A young recruit knocked on his door and disturbed his prayers. "My lord I've found him. A man who knows the sacred of Azzazel's anchor. Should we find Nial?"
"No he is already too deep into mysteries he doesn't understand. This is Warder business. Take me."
They traveled to the docks a midst the crowds of people, ignorant of the dark shadows that lived in their world. Into the hull of a ship with high polished rails and crisp sturdy sails. The wind caught its banner making it snap crisply toward the heavens. Across the deck and down the stairs which creaked under the weight of his armor and exposed some wet \rot as the planks below deck compressed under his stride.
The recruit spoke softly, "He says his words are for your ears only. I'm to lock you in."
A nod resulted in a closed door. The Warden's eyes fell upon a large man with a massive broad chest and thick arms. The man stood with his hands resting with fingers curled under his lapels. His posture screamed a calm confident pose completely non threatening and deadly. The Warden called back to his recruit, "Open the door you've made a huge mistake."
The man spoke slowly with a rolling gravely tone, "Not as big as you, I'm afraid."
A huge two handed sword swung towards the Warden who barely deflects the blow with his bracer and draws his long sword and in the same fluid movement slices the solid chest of his attacker. "You would kill this man?" the man said in his calm tone.
"I will fight the shadow wherever it may be. With sacrifice comes victory." Another blow carves deep into the man's thigh.
"You Grey Warden's have great skill. And much bravery." A quick chop buries the two handed sword into the Warden's shoulder driving him like a spike to his knees. Blood from the man's chest wound spills like rain onto the Warden covering him in a red bath and sliding into the Warden's shoulder. "Too much for you I fear."
The Warden, unable to further grasp his sword drops it to the floor with a dull thud. Instead his fingers crawl to his hold symbol hanging from his belt. A quick prayer casts protection from evil.
The possessed man knees the Warden in the face breaking his nose and driving him back off the sword. A quick kick slides the holy symbol across the mildew covered floor to the far corner. The Warden could hear the recruit frantically trying to open door. He only had to hold out for a few moments. The possessed man strode over to the prone paladin grasped him under the arm and in one decisive movement lifted him off the ground forcing him to stand. Using the momentum the Warden slid his dagger into his left hand and into the man's throat just as the door came open.
The man crumbled to the ground dead. Slain by the Grey Warden. The recruit rushed in catching the Warden before he hit the ground. "I'm sorry I...You need healing."
"Thank you and yes my friend I do, but its not urgent. Starting now time is on our side."
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