Crows cawed in the distance providing a symphony to the night. As a well tuned orchestra, the ravens called to each other as she over looked over her domain, all that she had. At first, it was a lonely solitary caw answered moments later by another. It was the silence between them which she most loved. In that silence she could write her own music. The music of the night. Her thoughts could race to memories of what was lost, and passion for what was about to come.
The shriek was echoed through out the sky and into the farm fields below. It was the only sound made there now. Her subjects had no more need for food. Only hatred nourished them, their shared hatred of those who had betrayed their lady and master. The consumption of hate and malice filled their souls and gave them the strength to do what was necessary.
The shrieking was more violent now. As waves collide against a rocky shore so did these haunting sounds collide against the cold stones of the tower. Her home which had taught her and given her much, yet remained empty and hallow. Power meant nothing unless you could use it to extract your revenge. Revenge, a goal yet out of reach, she could no more grab it then she could strangle the loosed ravens' caw.
The fire now joined in completing the orchestra of night with its haunted crackles. The shadows moved in circles of the dark room crossing the cold bed and slithered across the walls and leapt to the ceiling. The shadows were all that accompanied her. Once a life full of friends set empty filled only with the mis-shapen demons of this room. So it would remain, until those friends returned and her army awoke. Until then she watched the shadows and stared into the fire.
The latest volley of notes landed on her pale balcony banner. It stared into the fire as well. That fire which had consumed and sustained, created and destroyed. The dark omen stared through her into the fire and in it she could see the fire as well. A cage with wings, that despite all of her fire she was still resting in a cage.
She lashed out and with no effort the rage took shape striking down the harbinger of the nights symphony. As the winged beast cascaded to the graveyard below two more landed each echoing.
She knew she would never be free.
Caw.. caw...caw...caw...caw...
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