North of the human lowlands and as different from the elves as fire is to ice lay the Dwarven clans. Ancient and honor bound the Dwarves are a proud warrior people. The mountain peaks look like barren wilderness but the 12 clans have been burrowing deeper and deeper into the mountains since time in memorial. Only their one surface city Dawnstar breaks the otherwise untouched scene.
The underground world had constantly changing borders and the Clans fought amongst themselves and with the goblin and Minotaur kingdoms. While issues of clan pride occasionally drove the clans to conflict they were always brothers and comrades united to keep their lands protected from the goblin threat to the east.
Years and years of eternal conflict in the east but the true threat came from west. Talyun had been running successful slaving drives into the Dwarven lands. The hardy dwarves made great works and warriors as slaves all over the world, so it was big business for the Talyun slaving parties.
Another threat emerged deep within the halls. The dwarves dug too greedily and too deep releasing a portal to the abyss and letting the great blood war of the infernals to spill onto the prime. At great effort and great cost the portal was closed thanks to Drackus Truehammer. The same Dwarf that fought the Talyun slavers and ended their pillaging.
Drackus was a dwarf who through his might and courage traveled away from the mines into the world and became a hero among the Genevans. He led the dwarves to aid when Geneva called for help against the Doomguard in the Two Fronts war. The act led the Dwarven clans to make Drakus their leader their unified Bear of Truehammer clan leader, and wished to give all their aid and strength to Geneva under Drackus's leadership. Such and action made Drackus a member fo the Genevan ruling council and gave Dwarves, for the first time, the Dwarves had a heard and equal voice on a larger world dominated by humans and Elves.
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