Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Travo journal
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
a deal is a deal
Lucius ranked high in the brotherhood the emperor had established. He had atuned himself with the force well enough to hear the emperors whispers if needed. He would one day be the listener and sit on the crystal throne.
But today he sat somewhere completely different...the booth by the balcony, and the Frenchmen greeted him.
Do you come for yourself or your master?
I come for you. You lied to the emperor, may he live forever, and now I've been chosen to make you pay.
Lied, I wouldn't get very far in my business by lieing would i? About as far as you'll get trying to make me pay. The emperor wanted to know where she was. I told him. I even told him my source as a show of sincerity...the seeker. In exchange he gives me one soul very every thousand he collects and he nor his minions will never collect mine. My end was fullfilled ill expect him to honor his. I don't break deals that's not what I do.
You knew she wouldn't be there.
Perhaps but that wasn't what he asked for. He wanted to know where she was, a wise man would have asked where she was going. If I'm not mistaken he confirmed via an entirely independent source that I was right and he just missed her. But if you are now ready to ask the right question, I can answer it... For a price.
Lucius stand up enraged, "your deal will not be honored. You gave us nothing."
Come now, no one breaks a deal with me. Even making that deal could cause him trouble with hades. Especially given his past poor performance, in addition to all the souls I know he didn't collect on time and is hiding. Buying souls is one thing stealing them another. But your lord need not fear so long as I believe hell keep his word I have no reason to destroy him.
Lucius was frozen. This man was blackmailing the emperor a god. And going to get away with it.
Merv continued, "I have in my possesion a seeress trained by andrea herself, and I can tell the one winged where anastasia will be. Ht just needs to decide what else he can give me to make it worth my trade."
To hear whispers
Odyssues croutched in a hidden corner of the dragons lair. He was away from his charge for the first time in his life. He and his family honor bound and blood sworn to protect the rightful ruler of the grey havens he had rarely left the palace.
Yet there was some hidden threat buildng against the new king Dante. Spies placed his arch enemy polaridin te al mordin here two days ago. He needed to find out why.
An elven servant approached the silver dragon god. "It appears the rumors are true my lord. Dante has no intention of paying any tribute this year. As a result he has lowered taxes across the realm. Some believe he will not be able to pay even if he wants to."
The dragon god answered with a voice so strong the mountain seemed to shake. "The tithe is sacred and has not been skipped or shortenned in 12 generations of the dragons. The elves all forget that this is not their kingdom. The true nobility is dragonkind. Their king only has authority because they speak on our behalf, if he ceases to do so, then he should no longer rule. Perhaps mordin was right. He has good intentions but does not understand the divine order. I will speak to sherib and he will instruct the young king."
Odysseus had to return to the palace to warn his lord. The gods have been angered.
Monday, March 19, 2012
"Dear Fearless One. I have done all with in my power to save my friend. Thank you for giving Kaeden to me as a companion, and brother. He has been my friend through many struggles. He now rests captive to the evil minions of the one winged angel. They will not through reason or diplomacy release him and I have been forbidden from using force to free him. I have exhausted all power with in me and now ask on your mercy for a miracle. Please return him to me. I ask not this for myself, but to spare his suffering. He should not suffer for my mistake. I also ask out of love for those he and I maybe able to save if working together. Please save my friend when I can not."
Kaeden stood shackled above each hoof both wings broken, but not his heart or will. "Dear Fearless One, I thank thee for the opportunity to serve you across multiple lives. I thank thee for the blessing of knowing Nathan, my brother. I am here following my divine call. I have protected the seeker by placing myself in harms way so he would not have to. It is my honor to live and die for him and for you. I know now in these chains you have the power to deliver me, but even if you do not my faith and gratitude are always with thee.
The walls and floor of the prison began to shake trembling before a mighty unseen power.
The chain lit red than whit with heat until they melted, yet did not scorch kaedens flesh.
White energy and light carried from where the chains had bound him and washed his body. The wave pulsed up his legs and out the tips of his wings causing wounds to heal and bones to mend.
The wall and ceiling cracked under the shaking. Kaeden recognized his deliverance and with wings spread he soared out of the misery of captivity into the sweet air of freedom.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Nial's Oppus (player submission)
Friday, March 9, 2012
Rowenna player post -- Victory
Rowena leaned her head back against the wall, eyes shifting slightly when Gumqui tracked the movement. He had been watching her like a hawk since tasked with looking after her by the Seeker of Truth. Her friends had been trying to avoid following her wishes to end her life as she had asked after she was first taken by the Antilife equation. However, they were soon running out of options and the latest idea, the Seeker negotiating on her behalf, had her worried for him.
What deal would the Seeker have to make now? And could the world survive the deal.
Normally the display of faith from her friends would make her happy, but now, she couldn’t help the dark thoughts that kept coming. They should have given up; they should have done what she asked.
After all, the blighted apple doesn’t fall far from the corrupted tree. She thought bitterly. The memories coming more quickly, even she had to admit now that she was Galendrielle. Even the idea of being a descendant didn’t hold weight because of the personal nature of the memories. She had learned the history of Hyrule, learned of the downfalls of her father and uncle and had sworn she would never do the same. She may be unfamiliar with leadership, but she would be the leader Hyrule deserved. Her family’s curse would not drag them down farther, and she failed. She had been presented with the same choice her father had, your soul for your people safety, and made the same choice he had. The choice had been given through different vessels but it was the same choice nonetheless.
How could she have been so stupid? Even if Hyrule survived, their leader would not be able to make choices for the best of Hyrule. They’d have a master other than the love of the virtues. She wouldn’t be Hyrule’s leader, the Merovingian would. She still didn’t feel remorse for losing her soul, it was a price she was willing to pay to keep her people and friends safe. What she regretted, was not finding a way for her to not be the ruler of Hyrule and save them from the manipulations of the Merovingian.
Suddenly, a strange feeling came in her chest; the cold that had been with her since her soul was lost was gone. She still felt empty, but the cold dread had been replaced with a warm knowing. Without even understanding it, she knew that Nathan had won. Her eyes closed as she savored the idea, but it was tainted with a wonder of what he had to give up. She couldn’t help the slight thought that Darkness had been right, how could the light win when each victory was one step forward and two back?
NO! The voice startled her, making her jump slightly. She didn’t recognize it, though there was a strange familiar tenor to it. Haven’t you learned? Don’t you understand? Thoughts like that will only make it easier for the darkness to win!
What else can I think? She asked the voice, it always seems like the darkness is winning! We didn’t even truly kill Darkness, just locked him away.
You did what some thought was impossible; the Antilife equation has been stopped. You should start having more faith in your friends, how many times have they proven worthy of that trust?
This is wisdom you speak, she admitted, how many times have I given into despair and fell to darkness, only to have them pull me to the light. But, how can that –
She cut off her thoughts after realizing that the darkness around her was more than her eyes being closed. She felt disconnected, adrift in the shadows surrounding her. She tried to open her eyes but nothing the Darkness was in her mind. This was horrifyingly familiar.
No…it can’t be, He’s trapped in the urn, he can’t be back.
“Can’t he?”
The voice startled her again, the darkness seemed to lighten and after a few seconds she was able to see…Herself? It was her, but there was something off. There was a coldness, a harshness to the lines and planes of her face. She looked up into the eyes of her double and stumbled back in shock. The evil, the darkness reflected back in those icy blue eyes. She hoped she had never had such a look on her face before.
The double gave a feral grin, “You think you can beat me girl? I’ve always been a part of you, the darkness inside of you will never leave, never die. And no urns or holy water will stop that.”
“You’re wrong” Rowena hissed out, her voice weak and fearful. “You’ve been beaten. You will be beaten.”
Darkness walked forward, pulling a sword from its sheath on his side. It was Raphael’s Blade. But it too was different. Instead of the white and gold flames she was used to, there were flames of black midnight that seemed to swallow what little light was remaining. “I told you, I am eternal, I am your guilt, your shame, your self-doubt. I am your hatred, your fear, your anger. You can never stop me, no more than you can stop the night.”
She was now kneeling, her strength gone, he is right, why fight, all I want to do know is sleep. She felt a hand touch her lightly on her shoulder. Her horrified eyes shifted from the Darkness in front of her to the person kneeling next to her, it was Jillian and then next to her came Ara, followed by Nial and Gumqui. “Don’t give up, we’ll always be able here to guide you” Jullian said as the others helped her to her feet. “Allow our light to help you when you feel yours dimming” Ara chimed in. Nial pressed the hilt of her sword into her hand. The flames of it were dimmed and small. But when the others started glowing with a light of their own the sword’s flames grew. Rowena closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of the flames wash over her. It was like coming home, the feeling of love that always comes when you are with those that care about you.
“The light in you is only snuffed out when you allow it” Nial said, her eyes opened and regarded the Darkness in front of her.
“No more,” she said her voice hard with determination. “You will control me no longer. You may be the darkness inside me, but my light is stronger then you, because they make me stronger than the darkness! “ she lunged forward, stabbing Raphael’s Blade into the chest of her double. The darkness pressed her on all sides, fighting to crush her again. But the others were there to keep it at bay. The flames on the blade flared brighter and with a shriek of anger, the double disappeared.
Rowena stirred lightly where she was sitting; someone had walked through the door of the room. Nathan stood there, wobbling slightly as he regarded her with tired eyes.
“Are you alright?” He asked of her, she wondered briefly if he had seen the struggle in her mind.
“I think so, the coldness is gone.” And the darkness as well. She thought.
Nathan handed her a scroll, asking her to read it. As she did, she felt the emptiness dissipate from her, she felt whole again. He suddenly grabbed her shoulders, but the movement wasn’t threatening. He talked of a lesson she was learning, and hoped that she would continue to remember it. To not forget that her friends, and he included himself in that category, would always be willing to help her. That the cared and loved her. And as long as you were willing to not give to despair the Light will always win.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Interview with an almost vampire
Friday, March 2, 2012
A Deal and an Answer
Yet he was here standing outside the Merovingian's bar again. One of his companions had foolishly sought help from the shadow instead of relying on the light for deliverance. A miracle only occurs after the trial of your faith. Yet, they could never see that. She had no remorse for her decision and that caused a conflict in Nathan. No remorse meant he should leave her, you can never save one who does not want it. However, she made the choice knowing it would sacrifice her soul and her people would live. She did not regret that she had lost everything to give others a chance. That was admirable, and meant she was worth saving.
There in the old city, the darkest part of Dragon, he took a deep breath to summon courage. All he could summon was the foul smell of rotting city around him. Most Genevan's in Dragon would be considered and act of war, yet the Merovingian was so eager to speak with Nathan again that he pulled some strings to allow the visit. It all felt like he was somehow compromising his values just by being there.. but he would not surrender to fear. He knocked on the door.
After being shown through the coat room and the dance floor of vile undead he was shown to the booth.

"No thank you I'd rather get down to business."
"It is always this way with you. Where is the joy in life if you are always going from one to the next to the next. All business makes things very boreing no? I had thought us to be friends."
"You are mistaken. Rowenna's soul what do you want?"
"Well zen, if that is how it must be. I have something you want, but I can't think of anything you would be willing to give me. After all I am how you say, evil no? And you don't deal with evil, you can not, you must not. The very fibers of your being resist it and fight against it. Yet you are here, why?"
"I'm here to save someone you took advantage of."
"NO!!! You are here because you must be here, the same reason she came here. She must. I took advantage of no one. I did not seek her out and recruit her as you did. She came to my bar because she heard I could help her. She had more choice in that than any choice you gave her to work with you."
"Its different!"
"Why? how is it so? Because I am me and you are you. of course. We all are victims of our nature. We fight against this but in the end it is the only one undeniable truth--Causality. Do not judge her so harshly for did not you journey so far to also ask my help."
"I have no interest in debating philosophy with you Frenchman, I'm only here to save my friends."
"Interesting she said the same thing. It matters not. I am happy to release her. Everyone keeps talking about how they will kill her if I don't, makes her worthless to anyone. Most of all herself, since even dead she would still serve me. Dis is ironic that the good guys are the ones threatening death to an innocent victim."
"You'll release her then, no cost?"
"No significant cost. I only want you to be what you must be and do what you must do. You believe all truth should be had by all people no? You are bound by who you are and oaths to sacred to discuss to seek find and teach such truth right?"
"I am."
"Then I return her soul to your possession, if you promise to answer one question I ask you."
"There can be no harm in spreading the truth. I agree."
He flashes his hand and slides a rolled up parchment across the table. "Her soul is yours."
Nathan took the document and stood to leave.
the Frenchman stopped him, "Not even a thank you. Such lack of manners from the valiant. Where is the Empress of the Crystal Empire? May she live forever."
Nathan blinked and was taken a back by his question.
"That's my question, answer it."
"She is being hidden by Genevan officals among the Dwarven clans in the northern mountains. A hall called by the Dwarves the heart of the forge."
Nathan rushed to leave. The Frenchman spoke, "A Deal had been made and an answer given. Thank you. Are you sure you don't want that drink?"