Sunday, July 24, 2011

Rebellion of Ganondorf part 4 (hyrule history)

Nicodemus came back almost entirely unnoticed until he was directly on top of Lord Ganondorf's small camp. "It is bad. They have the gate well guarded, we'd be hardpressed to get in unnoticed, and their orders are direct to stop and arrest you my Lord. In the city .... their are rumors and reports from the Crimson City. The reports are believed and they say you are jealous of your brothers power and forsaken virtue in an attempt to take the kingdom by force."

Sitting Galendriel on the ground Ganondorf stood and paced. He filled the long silence with his thoughts. If the people believe I would conquer for selfishness they will not love me. With out love there is no loyalty, I will saved the kingdom only to have someone else defeat me who is trying to defend virtue. If I reach the golemns and take the Crimson city by force it will make them right. I must let virtue win. I am in the right, am I? Then I must trust the vritue of Wisdom. The people will use their wisdom to see the quest of virtue. Wisdom depends on truth. "I will go to ... and tell them the truth. Mervic, the letters you wrote send them we need to convince the people before we act with any force. Virtue has always ruled in Hyrule I realize my mistake now. The golemns should never have been made, its the love of the people we should be after not the strength of the stone army."

"Yes my Lord." Mervic responded and began weaving his spells to send his letters to all the cities in Hyrule. Nicodemus just shrugged and had that look like he was being forced to do something he did not want to but, as a credit to his virtue of loyalty he agreed.


"So you see my Lord's the Virtuous Lovely, wise, noble, beautiful, and temperate Crimson Prince has been confused and corrupted by the Lady Tatyana Bloodrayne. I have no desire for the Kingdom, it is rightfully his if his virtue can be restored. It is her that must be targetted not the Prince or the throne. She weaves a deep and dark spell over him it is my love for him that drives these actions it is my nobility that asks me to fight for he who can no longer fight for himself. Please this is the Truth and their is wisdom in it." Ganondorf finished his case and stood in chains trusting in the virtue of truth to win his case.

Lord Titus was known for his virtues of wisdom and nobility. He swept his silver hair back from his ears and reviewed Ganondorft with wise green eyes. "I have too heard of this lady as soft and lovely as Velvet. Such beauty is rarely seen and once seen is often told of when it is seen. The virtues teach us the Beauty is the result of virtue, it also teaches us that beauty comes in many shapes. I have heard more than of her beauty, she slays nymphs to drink their blood, creates creatures from elves who can no longer see the sun with out bursting into flame. What being of virtues creates creatures that must hide in darkness? We stand with you my Lord. With or with out the Crimson Cape your virtue of Love has earned my Loyalty."


"I do not believe what I am hearing." The Crimson Prince failed to veil contempt and anger from his voice. "You are asking for me to step down?"

"It is not you my Lord," Oronox spoke. He was attractive as these elves all were. His slender features left him somewhere between man and woman with long yellow hair falling below his waste. The leaves decorating his hair would have earned him a ridicule if not death for a man in the human places she had been. She felt no need for silly definitions and boundaries the humans placed, if it was beautiful it was beautiful. The elves were not only more beautiful than the humans, it was the detail of the beauty that amazed her. Elves had keener senses than humans and therefore could sense and detect slighter imperfections and more subtle nuances in art, rather it be music or painting, she quite enjoyed this place for that. .. "HER!" Oronox finished pointing to Tatyana. She was astounded having lost herself in the prettiness of his features she has stopped listening to what was being said. She now paid very close attention.

"Lord Ganondorf makes no charge against you and makes no claim on the thrown. But he does state the obvious, having the virtue of bravery beyond any of us. He says the ruin of you and the ruin of Hyrule is in her. Let her stand trial and be punished for the crimes she has committed."

Who was he? They were placing judgement on her. They were telling him she did not deserve to be loved. He would see their wisdom and cast her out. She would be alone forsaken and shunned just like what happened with Dereck. She calmed herself the Crimson Prince loved her, and he was more virteous than any of them. If he loved her she was worthy of love regardless of what she had done, regardless of what she was. She was confident she held the Crimson Prince in her hands, at least the most important part, she thought almost giggling to herself, but the others would pay they should love her she deserved it.

"I am the Crimson Prince I have spoken. I stand in judgement of virtue as is my holy and sacred right. I find her actions motived by the virtue of Beauty and the virtue of my love for her finds her innocent and virteous."

"Just because you say a thing does not make it true!"

Silence filled the hall. Tatyana could feel Hyrule crack under the weight of those words. The morality of the leader was always considered absolute and his words truth and wisdom. Now, over her, that was coming to an end. Hyrule would no longer stand. SHe did not desire the destrution of Hyrule but she did not care. She wanted him, if Hyrule burn to the ground and he loved her than that was enough.

"The virtue of Temperance suggests I head your words. How many of you think this way?"

4 of the 12 lords raised their hands, the others had their eyes on her, specifically her bosom. The spell Arithos wove was making her stronger. She stood silent but nodded to Tyros it would be dealt with.


Lord Oronox ascended into his carriage drawn by two white horses. Speaking to one of his clerks, "We stand with Lord Ganondorf so long as she is in the Crimson City it is not safe and the virtue of Hyrule is comprimised. Her influence is spreading at an alarming rate, I find myself enchanted with her and doubting the validity of my points. Only more evidence something dark and supernatural is occuring something that must be stopped." The carriage took off with a lurch. The horses seems to run erradically pulled then tipping the carriage.

Oronox was dizzy having bumped his head when the carriage overturned. "Driver" he called out. The response came, "I'm sorry my lord, one of the rangers wolves spooked the horses I'll. . ." a growl and then silence.

"Driver?" silence "Driver?" silence. Silence. The door of the carriage was ripped off flying into the air. Behind it came a think black cloud and rain. Rain that was thick and sticky dripped from white specs in the black cloud. Then he noticed it was not a cloud at all. It was a beast, a cross between man and wolf a true manimal if fear had not gripped his senses still he would have admired the balance between elf and animal this spoke of. The thought only began to cross his mind as the drool coverred teeth lept for him and then --- silence.

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