Monday, August 15, 2011

Ganon rebellion part eleven (history of hyrule)

Tatyana kneeled next to the charred body of tyros.  He had protected her well.  Monster or not he did his duty, he loved her. As much as that upset her she also needed his sword in case the monster ganon returned.

She looked down at his charred body. Bones shown through the cooked off flesh. She held up her new jar. She kept the hearts of everyone she once loved to remember. She wanted to remember how it felt to be loved by a good man, a great man. The better the man the better it felt. The jar which held the heart of the man who loved her just moments ago was half full of blood. She looked at it then down at tyros. His was the first heart she collected. Part of the strange ritual that made him her bride. It was all backwards but that is how derrick described it when he did it to her and she did not know any other way to say it. She thought she loved him then. She knew she needed tyros now. She poured the liquid from the jar and heart into the deformed mouth and cooked flesh. As soon as the life giving blood touched tyros flesh, the flesh began to heal. Muscles stretched and expanded over the raw chunks of bone. Tendons and fibers stretched to give strength and shape to his body. His eyes, which had been opened because the flesh had been seared off, sparked to life. He was sitting up and trying to stand before the layers of cold white skin could finish covering him. Cold and hard he looked to her and simply asked , "are you unharmed?" She nodded. He was quick efficent and perfect clearing the area and escorting her away, not even stopping for the feeding he desperately needed because he loved her more than he loved himself. And she hated him for it.

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