Monday, October 21, 2013

To Sail (Countdown to Halloween)

The cool mist of the sea sprayed on the Intrepid's bow.  Balthier inhaled deeply and did not wipe the spray from his face.  He had been sailing a long time, but since he had no where to go he was not worried about being lost or taking too long.  He figured he would get where he was going, when he got there. . . if not a moment before.

Souske sat around doing nothing as usual and Mist played with the nav charts.  She wasn't content with being lost.

As the mist rolled over the ship again he thought he saw it.  The face he had seen so many times.  He jumped up to the wheel and swung hard to starboard. The ship screamed and the timbers complained at the stress, but he did not care.  Jillian was in the mist and he had somewhere to be.

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