Monday, October 28, 2013

And a child shall lead them. (Countdown to Halloween)

"When the purple mistress came to Castle Barovia, was it the aged who protected us?"

"No." Came back the resounding call of his disciples.

"Who was targeted by her infectious evil?"  He asked calmly

"Parents"  Came the angry reply. So much fear so much anger.

"Yes, the beast,  those who live beyond the 19th harvest and are corrupted by the vanities of the world and the pride of it.  They were ripe to fall to her temptations.  But who survived?"

"The children."

"Yes we did.  Fleeing, as we ran our mothers and fathers and all those beyond a 19th harvest scooped out of the sky by the blood sucking monsters, we found to hide in the fields. and who saves us now?"

"He who walks behind the rows."

"Yes, he loves use and shelters us.  Protects those still innocent of this cruel world. He stopped the vampires from draining our blood and hides us from the Purple mistress.  What is all he asks in return?"

"Obedience and sacrifice." echoed the reply in solemn chorus.

"And that we shall give him.   All who reach their 19th harvest will be sacrificed.  We shall obey his words as shown forth by my mouth. So say we all."

"So say we all."



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