And finally the Temple of Nog
The Temple was polluted with horrible carnal images and statues of grotesque forms of debauchery and violence. Castor liked it. They were hostilly greeted by the Yuanti Priestess. They were often hostile towards those not of their kind.
She was flanked by her muscle -- an abomination half snake half man creature who breathed in short hisses.
Castor adjusted the lapels of the coat. Then in a flash drew his cross bow and placed a bolt right between the eyes of the temple guard without breaking eye contact with the priestess, "Hospitality is what brings me in. Lets say someone walked into your home univited and just killed someone. Rude Right?"
From every shadow and dank corner and creases of the temple came Yuanti of every breed.
Castors men drew swords as they were surrounded and Castor slows lowered his cross bow, "You feel upset and threatened and even betrayed. Such things would lead to do any number of rash and dangerous actions am I right?"
The Priestess hissed back, "You can angered the Children of NOG poison shall find your veins."
"And still this hostility, I don't understand we maybe in your temple babe, but your temple is in my city."
"It is suicide for you to anger us. You must know this."
"You are top notch assassins no doubt. We have worked together many times before, I am however immune to poison... so forgive my lack of intimidated nature. My question is why a friend, a great friend, one that I've made possible to live in this town would pull a job the size of killing an IMperial Nobles' son without at least talking to me. Like I said, its Rude...Plain rude."
"The Children of Nog need no permission."
An illumination moment struck Castor in the middle of this drawn blade standoff, "The Venom Born must have hatched. You guys get so brave everytime one of your messiah children show up. And everytime you have to be reminded that we have survived his predecessors and we will survive this one. And once he is dead the Lotus will still own this town, how can I get that through your head. It seems like I have to do this every century."
"So long as one of us breath the noxious breath of life this Black Venom Cult will push forward. Our primary tenants teach that revenge is a holy obligation. You know as well as I that as soon as you have wronged us there will not be peace for you as long as one spark of life lives in one larva."
Castor took in a deep breath, "Well that's my answer I guess." He turned to mist and Vini and Tito flood the temple with fire and lightning. Lotus agents flooded into the temple daggers flying. Screaming, hissing, blood, poison, death and glory. Then silence.
Castor walked over the dead Yuanties to the last living soul. The bruised and broken abomination looked up with blood shot eyes and gurgled black blood up his throat. Castor stared down for a long moment and took his hat off his head and kneeled down beside the creature. "Now, I know what she said about the whole last spark of life nonsense. But see, I believe people can be reasonable. I believe the Black Venom Cult and the Black Lotus still have a long and glorious future together. It is your people who made the first insult and your people who spilled all this blood today. But I think you'll find my lot a forgiving sort." He placed a Black Lotus blossom on the chest of his foe. "Take that to your venom born, and tell Setttth you run his marks in my city by me first. Its a rough town you can use a friend."
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