Though the world has never seen an empire or a nation to rival mighty Kale, the Crystal Empire comes closest. With the Infinite Sea on its East and the Ocean of Dreams to the West the Empire maintains itself over an area, a people, resources that are by every definition vast. The land controlled by the empire is well over 100 times more than the other nations of the world put together with a population to match.
Any structure or civilization of this scope can not be explained in sigular terms. There are hundreds of people, cultures and histories within the empire. Across the vastness of the empire many of the subjects seem more different than similar and one must wonder what could be powerful enough to keep the Ridic Plains, the Dark Wood and Andreal unified? The Empress may she live forever -- Anastasia Silvermoon.

While she may sit on the throne now she owes the near entirety of her power to he mother the goddess of prophecy, Andrea Silvermoon. She was an intelligent, craft and above all ambitious elven woman. For a couple of centuries she studied the arcane arts traveling the extent of the land before it was a unified empire learning all the magical secrets she could. She met an clever human thief named Swift whom she loved and married. Together they discovered the heart of the mountain - It was a mountain whose entire interior was a solidified diamond. Using the wealth and power they had they established the Crystal City Andreal and she was named Queen.
Through a near decade of political movements and strategic expansion she spread her power. During this time the Mage Corps was established and took Magic research from the fringe of hermit wizards to a systematic industry driving for progress. She also had three half elf children -- Malekite, Eric, and lastly Anastasia.
Her power was soon tested in the Demon Wars. Demons began spilling onto the prime most likely attracted by the heavy influx of arcane power. The seven kingdoms of the continent struggled to defend themselves from the onslaught and looked as though one by one they may fall. Largely due to Malekites dealings and sheer military force the demons were pushed back. Though the Silvermoons were careful not to fully save anyone until they swore their allegiance to now Empress, may she live forever. The Seven Kingdoms formed a unified Empire and devoted their love and devotion to Andrea.
Some leaders excel and establishing an empire and other at maintaining one. Rarely do they find themselves in the same person but Andrea was just that. What could have been a one time alliance to push back the demons was solidified via marriage treaty and plain power of personality by Andrea to forge the lasting Empire. In that tradition Prefects and governors empowered by Imperial edict have direct and absolute control over their territories so long as they do not contradict the edicts of those above them.
Andrea eventually passed from mortality ascending to become a goddess. From the heavens she looks over her daughter and her empire. She left to Anastasia a vast empire, and Anastasia is forever haunted by her mother's greatness. So much is up to her and her force of personality to perpetuate the greatest nation on earth. She has fullfilled her mother's legacy by expanding imperial control over the new provinces of the Mei Kong valley, Jong Guo, Seanchan. She has even successfully defeated and thwarted usurpers to the throne like her brother.
Despite all this success the empire seems to crack at the edges. The once 'eternal' friendship between the empire and one time colony Geneva has been strained by war and betrayal. The Geneva no longer sees themselves as servants of the empire but a power unto themselves. Malekite loyalist had to be purged in mass crippling the empire of many capable if disloyal personal. The failures at the crusade nearly curshed the imperial mage corps, the plague now spreads through the empire threatening mass death and the chaos that comes with it.
They have brought into their fold many allies to defeat these new threaths. Polaridin Mordin, son of Andrea's apprentice Mordan, has brought a society of intelligent golems to the fold. The current Daughter heir, niece to the Empress may she live forever, Elaina Mogath has become the Red Paladin and aligned herself with the Red Saint. The aquisition of the Mei Kong valley has made the shogun servants of the Empire. Anastasia hopes that she can do as the Empire has always done and forward the cause of the light in whatever way is needed.
"All Hail the Empress, May She Live Forever!"
Specific provinces of the empire will be explored in future posts.