Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Maximum Conquest
Never against the same opponent either. The land here held a huge collection of various tribes, creatures and so forth all with their different strengths and weaknesses. He could fight hordes of skeletal undead in the morning and then repeal an attack of ogres over lunch and then end the day slaughtering an enclave of drow. It was marvelous.
Yet for all the disorganized savagery and wildness of the wilds many of the captured natives reported that nearly every tribe and settlement sought the approval and guidance of the Druid Council. It appeared to be the closest thing to a government this rabble had. Naturally it was his target. Lord Captain Raz Guz had obtained the location of the grove from a Wemic King which surrendered to him and on Maximus's orders had been burning forest and putting pressure from the north. Maximus have left the 3rd way gate with his polished Draconian forces and would approach from the south. Today was a day bards would sing of.
"Scouts reports the Gibberling horde is over 200 strong and charging this direction as if in stampede." His officer reported.
"Good let them come. No quarter only if the druids realize they can not surrender will they muster all their strength to meet us, it will allows us to destroy all of their forces and break their spirits at once instead of over time." He replied.
"Yes my lord the order is given."
"Form up the men standard legion line." He only had 50 men with him and gibberlings could easily overwhelm in mass but they would break against his lines. He thought about bringing more but there was no more. He had to protect all of the held territories which were all under heavy assault almost constantly. He preferred this as the victory would be more dramatic. Blood and glory.
The officers issued the orders. The men took the standard legion formation standing shoulder to shoulder then every other men took one step backwards making a jagged line. The gibberinglins came out of the tree line hurried and raving. Crude shields and daggers were the only armaments they had.
"Javelin loose." The front line of men threw their short weighted javelins into the horde. It did not slow the horde nor did it kill many as their shields absorbed the attacks. However, the shield plus the weight of the javelin made it to heavy to lift so shields were dropped or drug.
"Draw swords." The men all drew their short swords and stood unmoving a wall against a wave.
The gibberlings collided like a charging torrent. The charged so fast they wedged themselves in the gaps between the men's staggered formation. Exactly as planned. The men took their drawn swords and stabbed to their right holding their shields firm in front. The gibberlings were busy trying to take down the shield in front of them and with their own shields weighed down they were open targets. Every gibberling that had filled the gaps died to be replaced with new screaming masses and killed again, again again and again. It was that way until the bodies were too much for the gibberlings to continue to fit in the gaps.
A trumpet sounded signalling the changing of formation. The front row of the staggerred formation took 4 steps backward now inverting the stagger. It created new gaps for the gibberlings to fill and they did. The cycle of death repeated.
Soon the horde was thinned. So much so the gibberlings tried to disengage and retreat from Maximus's unbreakable wall. He gave the signal and another trumpet signal caused all the men to kneel. This revealed a row of archers with arrows drawn. They loosed in perfect unision exercising a wave of death into the crowd just above the helmets of the kneeling men.
The gibberlings fled in terror and panic only to find Maximus's final trap. The ground behind the horde had been changed to mud. The gibberlings were paniced but after the first dozen or so had been caught in the trap they turned to try and fight their way free. A trumpet signalled the charge of his small calvary force which had till now hid in the trees. The demoralized gibberlings easily fell in unorganized masses. After the charge only a few panicked wounded survivors remained. A final trumpet signal and the sword men charged to rush overwhelm and dispatch the remaining filth.
It took only a few minutes to wipe up the few that were left and kill the wounded.
The sun was setting as he met Raz Guz and his forces on the edge of the grove. Maximus had them from all sides now. "Lord Captain Raz Guz come with me King Scourge as well. We'll go meet the besieged Druids and negotiate their surrender. Hopefully they refuse and we can burn this down and be done with it. But I have to offer because their surrender could mean endorsement of us to the natives and an easier subjection."
He rode in on his black stallion adorned with the armor of a General of Dragon gleaming in the evening sun. His lords flanked him as he strode into the center of their stone henge and surveyed what he considered now to be his. On the far end of the stone circle was a bound druid. Raz guz's men had taken the grove earlier reports said they only found one druid. Maximus wondered if Raz Guz was lieing, it seemed his nature to do so but it did not matter the field was his. He dismounted and strode to the captive his black cape only slightly ruffling.
"You are beaten, these lands are mine. Concede them to me and you will find me merciful, resist and you will find your life forfeit and this grove burned to ash."
He responded with surprising serenity, "The sun may set and for a period darknest night, only to again welcome the suns rise and warmth of day. If you are the herald of such night then I welcome you. If death take me then I welcome it. To fight such is as foolish as to fight against winter."
"Your sun may set buy mine rises and as far as that sun reaches will answer to Maximus the terrible, Maximus the fierce, Maximus the MIGHTY. That sun rises for me now."
"It rises for us all. You and me."
"Enough tree loving nonsense druid where are the others?"
"The leaves go as the wind blows."
Striking him hard in the gut, "I can make you talk pains and torture you could never experience in the company of butterflies and squirrels."
"Pain is life. It helps us know joy as joy helps us know pain."
"ENOUGH!!! The natives here seem to think you are pretty important. A king Maker is what Scourge calls you. You made his brother king instead of he. Well I made him king. Of the two of us only one could enforce our strength. However, it would save many of the lives of the natives if you simply proclaimed me the ruler of all under heaven. I would let you join my court and live a very comfortable life hugging whatever tree you prefer."
A new voice spoke. From one of the trees, "Strength does not make one a king. No more than wings make a bird a cloud. To be in the same space as a cloud does not mean you are a cloud. To sit on the same throne of a king does make make you a king. Only the wisdom and love for your people can do that." It was an Ent. A very old ent by the looks of it, "The virtue of strength will fail. Galendriel's followers love her. Love is greater than strength she will never fall to you."
Maximus turned to the ent, "Who is Gallendriel? The Grand Druid?"
The tree laughed or so he thought, "No She is the Crimson Queen by right. She will restore Hyrule the land of her fathers. The land that you stand on is rightfully ruled by her."
"Where is she?"
"I do not know where my friend is." It was a long pause. Maximus began to wonder if the tree had fallen asleep.
"Cut it down and burn it. Burn it all down. We'll take the Druid back to the citadel in the city and make him talk." General Maximus gave the order. "Yes general." Was all Raz guz said and it was done. The orc charged in biting gnawing hacking burning. In a few moments the most sacred of spaces was defiled ruined and destroyed.
Before he teleported back with his captive and prize he spoke to Raz Guz, "You did well to find this place. Your Talents should be rewarded. I name you Lord Captain Commander. Your voice is now second only to my own. I have a new task for you Commander. Find anything you can on this Gallendriel and Hyrule. If you find her tell her I will gladly meet her in open battle to determine the fate of rulership of this land. I will also take her surrender. When the druid breaks and gives us more information I'll send a messenger to you."
"Yes General" was all he said in return.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Draconia's Manifest Destiny
Our borders are extending by the blood and steel of conquest. Our city has been fortified to be as near impregnable as can be made. The goblin hordes secure the northern mountains for three days travel. Our forces have establishments and forts built around every Way Gate through Draconia.
Commander Raz Guz of the Goblin Horde has secured Way Gate 3 and subjugated a Wemic Tribe into our service. The area is secure within 2 days ride of the gate in any direction. This is an extremely valuable gate as it has vast amounts of lumber and fertile ground our patrols protect the large amounts of lumber shipments needed to build the growing city.
Way Gate 4 is secured by Captain Antillies whose fort blocks and secures the mountain pass. To the west we have secured and have a small wood picket along the northern edge of a large lightly forested area which is idea for farming. The potential for sustainable food has been deemed a priority so I have ordered several centuries to secure the northern edge of the controlled territory. Due to its open nature it is much more difficult to defend so it requires many more men. I have relied heavily on goblinoids to make up for manpower shortages as with other areas.
The kingdom of Draconia will stretch from the mountains to the sea as we destroy the vile beasts that currently call it home. Reports of come in of small pockets or villages of elves and drow both sparsely populating the region. Interrogations of these hostiles have revealed the only things close to legitamite authority rests in the Druid council though the location of there grove is a secret.
It is my intention to find the grove and destroy it preventing the monsters from uniting against us.
I pray my actions bring strength and honor to Draconia as we bath her in the blood of our enemies.
Underworld Summary
The UPC negotiations to end the hostilities between Cyrodil and Geneva were successful but barely. Dante managed to insult and anger the Dwarven Genevan representative so deeply he swore by all his ancestors to drink Dante's blood. The conflict was resolved because Cyrodil dissapearred. The ambassadors confessed that Dante was the highest ranking Cyrodil noble they could find and swore their loyalty to him. He sent the airships away from Geneva and apologized for Cyrodil's actions. He ordered them to protect enron from the coming Grey Haven invasion.
Dante then went to the underworld to find Vadellya waiting with Logar. There was a prophecy from a seeress named Bella that spoke of how Jonathan the ROck greyfoot and Khan would use the antilife equation to take over the underworld shades and open the red prison. The events of prophecy started to come true so Dante and many other followers of death gods were sent to the underworld to help.
Dante met Raziel who behaved like a lunitic talking to people who weren't there standing up and walking off or even disapearing at random times. Raziel argued with Luther about the killing of Johnathan. Raziel claimed in the vision it was Johnathan's death that broke the red prison. Luther claimed Bella could not be trusted he had a life time of study on these prophecies and destiny and the Rock had to die. In the middle of the arguement Raziel just walked off and Luther went to kill the Rock.
Vadellya and Dante discussed what to do when the red prison opened. They rushed to the scene to see hundreds of Luther's dragons fighting the titans barely keeping them at bay with the help of angels and demi gods alike. Dante found the body of Johnathan and was convinced healing it would save the day. Raziel just showed up healed him as requested and then walked off.
The healing sealed the red prison doors again. Then the anti-life left all the shades and Khan approached Dante. They made a peace where Khan told him everything. Ishmael captured their souls and turned them evil controlling them to open the Red Prison to give the dark one an army to fight against Zeus. Dante trusted him and trying to get back to Logar let Khan look after the Rock. Khan killed him activated the antilife in all the shades and hid in the crowd.
Eventually Vadellya brings Logar into the frey who has to believe either Khan, who says it is Dante bringing Johnathan back to life that is opening the red prison or Dante who says the rock has to live to keep the prison shut. Because of Vadellya's words Logar choses Dante. Healing the Rock closes the prison again there is a short battle and Khan is subdued and Luther is cast out of the underworld heavily thanked and rewarded for leading the Dragons in battle against the titans.
For solving the puzzle and figuring out how to win Dante is offered a god wish from Hades and Paladine. He wishes to be the undisputed ruler of the Grey Haves free of any mortal or divine control and loyal subjects. It is granted. He teleports back to the grey havens as a half Gold dragon (no longer shadow dragon) and undisputed king. He recalls the invading army and Geneva concedes their succession making them legitimately independent. He then goes to speak with his estranged wife Princess of the Grey Haven's. Has her kidnapped and searched, the guards find a dark friend stone on her. He orders her to be taken to the Temple of Logar for judgment and she implores him to show mercy because she is carrying his child.
The End.
The Games they play
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Mallory's seduction
"She can't do it, its impossible." One of the other cast members said. The little brat was her understudy, like Mallory needed an understudy. That girl thought she could sing but was more acurate to say she was just really good at carrying Mallories bag. If that brat thought she couldn't do it she would. Mallory stood up her head only slightly spinning. "Hold it up." Ragu help up a champagne glass. Mallory did her best to guess the distance he was standing and the size of the glass. With how blurry her vision is she may have to try several notes.
She breathed in deeply and starting and to resonate a full chested note. She rose the note a half step at a time until the glass shatterred. Everyone clapped and laughed.
The brat spoke againk, "I can hit that note too, you said she could break it first note."
Mallory fumed at such insolence. If her vision wasn't so blurry she could have measured better, "Another one." Ragu found another glass and held it up. She breathed in and sang shattering the glass first note. "Fill it with something." Ragu put brandy in it. Mallory licked her lips inhaled and sang a slightly different note adjusting for the volume of the brandy causing the glass to shatter on the first note. Every laughed and cheered except the brat.
Mallory took note of all the glasses in the room and stumpled around taking the corks off of corked bottles as everyone laughed and started to go on with their party. If that brat thinks she can sing like me. Mallory began singing each not perfectly calculated to shatter a different glass in the room at the various distance and volumne of liquid. The notes she sang did not work together for musical harmony but they broke every glass containter in the room in order starting from her immediate left circling around the room and ending with the glass the brat was holding.
Everyone was silent and Mallory's voice was raw her chest devoid of breath. They all just blinked and looked up at her their ears must have been ringing from all those high Cs she hit. The look on the brat's face was hilarious. Mallory began to giggle and then laugh. She laughed so hard that the room began to spin and she fell down. She must have looked so clumpsy the thought of it made her laugh even more and soon the whole room was laughing.
The party ended, and she went back to her room. WIth out doubt Ragu was going to want to spend the night with her. That boy dressed well and while he couldn't keep up with her vocally he could sing in his own right, but she was too messed up to play with him tonight. She was tired and thought about sleeping. She both loved and hated the dreams that sleeping brought.
She was alwas misunderstood and unappreciated. Her talent never recognized or praised as it should be until she found the Balad of Darkness. He seemed so dark and powerful, she related to the character and even leaned on it for strength. Through he struggles she felt much like Darkness. The coven found her and brought her in. They were dark and beautiful powerful and for the first time appreciated her gift as it should be. But it went too far. It was not a song or a ballad, real people really died, Real monsters really shredded the flesh from real people who did nothing to them. And real paladins went in to kill every one of them. She was grateful to be rescued from the world she had fallen too deeply into but she also missed it - especially her.
Thinking about Tatyana alway made her happy. The Paladins had with out a doubt killed her and that was perhaps the greatest tragedy of all. Lately she had start to dream of her again. There was also another, one who taught her songs to sing. One who in her dreams she had loved many times. He was beautiful in the dark entrancing way, she loved him, but he frightenned her. Would she ever escape the dark world of her past? did she want to?
Then he spoke. He voice rang through her room calling for her. It was unfortunate that Ragu chose the same moment to try and come to her room. He started spewing sonnets about how she was beautiful blah blah blah. He confused the loved they had i the play with her true affection, though he was good for nights at a time she grew tired of his need to be with her. And now the voice called her. It was different than in the dreams it felt real.
She wasn't asleep so it must have been the moon sugar. But she moved forward as if compelled. It was the same figure from her dreams wearing his mask and his eye pierced her soul beckoning her to follow wherever he may lead. THe moonsugar certainly was working on her mind as the cnaldels moved and the bowels of the opera house seemed to live.
(Could not embed the video must go to youtube to watch)
Numb yet more alive than she had ever been she sat paralyzed by fear a looked up at the phantom she called him. He spoke and in her mind she heard his beautiful words turn to music.
She did sleep. But their visit did not stop. He taught her new songs. Songs that could captivate souls, Songs that would use every once of her ability and songs that would get her the recognition she deserved. And most importantly it was what the phantom wanted.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Great King Scourge
Even after you're gone
Nathan heard the morning larks begin to sing, It's six a.m. It felt a million miles away from where he's been.
He took his sword out from its scabbard to check the edge. He may not be so paranoid to sleep in his armor but he also was not so foolish to not sleep with his sword in a vampire den. Despite the undead touch on everything they actually lived in a fair amount of style and luxury. There were satin curtains hanging from the marble archway over the large window. It had a comfortable bed a small table and well stocked with human food. He had his eggs and pancakes too. Even maple syrup, everything but her.
She would come every day in the early evening when the evening was cool. He would always smell her first. Her smell still hung in the air from last nights visit. It was a cool honey and lavender smell which made him feel warm comfortable and truly happy.
He broke the yokes and thinking of her smell made a happy face. I kinda like it in this brand new place. When they would talk he found it hard not to be entranced by her voice and lulled into her spell. He wiped the spots of the mirror he used to remind him she was a vampire. He checked the lock and made sure it was still sound. Don't leave the key in the door. The urge to do so and allow her free entrance into the room pulled on him. He wanted her to come back to be with her to look upon her.
Because the dream lasts for so long even after she was gone. He could see in how she looked on him that she loved him. And soon she would see he was meant for her and she was meant for him.
Lana was left strolling the streets of Oa. Kaeden had told her that her neurotic pacing and screaming at them for not working fast enough was not helping. They all practically kicked her out and forbid her from returning. They said she needed to take a day and calm down. What was she suppose to do. Nathan was in the den of the harpy and they were all content to sit around and think about where he was. They should be doing something. She was not sure what but she was sure there had to be something Kaeden could do that he was not.
She placed in her hair the ivory comb Nathan had given her and went for a walk. She ate and ordered a drink they had shipped in from the Dwarven mountians-- Coffee, but it didn't want to talk.
Oa was becoming an international center with rumors and news abounding. To clear her mind she picked up a news bulletin, it was more mad news. Looks like all over the world more hearts had been broken and more people being used. Then it started raining. She pulled up her cloak and went into one of Oa's theater houses and saw a show. She hoped it would take her mind of things but it just wasn't the same. Because rather it was happy or sad, she clutched the comb tight in her hands, It made me miss you oh so bad. Because Dreams last for so long, even after your gone. I know you love me. And I hope soon you will see I was meant for you and you were meant for me. She sat the comb down on her night stand and allowed herself one tear.
It was late into the night now, he thought she would let the human sleep. He did not know what she wanted. It seemed like more than just one of her conquests. She laughed at his council and seemed even flustered around him. It had been a long time since she was so happy. Perhaps she would use him to free her from Darkness, or perhaps she would do what Darkness ordered her to and turn him then have him kill Lana. Darkness's will did not matter to him, but he did hope she followed it, it would be much easier to protect her if she did.
He went about his normal business as they talked, patrolling and ensuring she was safe. It was his jump and he was fine with that. Besides, he did not even know what he would tell her if he could. Nathan was laughing at some comment she made. She then said she was cold despite the fire and Nathan offered his coat and even put his arm around her as if to shelter her.
It was the same old story, he did not have much to say, Hearts are broken everyday.
At long last the night came to an end and she left him. He led her to her coffin and opened it even helped her inside. It was like electricity pulsing through him when she touched him, if he received nothing else that was payment in full for the day of service. "I'll extinguish the lamps, I know you hate it when I leave the light on." He closed her coffin savoring the last moment that her beauty fed his eyes.
He took a deep breath and a good look around. Tightening the latches on his armor he climbed into his bed half alive but with out her mostly dead. He tried to tell himself it would be all right. I just shouldn't think anymore tonight. He sat up and look longingly as her coffin and remembered those 6000 thousand years ago when she looked on him the way she looked upon the captured paladin. He knew he could have that again. The dream had lasted so long even after she cast him away. I know you love me, and soon you will see, you were meant for me. And I was meant for you.
Tatyana did not sleep, her excitement over meeting Nathan and basking in his goodness enlarged her heart and soul. When she was sure Tyros would be sleeping she opened her coffin and glided through the fortress to Nathan's room. She had tried to come before with out being under the watchful eye of Tyros but Nathan always had his door locked. She could have broken through but then she would surely be discovered and while Darkness wanted Nathan broken he was not willing to share her to do it. The man was a monster and did not love her. He only kept her because she was useful and more than that because other's wanted her.
She tried to handle and found the door unlocked. Curiously she pushed into the room and found the key had been left in the lock. Maybe he forgot? She floated to where he slept and stroking his hair she began to sing,
You were meant for me and I was meant for you.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
An End A begining

Through her prayer she heard the words truth and compassion and Hope. She opened her eyes to see Nathan standing tall and statuesque raising the seeker sword to the now star filled sky. The sword emitted a light that bathed them all in warmth. It was unlike the warmth of the Deseret around them. It was a comforting warmth that spoke to the very inside of one's soul. He had found her hope and it was him.
Oaths of Lightning
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Bring Hope to those who have none
Forget these wide eyed fears
I'm here, nothing can harm you
My words will warm and calm you
Let me be your freedom
Let daylight dry your tears
I'm here, with you, beside you
To guard you and to guide you"
Say you need me with you, now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
That's all I ask of you"
You're safe, no one will find you
Your fears are far behind you"