Saturday, July 27, 2013

Babylon Assyria

"Men are born live and die like so many insects going about their short meaningless life with no regard to the beauty and history around them." - Seristique Elven scholar in an offical report to the Empress may she live forever summarizing her thoughts after surveying the lands of Babylon Summeria and Assyria. 

On the edge of the known world rests a group of fertile plains fed life by a pair of silt heavy rivers.  This land is the home to small nations of humans who seems to exist in the most primitive and slow of societies.  Mostly pessimistic people who live off of subsistence farming with no education of magic or even the basics to read and right.  With the exception of the few ruling elite these people could only hope to live another day.  
Two large cities did develop. Babylon to the south and Assyria to the north.  Babylon grew around the religion of Marduk and at its center the massive table of Babel a tribute to the their god king.  Assyria was built around a cult to the war god Ishtar. These small kingdoms are full of superstitious people who only see magic as devil work fear unseen demons known to haunt dreams and draw men north to their death.     

Evidence suggests these nations were first settled via the Kale Star Gates as a long range outpost for trade and research.  Some of suggested, with little evidence, that the river valleys were where the first man was created by Kalian Scientists in effort to breed an intelligent work force.  

Regardless of their origins, these societies were nearly wiped out in their entirety by an unholy warrior Khan.  Kahn worshippd the god of Pain Goser an ally of Tiamit, the sworn enemy of Marduk.  Khan was sent to the prime with the purpose to destroy Marduks power base so Tiamit could kill his rival god.  Khan with strategic perfection burned Babylon to the ground salted the earth of all the surrounding fields.  Scarcity of resources led what people left to devolve into a near animalistic barbarian state.  Roaving bands or raiders and cut throats covered the land picking whatever bones they could find.  One man united 42 slaving tribes and forged the legion.  His name was Kaiser. 

Hope came in the form of the Red Saint.  The red army arrived and fought and killed the slaving bands.  The angels healed the fields and food has began to grow again.  The few survivors of Babylon now refer to themselves as the chosen people of Palestine (The home of the Saint's Palace.) Their devotion to him is without question as he has brought salvation and hope.  

The saint easily extended his forces and control north into Assyria destroying what resistance was offered and purging the unjust and the unworthy.  He has brought them education, training, and more than a day to day life.  His priests and angels have provided for the necessities of life so that Assyrians and Babylonians can not see the benefits of prosperity.

Hallelujah to the Saint

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