Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Chronicles of the Red Paladin

And thus is was with quick and furious justice the Red army began to cleanse the ruined wastelands of old Babylon.  The wicked slaver Kazier fell to the blade of the Red Paladin and his forces destroyed in a day.  Angels filled the sky the wind carrying the sound of their trumpets. "Salvation has come, deliverance at last.  No longer in pain and suffering must you live, no longer as strangers on earth need you Roam.  Good tidings are sounding to you and each nation.  Shortly the hour of redemption will come."

The divine holy power of the Saint has healed the ground so crops may begin to grow.
The divine fury of the Paladin has eliminated the corrupt of heart creating a paradise now worthy of those who are worthy of it.

And thus we see the perfection of the Saints judgement.

And it came to pass that Babylon was renamed Millenia, for justice shall reign here for thousands of years.
With deliverance gained and granted the Red Saint and Army left Millenia to return to the front lines of their battle with the Accursed One Wing Angel.

And thus it was the Red Paladin, Slayer of Gods, Divine Tempest Lady Elaine Silvermoon came to rule and protect the struggling virgin land and charged with the duty to eliminate all unjustice from its neighboring Summeria.

It was there she encountered the honorless and heathen.  Those who dare in force to oppose the Saint and slay his angels.  They shall find as all do, that opposing justice is foolish.  Resistance is FUTILE.

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