Friday, July 22, 2011

Virtues of Hyrule

The Virtues of Morality by King Hyrule the Deliverer. By these virtues are nations made and joy found.

1) Love

- All virtues come from love. It should be the motivation of all action.

- Love begets Loyalty and Devotion.

- Love earns Loyalty and Devotion.

- Love leads to selfless sacrifice for the betterment of others.

- As all sacrifice all are made better.

2) Wisdom

- Wisdom is used to guide when and how to act for the benefit of all.

- Wisdom can not be achieved with out first knowing truth.

- Truth must be found by study and inspiration.

- Wisdom makes the mind more valued than the body.

3) Nobility

- To be Noble is to be brave.

- To be Noble is to be determined.

- To be Noble is to be consistent.

- To be Noble is to be honest.

- To be Noble is to be strong for the weak.

- Nobility defines the manner one acts.

4) Beauty

- Love begets beauty and beauty earns love.

- There are many shapes of beauty.

- Virtue brings beauty to ones soul.

- The beauty of ones soul is expressed in art.

- Acts of Virtue create beauty.

5) Temperance

- All things in measured balance.

- The virtues act in temperance.

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