And so it Came to pass she realized vanity and injustice of the gods did not justify her unjustice.
For a great space of time did she labor to fight the cursed Vegeta with sword and spell and all those who followed her banner. Yet in this her spirit was found wanting.
So it had been that she was raised by mortal made god, Logar Mogath, crowned a champion of good. Yet, his will fallible, and failed as all but the Red Saint's must. After much pain of soul she cried out and drove the demon hordes to the north sparing the innocents lives of the elves in the Grey Havens.
Yet to do so she fought among the unjust. Her heart pure but corrupted by her Demonic father a mortal made God, Malekite crowned champion of evil. His will fallible, unjustly claimed a title of Vegeta and drew conflict with Zyr. She fought with him seeing no other path to light.
And it Came to pass, that after many days she found the path to the Red Saint. Word of the victory of Justice rose from the south and drew the noble heart. It was upon the foundation stones of the new Crimson City she swore her loyalty to the only two things which are eternal-- The Law and the Harmonium.
Now clad in Armor of Red and with Sword of Might she leads the Imperial host and the Red Army.
And thus it was Lady Elaina Silvermoon Mogath become General Elaine 'the Reborn' 'the Red Paladin' Her army strong and her fury swift. Let angels attend her to the left and to the right. And Let all be subject to the Saint's justice.
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