Tirelessly and without fail the golemns had been rebuilding and cleaning up trade city for weeks. As perfect workers they made astounding progress. As news of apocalypse spread, people already nervous about golemns living among them broke into full panic. Despite the merchant councils attempt to calm the city the citizens believed the golemns were fooling everyone just as the green lanterns had. Panic and hatred turned to rioting.
Rioting turned to armed attacks on the golemns while they worked. The golemns hesitated to even defend themselves and only did so after days of attack. With genevas army stretched in an attempt to shield the innocent from zyr they could not help. When the first golemn attacked a human he easily killed the frail biological being. In that killing blow the golemns realized the humans were made of bones, the golemns currency. No longer working for bones they more easily could kill the aggressive humans and harvest their own.
Magic proved wholly ineffective and while the city guard continually attempted to kill the machines they were out matched not only in skill buy in sheer longevity. The same attributes that made them great workers, no need for food sleep and singleness of focus, made them ideal warriors for slow methodical war.
While the council of Geneva debated the moral answer to such a plight, the empire prepared a strike. The den intercepted the spirit bomb before detonation.
It was then that Atrocitis appeared and taught his golemn brethren of their savior and leader apocalypse. The red lanterns helped the golemns escape the persecution and leave trade city.
They would put their newly learned engineering skills to good use in building their new hidden city--01
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