Yet he was here standing outside the Merovingian's bar again. One of his companions had foolishly sought help from the shadow instead of relying on the light for deliverance. A miracle only occurs after the trial of your faith. Yet, they could never see that. She had no remorse for her decision and that caused a conflict in Nathan. No remorse meant he should leave her, you can never save one who does not want it. However, she made the choice knowing it would sacrifice her soul and her people would live. She did not regret that she had lost everything to give others a chance. That was admirable, and meant she was worth saving.
There in the old city, the darkest part of Dragon, he took a deep breath to summon courage. All he could summon was the foul smell of rotting city around him. Most Genevan's in Dragon would be considered and act of war, yet the Merovingian was so eager to speak with Nathan again that he pulled some strings to allow the visit. It all felt like he was somehow compromising his values just by being there.. but he would not surrender to fear. He knocked on the door.
After being shown through the coat room and the dance floor of vile undead he was shown to the booth.

"No thank you I'd rather get down to business."
"It is always this way with you. Where is the joy in life if you are always going from one to the next to the next. All business makes things very boreing no? I had thought us to be friends."
"You are mistaken. Rowenna's soul what do you want?"
"Well zen, if that is how it must be. I have something you want, but I can't think of anything you would be willing to give me. After all I am how you say, evil no? And you don't deal with evil, you can not, you must not. The very fibers of your being resist it and fight against it. Yet you are here, why?"
"I'm here to save someone you took advantage of."
"NO!!! You are here because you must be here, the same reason she came here. She must. I took advantage of no one. I did not seek her out and recruit her as you did. She came to my bar because she heard I could help her. She had more choice in that than any choice you gave her to work with you."
"Its different!"
"Why? how is it so? Because I am me and you are you. of course. We all are victims of our nature. We fight against this but in the end it is the only one undeniable truth--Causality. Do not judge her so harshly for did not you journey so far to also ask my help."
"I have no interest in debating philosophy with you Frenchman, I'm only here to save my friends."
"Interesting she said the same thing. It matters not. I am happy to release her. Everyone keeps talking about how they will kill her if I don't, makes her worthless to anyone. Most of all herself, since even dead she would still serve me. Dis is ironic that the good guys are the ones threatening death to an innocent victim."
"You'll release her then, no cost?"
"No significant cost. I only want you to be what you must be and do what you must do. You believe all truth should be had by all people no? You are bound by who you are and oaths to sacred to discuss to seek find and teach such truth right?"
"I am."
"Then I return her soul to your possession, if you promise to answer one question I ask you."
"There can be no harm in spreading the truth. I agree."
He flashes his hand and slides a rolled up parchment across the table. "Her soul is yours."
Nathan took the document and stood to leave.
the Frenchman stopped him, "Not even a thank you. Such lack of manners from the valiant. Where is the Empress of the Crystal Empire? May she live forever."
Nathan blinked and was taken a back by his question.
"That's my question, answer it."
"She is being hidden by Genevan officals among the Dwarven clans in the northern mountains. A hall called by the Dwarves the heart of the forge."
Nathan rushed to leave. The Frenchman spoke, "A Deal had been made and an answer given. Thank you. Are you sure you don't want that drink?"

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