She learned much of his strength. It was a rigid and self enforcing heirachy of followers all committed to law and justice, even the twisted brand the Red Saint pushed. They were disciplined and dedicated. Their magic very powerful for the chain and cages truly kept her bound. It was rare she was bound with out choice, yet from these bounds she could not escape, she would be set free. 
She learned where he was. From one camp to another they carted her, using established teleport gates to lead them to the ruins of what looked to be an elven city at the dead center of what was the Wilds, the Draconia, then Zys no man's land and now belonged to the Saint. Perhaps it was his anciently for all the stones were already a crimson red. It was old, not recently built, in fact it looked like most of it was dug up from under ground.
And now she would learn more. It was always with pillow talk that she learned the most. 
She was marched through large ornate hallways which seemed refashioned as catacombs, she enjoyed the juxtaposition of something so lovely covered by death. It was at long last she was led into what would look to be a temple if not for the entire lack of holy icons. It even had the feel of divine but not in its pure form. Compelled angels stood around her as guard. Obviously compelled they don't want to follow him, but are captured. Could be useful, the master could break that bound and give us allies if needed. Though a man who dare capture and compel angels would be an friend already.
She was compelled to stand before the judge.
Oh that is a secret the Master will love. He is a lich. And his staff bends arcane to filter the divine. Even undead as a male he will fall to me.
The Saint spoke in a calm and demanding tone, "You Samantha, a Succubuss of the Abyssal plane, stand before your judge accused of perversion, murder, seduction, possession, dishonesty, greedy, coveting, the inspiring of all lustful thoughts and unjustly tampering with moral affairs. How do you plead to the accusations?"
Now she could speak the game was over. Exhaling sulfur from her lords domain his power was able to breath through any wards around her. She smiled with her provocative smile and forced her compulsion upon him, choosing him as her singular male victim. It is over the Red Saint now joins Sithis.
"Almost satisfied but ever wanting more. Please Saint, bring me to Justice."
Her coy remarks fell upon unhearing ears. The Saint spoke, "The court reads your comments of an admission of guilt."
NO, the bound its not there. How???? He didn't even have to try and resist. I've captured stronger men, Tassadar, Dante. Its not because he's undead, I've courted many beyond their life. This is only possible if, "YOU ARE A WOMAN!!!!" Samantha called out startled by her own shock. Waves of shock rolled through the other angels and men attending court. Everyone appearred nearly flattened with utter surprise at the statement except the Saint himself who was steel and Exodus who appeared nervous and amazed. As if some great secret were just unveiled.
"The court finds no relevance to the accused outburst. Based on her admission she is found to be cooperative and therefore not destroyed but sentenced to a term of eternity with in the Tess-erect."
It was only after angels were fashioning new chains to her wrists and ankles did the she come back to reality. They were going to capture her, lock her away. Away from her master. Her nerves raced. This was not what was suppose to happen. Master would never learn what she had learned. The Saint was going to fall for me. Master would control him. I would be safe. Master said I would be safe. No its ok, I will die for the master. She had failed. She wondered for only a moment if Malekite had meant for this to happen. Perhaps she had displeased him in someway. It was then the chanting and the light consumed all her senses.
Then nothing. Perfect stillness.
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