Tuesday, October 15, 2013

One door shuts...(countdown to Halloween)

"Come now Burke, Justice does not sleep."

Burke squinted through tired eyes at the mage in the red robes, "Please don't pretend to care about justice."

"I do care in fact i appeal to it now, The Saint, praise to his name, has ordered me to build a prison like unto Ravenloft for him to cast the unholy.  To do that I need the key that can enter it.  purely academic I assure you and will speed my research by years."

"I live for the Saint's will and his word of justice.  But, I've already slotted the key for another mission."

"You can calm the conflict of conscience agent." He said with a positive smile, "I worked with IO.  I know the key was going to the party who destroyed the venom cult.  I went with her to Brendon ford fought with herr companions and at personel expense and risk cleared the mountain.  Also while others rested I used a list of members found in the caves and executed all which could be found.  I have rightfully earned the key."

Burke reviewed the documents on his desk. "it woudl seem you are right.  Thank you for your service to the empire... lets talk about your next mission."

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