Saturday, March 19, 2011

Family Dinner

At least he knew his father. Most of his father's kids didn't know their dad. So he supposed he was fortunate to know his father and to even have his father have saved his life. It helped that he worked for him, at least for a while, at least until he can make the organization his own.

They met at the [Transcript truncated due to classified material]

"Hello, Son," Filtch says standing as Swipe came into the room. "Its good to see you boy. Tell me how did the fight with Darkness go? Well I assume you're alive." Filtch laughed and after a quick touch on the shoulder he went back to looking over his spaghetti.

Swipe did not know why he bothered to ask -- he always seemed to know everything. Maybe he was just being polite. Swipe would return the favor, "Its good to see you too. The group did well as soon as we could convince them to do it. By the way when were you going to tell me [Transcript truncated due to classified material]?"

"Well I figured if that wasn't something you could figure out then you didn't deserve to know." He spun the noodles on his plate, as if something so important and earth shattering was no more important than getting the correct balance of sauce and noodle on his fork.

Swipe laughed. "Yeah, well said. by why? Do you not trust me?"

Sitting back placing his fork down and throwing his arms up to shake the cuffs of his laced shirt down his forearms, "There is a lesson to be learned here, son. There are many, but the greatest of which is that you only deserve to know the answers to the questions you can find yourself."

"Spaghetti's good." Swipe said imitating his father's casualness. "Well, I have my theories. But whats in it for you? and Whats next?"

Filch says, "Well all I wanted was [transcript truncated due to classified material], and that is sure to happen now." Filtch stands up and strides to his son who promptly stands as well. Patting him on the cheek, "As for what's next, well you wouldn't be my son if I had to tell you." He strode out of the room, leaving his son at the table.

It was a good dinner. Swipe was almost able to pretend for a moment that Filtch was a good father and he was a loving son. It was a pleasant fiction.

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