stood 50 to 60 men holding Banners of the Isle of the Winds, Geneva , Dwarves, Mei Kong Valley, Crystal Empire, Talyun and more. Not many men and too many of them holding banners to be useful Galan thought but only in passing. If Raquel was here, victory was assured. When he spoke kings and servants alike listenned. Men served him because they believed in him. Galan believed in him. It was as if by simply arriving he brought with him the strength a thousand great men. Then he spoke to everyone at once the world pausing in silence to hear him, "Hold this line! Mages are setting up Teleport gates behind you to bring in reinforcements. Do not fall back from this spot. Light win the Day!" Cheers echoes as men prepared to die.
Augmenting the line of Galan's human troops were now powerful leaders of the nations of the World. Drakus True hammer - Leader of the Truehammer dwarves, altered by a curse he stood 7 feet tall and weilded two battle axes too big for most men. He would stand eye to eye with dragons and not budge.
Elaine Mogath Silvermoon led the Crystal Empire forces and the Church of Logar. Taken by the god as a small child and trained for hundreds of years in his doctrine and hatred for evil, and love of his sword. She now stood more dangerous and zealous than she was beautiful though she did not lack in beauty.
Jeric Windstar was a Showgun Master. A religious order when felt through the cosmic force of the universe and made miracles happen. Carrying two light blades and standing with a calm serneity he braced himself for the onslaught. Fear was not a distant thought to his mind--it did not exist.
"Lucian take the SkyRiders and bring down those Wyverns." Raquel ordered as he moved to a commanding positions behind the line. Lucian had moved to follow the command almost before it was done being given.
With renewed strength that could not have been achieved with weeks of training, eating and resting the men poised now fighting for something even greater than their lives. They were fighitng for him, and for the Isle--the Bastin of Truth and Light. Even if every man there lost their lives they would now do so with honor and courage and that means-The day would be won!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Broken Choices
Galan knew it was over. 3 to 1 odds in a normal war would have guarenteed sucess, but not here. These soliders were up against worse then trained mercenaries or simple orcs it was the Doomguard. She had out thought him watched him and Arkantus finding the oppertune moment to strike -as they crossed the river. Now with Lucian and Arkantus by his side, he stood in front of destruction personified.

Victory was too late to hope for, the Genevan army broken and pinned down a few hundred yards away, the only fool's hope left was that Fu Mei would extend mercy. Mercy was not what he received, instead he became part of some sick twisted joke. She spoke, "Here you are defeated Harmonium. We now have the oppertunity to prove my point. The multiverse is bound for destruction on a constant path to unravelling and your actions only slow the blissful destruction. " Galan responded, "If the end you speak of is inevitable, then you'll win in the end - let us struggle for now."
"You struggle under a cruel misunderstanding. You see this as good verses evil, there is no good or evil we are all only as good as the world allows us to be. Purity can be corrupt and innocence can be lost, so in fact there is no such thing as Purity or Innocence. You fight for nothing, I'll prove it to you-- I'll show you." She turns to Lucian, paladin to Zues title the Aeges of hope standing tall in his full plate armor and says, "I leave the life of your army to you. You can choose if I kill your army or let them live and in their place I will destroy any city of your chosing." A sadistic small crosses her face. A face that would be pretty if not for the venom of hatred stored just beneath the skin. Lucian is caught in thought for a moment. Ceasing the oppertunity, Fu Mei continues, "Come now son of Zues, what will it be the slaughter of your companions here or the toll of other innocence to haunt your conscience."
Lucian weighs the feelings within himself everything from rage to fear, "I would have you destroy the city you call home." Fu Mei lets loose a cackle that cracks the nervous silence. "After we destroy Trade City and Atlanta I will burn my own home to the ground and the innocent civilians there will have you, the Aeges of Hope, to thank for their destruction."
"I made the mistake of thinking you had some mercy or compasion or goodness at all."
"I am not with out compassion. See here a priest to your great father spared from our purging of the monastary. I would offer his life in exchange for yours Son of Zues." Two Grimlocks drag up a bruised and bound man clad in priest clothing. A young man about 23 or 25 who is in constant prayer clothes stained by both tears and blood. To which Lucian replies, "If my life is required to spare that of this priest then so be it."
"Look at how noble they start Harmonium." redirecting her comments back to Lucian, "Then kneel before me and I will remove your life."
"Kneeling was not what you asked. Lady Mayhem."
"Correct, and kneeling is not required." Her two handed sword slides effortless from her sheath in a direct path for the Paladin's head. At the very last moment Lucian's mace defelcts the would be fatal blow with a dull thud. The air rings with laughter, "Kill the priest" she orders.
No sooner does the priests blood from his slit throat spill upon the ground as the Doom Guard rush the three heroes position. Galan quickly moved to engage Fu Mei. I have to take her down fast its our only hope. Maybe that will slow the rest. Even with that we may all receive our judgement today. Swords move in a flurry deflecting and blocking moving to strike and being cast away. She swings with more power than her size would suggest, as galan barely defelcts another would be fatal blow. Lucian dispatches a charging minataur but leaves himself open to the attack of another. Spinning off the blow from the ax he returns the favor and with two well placed blows from his mace cripples the creature. Taking a blow in the leg from a troll and then a halfling leeching to his back and driving a dagger to his throat. Lucian begins to fade by sheer force of will he stays standing. Arkantas attempts to cover Galan's back but is intercepted by a demon that resembles a Rhino. The charging horn is dodged but the sword of a following dark elf finds its mark on his left arm rendering it unuseable. With in seconds Arkantas is over ran and swarms pieces of his body being ripped from his core like jackels devouring a kill.
Need to get out of here. Oslieth- come to me now. Galan thinks as his everfaithful hippogriff mount cuts throug the air to reach his master. Surrounded and pinned down Lucian kills another or maybe it was two soliders but fades to black. Galan sees his friend being dragged deeper into enemy lines. Fu Mei says to him, "Where is the selfless sacrifice? he will be easier to brake then I thought." Galan leaps as high as he can grabbing the reigns of Oslieth as he flies over. Entering a spin climb the mount and rider escape the range of the enemies swords. From this angle Galan can see the rest of the Genevan army being desimated by the Doomguard its a one sided blood bath hundreds dieing. Before Galan can even decide what to do a band on the left arm of every doomgaurd glows and the invading army is gone. Fu Mei's howling still ringing in his ears he lands.
Aaron reaches Lucian as soon as the army leaves and does his best to stop the bleeding. The shinobi's art in healing is not great- nor really existent. Galan reaches Lucian and calling upon gthe grace and power of Tyr, lord of Justice, heals the wounds with the power of the divine.
Bob sneaks up from the river bed where he had been hiding. Seeing the devestation and mounds of death surrounding him, he nearly looses his stomache. that would be unfitting an adventurer he thinks to himself trying to emulate the great heroes of bards tails and even his master Remus. He approaches Galan and Aaron just as one of the Genevan soliders reaches them saluting. "Sir we have 254 men accounted for, and it would appear with Lord Arkantus down we report to you now. I have never seen such raw destructive power harness before. With 10,000 men the result would have been the same." The weight of the man's word settling on him Galan responds and takes command, "Captain organize the men, see to the wounded help you can we must march shortly. Lucian and Bob, help with the wounded. We march for Trade City." The men go about their orders with purpose trying to rid the images of what just happened from their minds.
Aaron approaches Galan and says, "10,000 country recruites wouldn't have changed the result but some more paladins would have. Atrayu is fool and a coward. Pulling all the Paladins back to the Isle and leaving the rest of the world to die. He hides beyond his invinsible walls while the world burns. A fool, a coward, a traitor. This is his fault." Annoyance and anger fill his voice. Galan stress to his threshhold, back hands Aaron solidly across the face causing hims to reel, "We do not question to commands of our superiors. We have no idea how the war is proceeding on all fronts, your insubordination is not welcome nor safe for the men in this condition. You can like it or leave." With out saying a word Aaron just shrugs and walks south away from the encampment. Have to keep this together Galan thinks.
The army marches north by northwest on its route to trade city for 2 days. Even the mightly soliders and Geneva murmur about the impossible odds. With camp set up Lucian walks from tent to tent to encourage and lift the men's spirits. As he does a creature steps form the shadows, seeming mostly shadow itself it speaks, "The lady mayhem has respected your word and let some of your army live. Son of Zues she now offers you a gift. Will you accept it?" With anger and righteous furry just boiling under the surface he responds, "I will accepting nothing from that butcher. Be gone with you now or I will ensure you never return to your master." The creature simply reenters the shadows and dissapears.
As the army marches the next day after just two miles scouts come back and report there are deadlining the road ahead. Lucian goes forward to investigate and sees a dozen children spiked hanging dead. The sight too gruesome to look at for long he sees a piece of parchment tagged to one of the stakes. It reads,
"Son of Zues,
I offered you a gift which your pride refused. I had aquired these children and had no use for them. I thought sparing their lives a fair gift to one so good. HOwever, when you refused I was left with no option. They die in the name of your pride and thats cold, even for me.
Fu Mei"
The letter crumbles and twists under the rage in his hands. With Bob's help the children are taken down and given burials. Bob fights tears at the sight. These children are no different than mine. What if this would have been them. It will be them if she reaches Trade City. She has to be stopped but how. Oh how I miss my kids. It wasn't too long ago just a week that Bob last lay in his wives arms and told stories of his traveling adventures to his 3 children. They were so proud of what he had done and accomplished. He always knew he was ment for more then just running the family smith, a skill he is profoundly gifted as. Since that week he had seen more experiences and witnessed more evil and encountered sights that most men could only dream or nightmare about. As the last shovel of dirt covered the last grave, he gives himself just one moment, just one tear and prays that it will be the last.
Lucian engrossed in prayer to Zues, "Great Father- forgive our failings and grant the power to stop this evil. Please let the souls of these children find peace they could not find in this life. And give me the power to bring peace to this world that I could not find for these children." His soul pouring to his god Lucian finds himself carried up. Light fills his eyes and he can make out little more then a small gnome with a wing span at least as long as the gnome was tall. Lightning crashes in the background and the gnome speaks, "I am father Ma Ren Wei, fellow servant of the great father. Tarven the spirit guide has communed with me about your quest." Lucian remembers the disembodied spirt that walks the woods of Enron, find a way to single your desires to that of the Great Father, void yourself of all selfishness, become the Holy weapon in the Great Father's hands that you wish to make the Mace in yours. For that charge he had forsaken his haunt for the vampires that killed his family and let their memory reach peace. All to have his Mace be blessed by Zues as a holy avenger. Or at least thats how it started now it had become a quest for purity and single his eye to the glory of the kIng of all Gods. Realizing he had become distracted he refocuses on the angels words.
"You returned to help your companions when faced with certain doom. You were willing to sacrifice yourself but seeing Fu Mei's lie you decided to do what was best for the will of the Father. You must now defeat Fu Mei, either by your strength or your leadership she must be defeated. You have proven yourself a willing weapon now prove yourself a capable one. Blessings of the Zues be with you."
Reality rushes back to Lucian. The sensation of wind crossing his skin reminds him he now stands back on earth. Defeat Fu Mei.
That night, as the army sets up camp, one of the sentries is approached by an outsider. "Halt, who goes there?" A band of 4 travelers, a woman, a reptialain looking man, an 18 year old boy who looks a little worse for wear with heavy wounds, and a sky rider. Perhaps the isle hasn't left us to die. "I am Lady Vadellya Mogath here to speak with Lord Galan." The woman says in a confident, matter-of-fact voice. Lady Mogath. It is the Isle. Travis, like everyone, knew who Lady Mogath was, the widow of the last Keeper of the Seals, theBringer of Hope--Tassadar Mogath. The Mogath family was a great and honorable family and Lady Mogath was all that was left. A powerful mage in her own right but that power dwarved by the influence she had in the realm of politics, something Travis knew little of. He was just a solider. The others he did not know. He knew of the Sky riders of course, he like every boy born in Geneva had dreams of growin gup to be a sky rider paladin, the Isles most elite troops.
Here to guard the Lady Mogath no doubt. "Wait here my lady, I will let the Lord know you have arrived."
A few moments of waiting later Galan the guards let everyone through. Vadellya sees Galan approaching. Good- he's still alive. "We came to help." She says cheerful her traveling companions are all back together again. "I'm glad to see you. Who is this?" Galan will say motioning to the wounded young man. "I wish I knew," Dante, Vadellya's half dragon traveling companion says in a semi defeated tone. He continues, "I guess in the future I'm some hero in a war between organics and golemns, big scary guys trying to kill us he came back to help. I call him X." Galan will nod as if what he was told was not the most fantastic thing every imagined. In his 45 years, he must have seen some pretty crazy things, not the least of which is fighting this front of the two front war, Vadellya thinks. "Well stay close we're marching to Trade City. The enemy could be anywhere at any time, we must stay sharp."
The army travels for another 3 days. No sign of Fu Mei ofrthe Doomguard. Nor is there any sign of the Enron Elves who were suppose to meet up with the Genevans. Best case scenerio they can't find the Human army because they are so far off course, worst case scenerio the Doomguard found them and they are in the same state of the Genevan army. As Galan and Captain Feirier discuss this and other aspects of the march Lucian steps into the tent. "My Lord Galan, may I have a word alone with you." Galan will nod to the Captain to leave. As soon as the tent flap closes Lucian speaks, "An old friend of yours just spoke to me. Lanfur is here just walking through the camp. She told me she wants to talk to you and she'll be waiting 50 yds south of camp and to come alone. It doesn't seem that setting guards does anything to keep the bad guys from walking our camp." Lanfur-- Galan knows that name too well. One of the head followers of a god who claims to be the choas from which the Multiverse sprung -- The Dark One. She is obsessed with Galan, so much so she seems to want to help Galan defeat the Dark Lord of Choas. Vastly complicating their relationship is Galan's recent induction into the Order of the Protectorate-- an secret order of Paladins sworn to protect and hide the Codex from the forces of evil. And it seems that Lanfur knows about his membership and the artifact which he carries. "Thank you" is all he can manage to say. She seems to be an unsolveable puzzle, friend or foe, what does she want? Galan goes 50 yds south of camp and finds nothing. Returning to camp he sees no sentries guarding his tent. Pulling back the flaps to enter he sees her laying in his cot with simply a sheet between her and the world.
"I apologize for the deception, but I wanted to surprise you. It is time we stopped pretending, I love you and I know you love me. For one night, let's forget about the world and do what we should have done a long time ago." Galan will say, "My bond is to a higher power I can not be with you."
"Don't talk like all of them, you're not one of them. You see the end from the beginning, can we not for one night-just one moment-be free of our pasts and forget the world and all the people in it? And just embrace that which makes us truly real. "
"How do we defeat the Dark One, Lanfur?"
"You speak too openly about such things. In the morning, it may be safer."
"You offered to help me once. . ."
"I am offering to help you know. How long has it been? Since the soft touch have been felt on that hard face. How long since you've been loved. Meridith couldn't be with you because she was part of the game just one of the pieces. We can be."
"Merideth's fate is unfortunate." A woman, a good woman, a young woman foolish enough to fall in love with Galan, and Galan foolish enough to fall in love back. She was currently back with her husband Tristan, that bastard, in Dragon. Galan unable to save her if she wasn't dead already.
"It is me or loneliness and defeat. Would my love be so bad?" She stand still holding her sheet and holding Galan's hand.
With his free hand he hold up a small feather, "The Keeper of the Seals gave me this to summon him to destroy you the next time I saw you. You force me to make a hard decision. Renounce your following of the Dark One or I'll bring him here right now."
In a voice layered with charm and sincerity, "No, you don't want bring him here. You'll give us one night together because we deserve it. Because you're broken and open, you don't feel like you're strong enough, you're broken and lonesome, and you don't feel right when I'm gone away. The worst will soon be over and we can breathe free again. Hold me high and steal my pain. Because I'm broken without you. I'm not strong enough, I'm broken and lonesome, and I just don't feel right when your gone. You won't call Atrayu because he's just a player in the game - you and I are above that. We are destined to be together."
Galan grapples with his own thoughts for what must be an eternity. She could hold the key to unraveling the Dark One's plans, she would be a powerful ally, she could turn the tide of the war. "Sorry." As Galan summons Atrayu.
No brilliant flash of light or grandiose enterance, Atrayu arrives instantly and draws the spear that grants him invincibility, the Spear of Destiny, and attacks Lanfur without mercy. She spins trying to avoid his blows and begins to cry. As the tears flow from her eyes as if the dam holding them for month as just been pushed past capacity, "You betrayed me. WHY??? I loved you Galan, please help, I have no armor or weapon I cannot defend myself." Atrayu does not let up landing a blow to her abdomen that bleeds covering the sheet in blood and causing it to fall to the ground. Behind her steps Ismal, another of her forsaken companions. Next to the prince oblivion he stands higher in the ranks of the Dark One's forces than anyone. A beautiful man who seems to wear charm like others wear cologne. Standing about 6'2", wide shoulders donning a two layer cape the inside of the cape lined witha red satin. Two long swords, one in each hand he moves to engange Atrayu. The first strike finds true across Atrayu's chest and shoulder. Though the wound is deep it heals instantly as the sword exits the body. Two swords meet two spears, as the two combatants enter a dance meant for only one of them to survive. Lanfur says, "You think your the only one with traps?" pulling her hand across the air her hands leave a grey streak seamingly torn out of nowhere. Eyeing Atrayu her eyes and face filled with hate powerful enough to slay a thousand armies, she strikes sending the ball of choas. Galan jumps between the ball and Atrayu taking the blow. By the grace of Tyr he survives but he feels slowed, his thoughts and movements laborious. Striving to move his sword that weighs more then a dozen suits of armor, he stands. Ishmal spins the spear from Atrayu's grasp causing it to fall just at Galan's feet.
Lanfur says, "Now you see that the shadow wins the day. We embrace the world in grey and the sun has set on you." Galan drops his sword and focuses all his strength to kicking the spear back to Atrayu. Lanfur quickly moves to intercepts and catch the spear. The Spear effortlessly slides through her hands as it a knife sliding through butter removing her fingers from her palms.
Screaming, I thats all there is. Screams fill the air as the high pitched shreak races through the camp. Thats followed by an explosion. The teny smolders in ash and the pair of forsaken are gone, though not forever. Atrayu reaches down to Galan, "By the grace of Zues, may this curse be lifted and your strength return." Galan feels energy and strength fill his body as soon as Atrayu's hands are laid on him. "You did well Galan, I must be away there are many things unraveling now. Keep the faith." And as quickly as he arrived he was gone leaving Galan to calm a rush of men headed to investigate.
After another 2 days of long hard travel the army rests for the night just as the lights of the massive trade city fight the darkness at the horizon. "Just a couple of days," is heard more than once as Lucian walks among the men. The same shadow creature as before appears just as dusk permits enough darkness for him, "My lady Mayhem wishes to grant you another gift." Lucian quickly and sharply replies, "You tell your lady I want an audience with her no more games." "Very well." As the creature becomes shadow and dissapears.
Moments later Senries report Fu Mei is at the sentry post alone stating she is responding to Lord Lucian's request. Lucian goes to face this foe who finds humor in desturction. Alone and without guards the Paladin carries his Mace in the open as a show of force. "I want no more of your games Mayhem. You make no sense. You are part of an organization that professes to create choas." In short deliberate breaths, "We only exist to prevent your kind from delaying what must and should happen. There is no good in the world, even you the great Aegis of Hope, you're only as good as the world allows you to be. You sit in judgement but if you had the life I had you would be me and I you. With that true, what possible morality do you cling to and why?"
"I stand between you and destruction."
"You do now simply because I haven't destroyed you yet. Their are many ways you can be destroyed though. " eEffortlessly unlatching a buckel and causing her massive two handed sword to fall to the ground she says, "I surrender to you Lucian."
"Will you accept my surrender and kill me or will you let me walk free? In one you murder a woman in cold blood, in the other I walk free and my army destroys everything you fight for. Either way I win- you are destroyed." Kneeling, her ankles crossed, she looks up into his eyes and throws her arms open in a motion to either embrace or completely surrender to the Paladin.
Lucian weighs his options and holds his mace close, "What I do now I do in the name of Zues and to stem the Chaos you bring." He swings with all his might. He strikes the rust covered armor failing to penetrate or harm her at all. Of course its magically protected.
Standing, "Well you have the guts to kill me just not the skill." She giggles genuinely amused then breaks into an all out laugh. "Willing to murder but this brave mighty warrior lacks the skill to follow through." Her speech broken between cackles and high pitches laughing, "Now I get them both I have made you a paladin willing to murder and kill even those who surrender, and I will still lead my army to destroy all those close to you." Turning to leaving and with her back turned to Lucian, "Perhaps we'll have another chance after you grow up."
Rage boils to the top like a stew thrown into the fire for too long and exploding as a volcano. She will only kill more. Visions of the monastary the priest and patrons staked to be eaten by the birds. Still alive, they flailed trying to free themselves, the soliders he fought beside all murdered. She just wants to see the world burn. The children as a gift he was given, Oh Zues- the children, how many more? Would she stop, could he stop her if she fought back, I need to defeat her to earn my mace...I mean to keep the glory of Zues. The face of all the children rest in his head he closes his eyes and shakes the image from his mind just for it to be replaced by the monastary burning. Stop her, stop her STOP HER"NO!!!!!!!!!!!" He rushes striking Fu Mei in the back of the head causing her to fall to all fours, "Goood, gooood, HIT ME.... HIT ME" He strikes again and again and again. Some blows landing true others blocked by her magical armor but nothing deters him. Not the gruesome blood or the cackling of joy, or even at the point the laughter is choked off by the blood he continues until...there is nothing. She lay not moving. He had done it. He stopped her.
Grabbing her left foot he drags her back to camp not caring about the trail he left. THough not physically wounded he felt torn and his spirit broken. Even as the men cheered to celebrate praising the Aegis of Hope Lucian didn't feel...anything.
Galan coming out to see what the celbration was for sees something move in the dark distance. Then an explosion...