Saturday, September 20, 2008

The sounds of War

It was Deafening... the sound of Death. Luckily, Bob had found a spot to hide away. He was tucked away underneath a collapsed tent unable to see what was happening, yet they could not see him either which meant for now he was safe. He didn't need to hear it to know what was happening-- He could hear it. Steel striking steel, not the pleasant sound of steel on steel he was familar with from his forge back home this was angry. Screams and groans fought with the sound of steel as the most dominate sounds. There were also roars. He remembered the other wordly roars of the demons that fought with the Doomguard from the last time they attacked, and he remembered hoping to never hear them again, but he was not that lucky he heard them now and it made him shiver. Dear Zues, never let my children hear these sounds.

The stomping of feet on ground competed with the noise of a distant battle as Strife marched with the milita. They had just seen explosions ahead, "Sir we should swing around and try to flank the enemy." He said, almost ordered, the Commander. The Commander was some rich nobles kid looking for adventure. When the news reached TradeCity there was no army between the DoomGuard and our homes someone had the bright idea to band together shop owners and dock workers into a milita. They were a sad lot Strife thought, with no armor most had swords but not all knives and torches. Strife easily considered himself the best warrior in the group, years of living and performing in the arenas required he be better than most other men, it was that or die. Though untrained, 8000 men should be able to help tip the scales of whatever battle was being wagged. They were close enough now he could hear the screams of war. Thanking Aries he had the privilage to hear such a sound again, he closed his eyes and heard the crowd cheering for him as steel struck steel and opponents begged for mercy or screamed in attempts to chase away the Angel of Death.

The woosh of twirling blades was ignored as Drakus's axe found its mark again. All he saw now was rage and battle. Blood splashed on his armor as the skulls of his enemy split. He hardly had time to slash one enemy before another one took his place. A grimlock passes Drakus as he's distracted in dispatching an Ice Troll. Turning to drive his ax through the spine of the Grimlock he leaves himself open for a shot under the ribs then another. Turning he strikes right under the armor of a charging Doomguard getting his Axe wedged. In attempt to loose it and rip through the body of his victim, he pulls with all of his might. The axe come free but from his hand. Drakus lunges for his lost weapon and is swarmed in an attack of blades, spears, and teeth. In a whirlwind, his battle rage strikes a Minitaur with so much force the bull man explodes. He was know covered in blood and a lot of it was his own. His vision begain to cloud and arms felt week. Today is a good day to die, he thinks as he raises his axe one last time.

Galan hears the screams his companions to his left and right as he desperately tries to save as many as he can. The moan of every one of his men that he let die would be heard over and over for the rest of his life. Though that may only be a couple of moments. Galan strikes a troll 3 times who had just lifted a solider over his head and snapped in half. Striking again and again, he stops taking the time to carefully plan his strikes. He remembers his Grandmaster training slow is smooth and smooth is fast, take time aim your attacks. Making an effort to make every strike count he slows and slips past the defeneses of a drow warrior dropping her to the ground. His attacks were not as fast as some for his great two handed sword and aged muscles moved slower but they nearly always killed what they hit. A Doomguard slipped past him, then another. He had to be smooth and fast. Taking down what looked to be an elf, he takes several strok strikes from a couple of axes and a sword. His kness begin to buckle. Lightning flashes from a mage. He pulls up his holy blade and the Lightning seems to be absorbed by it. Though he is not as lucky with the well calcuated archer's arrow. "Tyre receive my soul." He mutters digging deep into his faith to find the strength to stand just a little longer.

Jeric heard nothing. He moved in a trance; he was no longer aware of his surroundings he was one with them. His actions were fast and precise and powerful. Doomguard fell before him. The meditation was taxing every swing of a sword at him was blocked everyone that squared off against him died faster than they could set their stance. The only wavering to his perfect force enduced trance was the sight of Drakus wavering. He's going to die. Jeric wills himself high into the air and over to his comrade. They had travelled the world together with the seeker of truth and faced man demon and worse together, Drakus would not fall this day not if Jeric still had strength. Jeric reached out as if to strike Drakus and when he touches the champion of Truehammer, Drakus finds himself invegorated wounds cleansed adn healed as if he had spent a year rejuvenating. Jeric looks back to his post and sees it now over ran with Doomguard. He leaps soaring through the air arriving back to his post to see the gate he was guarding had been over ran mages slain and gate inoperative. All he could do now was continue to fight.

A wyvern's scream pierces the air as Lucian and the Skyriders move to engage. Well trained and disciplined the Skyriders create and hold a pattern to contain the enemy. Only a dull thud reflects the impact of a spear to a skyriders chest. The Paladin falls form his mount but the formation holds and Lucian engages. His griffon dives at just the right moment giving maximum force to his blow. A crushing strike that renders the wyvern rider worthless. From his angle he can see the whole battle field. The mages have 2 of the three gates operating. Dwarves and soliders from the Crystal Empire are charging through. Dieing in droves just being mowed down by Doomguard yet the free people of the world were gaining ground-- slightly. He also sees the Center of the human line buckling. Not many humans left at all. Galan! Luian orders his sky riders to follow and dives into the fray. Lucian calls out striving to be heard above the fray, "GALAN!" Then twisting on his mount just at the border of where his skill will let him stay in flight and reaches. Extending his faith Great Father give him grace, Lucian touches Galan renewing his strengh and with divine power healing some of his wounds. Each of the skyriders follow and do the same. Galan feels himself empowered and fresh moving to fight back the tide of monsters before him.

The heavy breathing of panic was the sound coming from nearly every man around him. It took longer than Strife had hoped but the milita was now in place to flank the enemy and the commander called charge. A portion of the Doomguard had broken off roaring and snarling howling and screaming they were charging to intercept the militia. "HOLD!" Strife screamed as the avalance hit. Men were literally thrown twenty feet into the air so strong was the charge. The snap of bow strings signaled the archers took their volley. Arrows, swords and men bounced off Doomguard armor. Panic turned to fleeing. Strive saw the first man break rank and new it was over. WIth in moments the men were scattering or begging the Doomguard for mercy, mercy they would never find. This was lost before it was began. Sheep should stay in their pasture and let the dogs fight the wolves. Strive thought and then he fled as well.

"Fall back mages to teleport you need you to guard more gates on the far side." Raquels voice was heard among the choas as if he stood right next to Galan. With out question the Paladin moved to obey falling back into the ranks of soliders now several thousand strong as they had poured through the gate.

"Take the skyriders over and cover the mages setting up gates on the far side." Raquels voice was now heard in Lucian's hear. Confused He orders the Skyriders to follow and races over the sea of destruction. As they race appearing over head with no sound to explain it was a Crystal Empire war ship. The Crystal Empire was know through out the world for their core of Mages that were far above anything else in the planet. They had created ships that sloated above the Earth and flew like a Pegasus, fired lightning and fire from above. And this one did. No sooner did it arrive then fire and death rained from it to the Doomguard below.

The moan of a fallen enemy had become a familar sound but never a sound Drakus would tire of hearing. Just as he had fell another challenger he found himself somewhere new. To his left were 2 Skyriders and Lucian. To his right Galan, who looked a little worse for wear. Behind him were Mages setting up teleport gates. Lucian called out, "Hold the LINE" Sky riders begin drawing and firing arrows as fast as they could but Drakus knew blades not bows would decided the day. Taken me from my home, slain my brothers beside me, destroy them kill them ALL. Consumed by the rage with in him Drakus let out a war cry to shake mountians and slid the battle axes in his hands. You want war? HERE I AM. He hit them. Charging the force of his blades were that of Aries himself. Goblin, drow, troll, Medusa, pit Fiend it was all the same --enemy, and they would all meet the same fate -- Death.

Lucian heard the hum of the teleport gate. Thats one. The sound was followed by more sounds Calvary of Talyun chargining through the gate into the fray. Lucian beats back a Grimlock that would have slipped through but leaves himself open. The sky rider to his right blocks a would be fatal blow to Lucian from a Lizard mans spear but to do so leaves himself exposed to another's spear which pierced his heart.

A dragon's roar fills the air and masked the sounds of choatic destruction surround them. From a newly openned teleport gate flew a massive Grey Dragon and a smaller Silver. That was followed by arrows from Grey Haven elven archers. Jonathan the Rock Greyfoot had arrived. Galan chuckled and almost dismissively thought, He'll say that he did the whole thing himself, but I'm grateful he's here.

In silence, Raquel carefully watched the illusion of the battle field Vadella projected before him. He had here put up a cone of silence around them so as to not be distracted by the local noise and focus on the entire layout of the battle field. With a smile, "All three gates are up on the opposite side and Jonathan brought enough firepower to balance this out." Wiping the collection of stray thin blond hair from his face, he watched the Doomguard pull back to a defensive line as they realized they were surrounded. How many lives had that cost. He refused to think that, not now at least their would be time for mourning soon. Bravery had made it possible for the the free people of the world to stand against this foe, but they would need much more if his true goal was to be achieved. The great battle, the battle of faith still lay ahead. Turning to Vadellya, "Send messages to the leaders stop everyone stop hold position, and the leaders should report to me immediately." Smiling, "Thank you Vadellya, all of our efforts will be rewarded if we have faith but a little longer. Stay true, the hardest is coming."

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