Tuesday, May 21, 2013

No Secrets

The men came into the room.  6 of them all armed and armored.  They were not Shogun,they must be imperial, with some degree of influence to be in to see her.  They all new how to carry themselves but weren't hardened warriors.  They wouldn't need to be with her tied up and blocked by the Shogun masters.  She noticed the cobra head on the sword pommel and realized they were followers of the Nog venom cult.  My kind of people

Another man infinitely better dresses came in followed by a hooded priest to Nog.  He was very wealthy, and an elf use to getting what he wanted from his posture. He spoke first after a quick survey of the room, "Oh Raven Raven, how the mighty have fallen.  Everyone wants a piece of you.  The Shogun won't release you to my team regardless of the bribe, I'm surprised your alive as much as they fear you."

Raven looked up her arms still chained to the wall, "They lack the will to do what is necessary.  Several times my life has been in their hands and they don't have the stones to kill their enemy."

The man laughed, "Well I assure you, I don't have that problem.  Its just that you are not my enemy.  Though I think you know where he is.  You are direct and so am I? Balthier, whats he planning?"

"I don't know anything."

"I don't believe that.  I have ways to get the information even if you want to lie."

"Send a psionist into the mind of the Sith Empress.  That is more stupid than brave."

"I agree." In a flash he drew a dagger and stabbed her in the heart, "The dead can't lie."


The priest asked, "Where is Balthier?"

Raven's soul responded, "I last saw him in Dragon 1 day ago."

"Where is he headed,"

"I don't know, He wants to find a way to return the key to the Goddess Nocturn."

"Return it to where?"

"A hidden temple in the Darkwood infested by a zerg hive."

"What of his crew?"

"Mist is dead Souske and Kittiara have forsaken him.  He'll need new friends."


Raven woke up her wound in her chest healed but her body exhausted.  Killed me to interigate my spirit...I'm impressed.

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