Lana, Nathan, and Lord Dante sat discussing the Antilife equation while Jillian, Katsumi and Kaeden kept watch over the two unconscious prisoners. They were one prisoner really just different puppets of Darkness. Puppets Nathan was sure could be freed if only he could restore the hope to the original soul.
"What about an Anit-Darkness equation?" Lord Dante said with his usual enthusiasm. Nathan was glad to have his input but felt he was torn, Lord Dante had many matters pressing on his mind and he always prefaced everything with an explanation of why he did not have much time. Grand Master Training is all consuming, Nathan had never found the time to dedicate to the en devour always something more important pressing. "What do you mean?" Nathan responded.
"Well, I mean his equation is wrong. He says love is a lie but love is stronger than hate. He is using hate and fear to control them and love is stronger. Maybe we can prove it?"
"Hmm," Nathan pondered, "He makes a case that all hope is folly it will accomplish nothing in the end. When the truth of the matter is following the light is worth every sacrifice and a reward to itself. We must show them the truth."
A servant entered the section of the library where they were discussing and meekly waited. Lord Dante only glanced at her, and she took it as permission to speak, "The Lady Greyfoot summons you my lord. She says it is urgent."
Lord Dante gritted his teeth annoyed by some great unseen weight it seemed. "I'm coming." He grabbed his coat draping it across his shoulders and said, "My the Light bless you, I hope to return but I do not know what duty calls." He left with the servant and Lana and Nathan continued reviewing just how they could prove the truth.
She waited for him in an audience chamber. It was a bit formal, she had considered a private study or their bed chamber for the discussion but her relationship with her husband was not that casual. A servant led in the half dragon that killed her father -- her husband. She inclined her head slightly and dismissed the servant. "You have been very committed to your sword training dear husband. I trust it is going well."
"Well enough, I am very close though it seems the closure I get the more distractions arrive to take me off my course."
"At risk of distracting you further I'm afraid I must ask you to pay attention to your responsibilities as a prince. Cyrodil has attacked Geneva. They are sieging Atlanta now. With the crusade and this recent war I plan to announce our succession from Geneva and would like your support. Cyrodil will back us if you are with me."
"Why is Cyrodil attacking Geneva that is ridiculous?"
"That can't be. Who was murdered?"
"From what intel can be trusted it was someone called the Grey Prince."
Dante's mouth literally hung open, "This must be a set up. Filtch or the den must want this to happen, there is no reason for it."
She pressed past his surprise, "It does not matter why it happened just that it has. Our opportunity is now. The Grey Havens lost our right to rule ourselves because of my father's arrogance. Now we sit ruled by distant Geneva who squeezes our resources to fight their crusade and as a matter of personal insult has delegated all council authority to Dwarves. The grey elves are a great and fair people to be ruled by such barbaric crude earth robbers is a blasphemy I will not stand for nor will the nobility which answers to me."
"Do you love me?" Dante asks unaware of how random it may sound.
She looked confused but responded slowly, "You protected my from my father, you are a great man, why would I not love you?"
Dante noted the lack of the word yes. "They are being tricked into this war, we should be fighting the Dark One, Geneva needs our support."
"I do not need your permission. I will leave Geneva with or with out your support, but I had desperately hoped you would do the right thing?"
"The right thing? Geneva and the Keeper are trying to free the world from the possibility of eternal destruction. Your hatred for dwarves takes second to that."
"I am disappointed. You may go."
She then dismissed him with a gesture as if he were a chamber pot servant. He left almost at the point of rage. The council has vanished on their various quests, perhaps I should go to Atlanta and claim the authority of the council for myself. Then I could fix this and hold it together until Drakus and Raquel return. No that maybe too drastic. Perhaps I can mediate the war and drive a peace, that will make Princess Audrey doubt her ability to escape with out a fight. He only wanted to do the right thing but between the war, the crusade, his training, Darkness, and the Grey Havens leaving geneva he did not know what direction to go.
He went were he often went when he was lost, the shrive of Hera built in the palace. He prayed, "Great Queen of the gods and mother of the hearth hear by heart. My wife has betrayed me. Our covenant to honor each other has been broken by her actions to dishonor me and my wishes. I am ashamed of her and ask your guidance." He stood up slowly not sure he feelings. He only wanted to do what was right. So desperately he wanted to do what was right. He craved redemption. Galan had fallen from grace and returned so could he. Though, he was sure Galan never had it this hard. His great power and influence was meant to give him the power to meet such great challenges but he did not know where to go.
He walked to the training yard where his grandmaster sat polishing his blade. His grandmaster looked impatient as it was a half hour after the lesson was suppose to begin. His grandmaster always chided him for not being focused enough or dedicated enough for the task he had committed to. Perhaps he was right. Dante had started many paths but never finished. To be the savior of dragon kind, to be an office in the army, to save the Grey Havens from what Jonathan had done to it, and to become a Grand Master. The world would have to fend for itself for a little longer, a man could only do as much good as he was able. One thing at a time. Start then finish then start another. He drew his sword from its scabbard and took the stance of crouching midnight. He would be a grand master swordsmen.
The United Peace Council requests Lord Dante to mediate the war. He responds he will attend in 2 weeks time when he has finished his current business.
Princess Greyfoot declares the Grey Havens independent of Geneva influence and rule making herself the heir to the Greyfoot absolute monarchy.
Atrayu moves the Isle of the Winds away from Geneva. The embattled country can no longer control or protect itself. Its conflicts on endanger the seals. The Isle reaffirms its absolute sovereignty from any nation.
Dante executes form after form in the courtyard to prepare for the test that will crown him among the elite GrandMasters in the world.
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Very interesting.
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