Sunday, June 9, 2013

The poison of guilt

Lord Oliver sipped his feign wine from his look out at the end of line bar.  Another ill gotten gain.  The world was full of insignificants, those who lacked position or power to mean anything -- like the founder of this bar.  Lord Oliver was just on the cusp of being one of those.  Third born of a major noble house in the empire he would inherit no title or position.  He had his portion of the family wealth as his only asset.  That and his name.

He used his family position to networks positions of power throughout the empire including the mage corps and agency.  Every day seemed like a struggle for him to remain relevant and not simply fade away.  He had positioned his son to be a hero among the agency and had multiple investments that would perpetuate his wealth.  Just when he thought he had secured his future his son threatened to ruin all of it.

"Its done my Lord. I thought you would be happier.  You sold your soul for this after all."  The cloaked figure hissed.  The cowl covered most of his face in shadow but black rotted patches were still visible.

Lord Oliver replied, "Balthier went rouge and blazed a very romantic reputation as a scoundrel.  They stopped talking about me and started talking about him.  His selfish childish search for adventure brought only embarrassment.  The scandal of a half elf bastard son was not enough he had to be famous and a dangerous fugitive as well."

"Yes I've heard this before, nothing but embarrassment.  Even stole your ship, you had every reason to want him dead and now he is.  So lets celebrate."  it said as it raised its cup of black liquid.

Lord Oliver grimaced.  "I'm not as heartless as you venom born, I need at least a moment to mourn my son."

"Your problem is you lack conviction.  You both want to keep him and destroy him.  You can't have both.  commit to your decision and embrace the reward or wallow in misery,  your debt to the cult remains."

"I've paid you all very well."

"Gold was not the most valuable part of our agreement and you know it.  We should move on...keep things on schedule.  We have a legacy to build for you Prince Oliver."

Oliver finished his drink in one swig.

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