Quiet and dark even in the day. The forest did give him a bit of the creeps but he tried to pay it little mind as he was on a mission for the Empire and duty was most important. He looked at he companion smoothing the folds in his red and black robe and wandered what was next.
He went about his duty and reviewed the morning reports the men were all accounted for. 40 fighters, 10 mages. As long as they stayed within range of the idol the mist and vistani and every other danger this land had seemed to avoid them. The first group to scout beyond its limited range, though, they had lost contact.
Veli felt responsible for them. Kids, they were just kids. Good soldiers, but just kids who joined the Imperial Ranks for either duty or riches. It was not bad enough he lost his own children he had to send others to their end as well. It reminded him what he always said, "The only reason to do this is because you believe in the Empire and what it stands for. No amount of money is worth what you will be asked to do."
In large part he had that speech to thank him for being here. Terrance had heard it and decided then he was a leader of men. Terrance served under Veli in the crusade when the Warship Galactica was still operational. But those were thoughts of another time. Now he was taking orders from Terrance on assignment directly from the Daughter Heir.
His expertise was not Ravenloft though it did hold a fascination for him. He had made a study of it and new the basics and what to expect. Though it would seem Terrance knew every turning leaf. He had a key that got him in and out of this sealed domain and allowed the possibility to study this realm closer. That was one of the objectives of the mission -- study and record. But the primary objective was bold indeed -- steal a dark lord from Ravenloft and bring it to the Imperial mage corps to study.
"May the Light save us."
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