The cape was his, Tyros destroyed, his brother dead and Tatyana having already fled things were going very well. Mervic had the staff of kings, he would get it from him and rebuild his new kingdom. The virtue of Strength demanded he eliminate any rival and the virtue of zeal demanded he do so quickly. He needed Mervic to get the staff and to awaken the Golemns, He also needed to pursue Tatyana and ensure she never returned. Then the only contender for power would be his daughter that he could instruct in the new virtues.
What if she did not believe these new virtues? What if she allowed Hyrule to become weak again. The virtue of strength should be upheld at all costs. He considered his situation carefully. He would live forever with the blood of the demon king in him, he did not need an heir. She would only bring those who wanted the old virtues together to oppose him. If he was to have order he could not have her. It was not a great loss, the virtue of utility demanded everything have a purpose and she did not have one.
Tyros led Tatyana north as fast as they could travel. Moving in bat form was faster over the rough terrain but whenever the terrain was even the moved so fast on foot they would outpace their bat forms. So they traveled quickly alternating between forms and taking no time to rest. They reached her entourage in two days.
The group was her inner circle of belongings. In addition to their hearts, all the men Tatyana loved provided her a child -- the unloved. They were unloveable monsters, manifestations of the evil of their fathers. Tyros's son was a winged animal creature.
Sylvia was Xio Long's daughter. Perpetually 8 years old with greasy hair and pale skin. She never spoke but used her mind -- like her father.
It disgusted Tatyana to look at or remember them. So she stopped thinking about them and moved on. They were her children and any good mother would take care of them as she had but they disgusted her deeply.
The rest were the highest ranks of those she had made immortal. Selene Stargazer was once a royal ranger who served the Crimson Prince. Her loyalty to Tatyana surpassed her companions and was therefore rewarded with a closeness to Tatyana. Tatyana loved her smooth delicate skin.
They all traveled as a group now. Tyros had expected them to be found and slain by the monster Ganon. "He must have been distracted." He said evenly. "Let us hope his distraction keeps his attention long enough for us to get into the pass. Despite the fact they will slow us down their skills may help if he does catch us." It was always about protection and efficiency with him. She was grateful for as long as he thought about those sorts of things, she did not have to. However, this was different, for the first time he was truly concerned. He protected her and executed her wishes before but it was all just a game, she was never in real danger. Never...until now.
She watched as Tyros took the form of a wolf and howled into the night. It was faint in the distance but the howl was returned. Breaking through the still star-filled the howl may have terrified mortals but it was different to her ears. It meant hope.
They continued north.
He traveled north to pursue Tatyana and to find Mervic. In two longs days, he found Mervic alone, not with golems has he had hoped. Ganon adjusted the crimson cape to emphasize who he know was. "I hope you have results." Ganon said unable to mask the anger in his voice. Mervic replied nervously. "No, my lord. The statues were soul bound to you, you have a different soul, nothing can be done. Unless we find a way to remove the Demon's connection to you. There maybe a way, at the tomb of King Hyrule there are silver arrows enchanted with a special..."
"I do not need help, I will not sever my connection with the Demon King. He has given me strength -- the greatest of all virtues. Before, him I was a weakling with a clouded view of what Hyrule needs."
Defiantly he spoke up, "And what does Hyrule need? To trade one Tyrant for another. Please Mandrake you must still be in there somewhere listen to me. We have accomplished our goal we can fix this and restore the virtues please." That last part sounded a pleading.
Ganon was surprised to hear a name he no longer recognized. Was that his name? Yes it is my name. This is not what I wanted. Tatyana is fleeing I can let her go and rebuild, I should not let hatred drive me.
But what about order, another voice answered, you were too weak to enforce it before. Mervic now questions us. He stands in the way of order. He has the staff and your daughter. His ploys and plots never stop, he is after the cape. Yes the cape. He has always wanted it, this entire epic ordeal with the cold ones, the escape the war the demon king its all so he can get the cape. He is evil, he destroyed Hyrule.
He is the enemy.
Opening his eyes Ganon realized he had been mumbling to himself. His eyes fixed on Mervic steel with resolve. "Where is my daughter?"
Confused by the seeming change of subject he was flustered because now he knew that Ganon knew his plots. He said again, "Where is Galendriel?"
"She is safe as you asked me to make her my Lord."
"You tricked me into giving that order and now I am changing it. Tell me."
"My Lord, we should be focused on other matters."
Ganon full of rage extended his claws dripping with poison and shoved the spikes into Mervic's ribs. "The poison will kill you in a couple of days. You can chose to tell me or you can chose to die. Your plot is over. Tell me where she is. NOW!"
Wincing in pain Mervic fell to the ground his walking staff rolling away from him. Saddness colored his eyes despite the paleness taking to his face. "Very well, may mercy forgive me. I find regret even in the truth of the lies. We lied to each other thinking we could control the demon king. The truth is we have become the monsters."
Ganon kicked him in the face breaking his nose. Sniffing the blood, "I'll take you. You have proven the virtue of strength well enough my lord. She is north just beyond the world of Hyrule in the High Mountains. It is now filled with Giants who have migrated from the west."
"Enough, take me there. First her and then we discuss the staff. Lets hope you live long enough to give me what I need."
He new they may need them. A vast assortment of monsters and creatures have been entering Hyrule through this pass. They had to be coming from some extremely untamed land. What reports he could gather from the creatures all referred to a man and his army chasing them out of their homes clearing land for their people. The descriptions were of a brave strong and valiant individual. He was the type of man that did not tolerate the immortals.
Whatever lay beyond that pass would be safer for Tatyana than Hyrule, there were too many monsters in Hyrule.
Ganon looked at the cave entrance. Mervic said Gallendriel was in there, they had travelled a couple of days Mervic being dragged by Ganon over the rocky broken terrain to the final point. It had come to this. Ganon had gathered the power to chase the cold ones from the land and now wanted to cement his rule as Mervic knew would happen.
This was why Gallendriel was hidden and the staff scattered. Ganon's pride and ambition drew him here. He would have to kill Gallendriel quickly to catch up to Tatyana now. He walked into the cave driven by zeal. Mervic smiled in wisdom as he appeared to follow him. With Gannon beyond the entrance and Mervic standing in it, Mervic opened a small vile. He poured the angel tears on the small altar he had previous built into the side of the cave entrance. In his haste, Ganon and not seen how Mervic had built a gate prison based on his study of the Demon King's prison.
The seal enacted immediately with Ganon trapped with in the mountain and Mervic outside it. He felt his stomach empty its contents to the ground as the poison continued to march him to death, but even that pain did not stop his satisfaction. Hyrule was now safe of the cold ones and of its demon blooded ruler. He was too weak to make the journey south and awaken Gallendriel, but she would eventually awaken and his enhancements would guide her to her destiny and to rebuild Hyrule.
He struggled to his feet and used magic to shape the stones around the cave entrance to hide the sealed demon. "I'm sorry Mandrake, my friend. What you did you did for your love of Hyrule as did I. Please see this is the only way. In this farewell there is no blood, no alibi. So let Mercy come and wash away what I've done. It was the only way."
The stones formed perfectly covering the hole in the rock. He fondly thought of his lost friend, "Put to rest what you thought of me while I clean this slate, with hands of uncertainty. Hyrule starts again and whatever pain may come, today this ends."
He stumbled back and left one more enchantment. He could not give up hope. If ever one most exemplified the virtues of Hyrule they could open the cave, perhaps that someone could still save Ganondorf from what he's become.
Exhausted by the strain of magic used he went to sick up again but found nothing left in his stomach. He began to cough and large masses of blood painted the ground. He laid down just to rest for moment. Though, he knew it was not for a moment. He closed his eyes and he heard something, maybe wolves or other beasts running past but he was too tired to even open his eyes. He passed to blackness with only the hope Hyrule could be rebuilt.
The elves had been massively depopulated. And while the new creation of Drow were strong there were small in number for the continuous waves of creature and monster that washed in like a waterfall from the north mountains. With out a leader, or organization the few bands and towns could not defend from these new threats or from the native dark creatures of the forest. In a generation that focused more on just surviving than educating their children the virtues and traditions of Hyrule nearly completely faded. The once great knowledges of science and magic and art and architectural where forgotten in the ruins of the once great elven cities.
Across the mountains the Human's flourished moving from hunter gathering nomadic tribes to eventually built their own empire based on commerce and trade. Some elven colonies escaped on boat and landed in the Enron woods to build a civilization with out central leadership and to be continually divided between supporting one noble or another.
The humans and the elves and the dwarves to the north all called the land that was once Hyrule an unclaimed and unexplored wilderness -- the Wilds. That is the scholars did, most thought as Hyrule did before that nothing existed behind the wall of the edge of the world.
All the while Gallendriel slept protected by enchantments so she could wait to be awoken at a time where it would be possible for her to rebuild Hyrule.
The End of the History of Hyrule
Lord Arvan dismounted his stead. Scouts had reported seeing a camp in the pass and he wanted to see it with his own eyes. Just over 6 feet tall he had to crouch not to be seen over the small trees and bushes. The reports said wolf beastly creatures and what looked like humans though pale. Arvan had fought his entire life to make the plains safe for his people. He had battled countless giants and with the Gods granting him power he had won impossible victories. Arvan and his men had made the land safe for his people, even constructed a fortress only a couple of miles back to prevent anything from coming back through the pass. All he had ever want was to serve, protect and help anyone in need, he had done so very well.
He was not sure if this group of travelers were more monsters or more likely someone who had come up here to find him looking for help. Either way, he needed to use caution.
He took to the top of one of the look out towers that were built through the pass. Each equipped with enough oil to burn a warning signal to the next tower, this way his men and he could communicate about threats that happened anywhere in the pass. At the look out point he returned the salute of the young solider and stepped onto the roof himself. He remained low hoping his armor did not shine too much of the moonlight.
He saw the small camp next to a little pool. The moonlight reflected off of it and shone upon her. She was bathing. The most lovely woman he had ever seen. Skin like white porcelain shiny red black hair and gorgeous flawless features, he could think of nothing else but the desire to be close to her. . .
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