Galan stood in strict Military form. He knew he did nothing wrong and he knew Lord Raquil knew that, but at this point no one else did. "General, you have to understand how this looks, and what we face now." Lord Raquil said with a voice lined with empathy and a tone that said he spoke on Galan's side. "You meet with the man whose wife you had a strange relationship with and exchange heated words even threats with the man who wants to go to war with the country you fight for. Then he ends up dead going to testify infront of the international committe about actions of your men." He takes a stand of blond hair from his face and says, "So the best person to find out the truth is you. They've already enforced a partial blockade of Trade City, it won't hold but they are trying to send me a message. I'll be running damage control meeting with world leaders I need you to find the truth."
Galan took the pause as permission to speak, "While its true I exchanged heated words with him I would have never harmed him in cold blood."
"I know, of course I know that. I would not doubt Dragon killed their own man to frame you and start a war."
"Possible, I have considered that myself. The only other option is much more frightening to me. Someone with in Geneva wants this war to start and are moving in the shadows to make it so."
"It has crossed my mind but I dared not think about it. If that is true we face a threat greater than all the demons or warlord the world can produce--ourselves. The corruption of the ideal and the fall of the Isle as we fight ourselves. The truth must be discovered and justice found."
"Yes, my Lord by the Hand of Tyre Justice will be served. I will find you the truth as you command."
Lucian paced back and forth. His armor made a small soft skreech as his legs passed eachother. He had sworn loyalty and fidelity to Captain Haws. A solider had to obey and honor his superior. He had sworn to execute the will of Zues and to fight battles for those who could not fight themselves. He had murderred combatants and even those who would express their opinion against him. Now Lord Tristan was dead and Geneva was falling to war with Dragon again, he thought he knew why. He did not know what exactly to do. I could tell Galan. That is what he would do if he had to. This was an issue that he had to go even higher. He would speak to Lord Raquel Al-Shatel himself and tell him his suspiousions then the correct thing would be done.
Lucian paced again, this time in the Temple of Light. Lord Raquel's attendents had told him to wait. He had waited all day. The waiting made him think. Even if Lord Haws was behind this, maybe it was the right thing. Maybe he should not be exposed but helped. Dragon was evil, maybe not everyone but there was more shadow in that city than anywhere he had been, on the prime atleast. Captain Haws was his captain, that should speak for something. Lucian sat down as the weight of the decision weighed down on him. Betray my captain or betray the Isle? A paladin should never have to chose. In the end he decided it was foolishness the ethic ideals only seemed at odds with eachother because of his lack of faith. He must trust his leaders. WHo? Galan would not have condoned it, but Galan would not have condoned his actions with Fu Mei and Galan had the weak heart to associate with a forsaken and not cut her down. He was not sure Galan as an example to look to. He stood to leave and then a thought crossed his mind. Lord Raquel just knelt and prayed as a spear was thrust through his chest. The way that man spoke, anyone who listened knew he spoke for the light. Lucian stopped. Lord Raquel would be his example and Lord Raquel would be who he told and left the decision to.
Galan sat cross legged in this temple. It was not really a temple though they called it that. Different people have different beliefs. This was not a temple of faith because the Showgun did not have faith. They believed in some force and power of the mind, some were even blasphemous enough to called the gods imposters. This Master Jeric Windstar was different. He made very clear his loyalty to the Isle, or at least what it stood for, and was repectful of the ways of faith. Master Windstar had invited him to the temple so they could call Lord Tristan's soul back from hell and ask him how he died. Galan was sure the soul was deep in hell by now and thats why it was taking so long. Master Windstart just kept a serene expression and closed eyes. Galan knew many paladins adn priest who woudl lose themselves in prayer, he being one of them so he respected the reverance of the situation though Master Windstar was not really praying. Long seconds drew on to long minutes and time slipped away as silently they sat together.
The silence was broken with a soft voice, "There is no soul to call forward, nothing to speak with. I am sorry General but he must not have died or his soul his detained beyond my reach."
Hell is very deep. The circle of it his crims damned him too would be an abyss. "Thank you Master Windstar my search will continue another way."
Morning turned afternoon and afternoon was becoming evening. Lucian realized that he had a meeting already set up with Captain Haws. He decided that if Lord Raquel had not the time to see him yet he would take the iniative and find out what he could on his own. Using magic, he teleported.
Capatain Haws had a pleased smile on his face. He looked out his office window as Lucian was let in and examined the view casually. "Yes, you wished to speak with me. I trust you have retrieved teh letters as ordered."
Lucian bit back his failure and replaced it with anger, "You told me people had the letters that did not. I can not help but think this is to distract me from somethign else."
Turning from the window and taking a commanding stance Captain haws rested a hand on the hilt of his holy sword just above the grandmaster mark. "It is rare for a solider to fail and then accuse his superior of the wrong. The reports we have put those letters in teh hands of the people who we gave you names for. At least one of them already reached teh hands of Dragon snakes. I suggest you be about that mission rather than lecture me. As you can imagine there is a great deal on my mind."
"Like creating a war with Dragon."
"Creating a war? We are at war."
"There maybe evil in Dragon but it is not to use to start war and seal bloodshed upon innocent people."
"We have had this discussion before. And even if you were to convince me, your superior, that I was wrong it would not change the fact that we are at war now. They attacked Trade City harbor early this morning. My unit is being mobilized for a counter ground strike into the City State itself. I would have you come with me but we need those letters found and destroyed, that is even more important."
"This is not who we are."
"We are defenders of the right, We are warriors for righteousness this is exactly who we are." There was a long pause, "What exactly are you accusing me of?"
"We can stop this war if they know the truth. We do not have to become the villan to stop the villans. Your goals are just but your means are beyond the line that a Paladin should go."
"You dare speak to me like that. I tell you what a Paladin is and is not. Do you know nothing of your oathes. Recite to me loyalty. NOW!"
"Sir my loyalty is to what is right. Let me help you stop this."
"Disobeying an order. Several in fact. I thought you were perfect for the Order of LIght Lucian. You showed the determination to do what is necessary several times. You had the thirst for battle that was needed to hunt down and destroy those who would harm us. Yet you quiever her like a girl scared she has walked too far from home and gotten lost. This is what we are meant to be."
"No sir, we are meant to be the standard of truth. A work so great that it will go forward boldly nobly and independently. We fight the fights that need fighting and defend the helpless. That is not what you are doing."
"Well Lucian, my heart is broken. Only a creature of shadow would fight against the holiest of orders. If you are not with me you are..."
Lucian teleported out before the end. Even if he did not hear the floorboard behind him strain under the weight of the fully armored guard planning to assalt him from behind he knew the type of people he was dealing with. He was dealing with people just like himself, and if he was Lord Capatain Haws we would have had him jumped too. He was at Lady Mogaths and would wait there until he could think of a better plan.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Movement of shadows
Lucian waited outside Captain Haws' office pacing. "I'm sorry Lord Lucian, Captain Haws is detained until late tomorrow afternoon. He will see you then." Lucian simply nodded and left. Wondering the streets of Haven, he wondered something is going on. This is not what it seems. The sun had long set and the stars had filled the sky. A wind shook the tree as he passed. He thought something moved behind it. It must have just been the shadow of the tree dancing under the light of the Isle's temple of Light. Just shadows moving in the dark.
Galan unhooked the clasp of his cape. All the generals were awarded capes, a symbol of great honor that he was deeply touched. He hung his symbol of honor and their was a knock on the door. He openned it to see a young page. For the young recruits that washed out of the Paladin training there were two choices, to join the Geneva army and start over there or to be a page on the Isle and the council og Geneva. With communication as critical as it was, they were as needed or more than the soliders though not often as appreciated. Many kids gratitated to that choice because it was more noble not to be recognized.
"AYE GENERAL! I bring a message. There is a man staying at the flying crane in Atlanta. He says that Merideth's death is your fault and you need to come speak with him. Thats the entire offical message but he did laugh with his friends that if you knew what was good for you you would see him immediately. He's from Dragon my Lord General here for the negotiations tomorrow with nearly a dozen of his companions with him." The page announced all in a smooth articulate tone.
Taking a silver from his belt, "Here, this is for keeping an open ear." He grabbed his cape and in a spinning motion snapped it back in place. He had to go speak to Tristan, the meeting was inevitable.
The hour was very late bordering on early when General Galan threw open the doors of the Tavern. Smoke filled the room as in most common rooms at this hour. The Tavern lay mostly empty though and the commotion and smoke all came from the dozen men dressed like they were from Dragon. Galan saw the snake. Tristan who had raped and murdered his own wife, the women Galan loved, a young girl who still saw the world as a story and adventure to be had. She was much like him before the wrinkels. The villan was just before him harrassing a young bar maid.
"Let her go Tristan! YOU WANTED TO TALK TO ME!" Galan declared bringing silence to the bar. The attractive bar maid used the oppertunity to slide back to the kitchen.
Tristan raised his half empty mug of ale, "Welcome General. As I understand they promote criminals with a habit of causing international incidents. They honor murders of other people's wives. AYE GENERAL!" Slamming the rest of his ale his smashed the mug on the table. Less than in full control of his senses he stands throwing the table on the ground. "YOu stole her, took her from me and force your evil on the world. Lets settle this now." Tristan drew his long blade with a smooth motion. His soaked black hair hid eyes corrupted by greed and hatred.
Galan kept his sword in its scabbard and responded, "Then attack. I won't need my sword."
"No, no, no. I do not attack unarmed men who refuse to defend themselves, that is a skill reserved for the honorable ambassodors of Light -- you paladins." He smiles a crooked smile that disfigures an otherwise handsome face. "I have it. You know of what I speak." He replaces his sword with a small folded piece of parchment. "This is the real weapon."
"I don't know what you think you have besides a waiting hangover. Regardless of what letter or what message you may bring you are going to proclaim to the international world that the Isle, the Bastin of Hope and virtue, is the evil aggressor. A bold claim coming from a goverment that everyone knows is ran by a crime organization and rank with corruption. What you say will mean nothing. You are a fool." Galan attempted to cut his words off before they were personal, it would be unbecoming for his anger to show. Anger was niether good nor just.
"You told Meredith that if I got in your way you would cut me down. Well I'm in your way, with the evidence in my hand that you are all exactly what we have been claiming you to be. Self righteous greedy pretenders who seek only their own political and economic gain. Are you going to cut me down?" Reaching for another's mug he spraws ale threw the air.
Galan takes the splash attack with barely a blink and responds, "Whatever you think you have and say in your drunken stuppor, you can not change justice or truth. Justice will find you for all of your actions. Good night."
General Galan left the tavern as Tristan stood fuming, "YOU WILL PAY YOU WILL ALL PAY!" Rang through the night as Galan adjusted his cape reminidng himself of his position and the trust granted him. Justice would be found but not tonight.
Lucian had spent his night in prayer. As the sun rose, he followed the crowds to the Genevan's Palace. A marvel of enginering, it combined the architecture from Crystal Empire and old Human empire concepts. Banners flew waving the flag of the Isle and the Gold Dragon of Geneva at every meter. The gold bricks of the Palace spoke the value of wise leadership that was housed with in. Being the one who had invaded Dragon, he was requested to attend for testimony. Something was wrong up a head. The gates the palace rested wide open but it was crowded with people. On lookers and commoners held back by soliders. Peering through the crowd he saw a man laying in a pool of blood just outside of the gate. The man was dressed in fine clothing in the cut common to Dragon with dark hair hiding hate filled eyes and a crooked smile that broke an otherwise handsome face.
Galan unhooked the clasp of his cape. All the generals were awarded capes, a symbol of great honor that he was deeply touched. He hung his symbol of honor and their was a knock on the door. He openned it to see a young page. For the young recruits that washed out of the Paladin training there were two choices, to join the Geneva army and start over there or to be a page on the Isle and the council og Geneva. With communication as critical as it was, they were as needed or more than the soliders though not often as appreciated. Many kids gratitated to that choice because it was more noble not to be recognized.
"AYE GENERAL! I bring a message. There is a man staying at the flying crane in Atlanta. He says that Merideth's death is your fault and you need to come speak with him. Thats the entire offical message but he did laugh with his friends that if you knew what was good for you you would see him immediately. He's from Dragon my Lord General here for the negotiations tomorrow with nearly a dozen of his companions with him." The page announced all in a smooth articulate tone.
Taking a silver from his belt, "Here, this is for keeping an open ear." He grabbed his cape and in a spinning motion snapped it back in place. He had to go speak to Tristan, the meeting was inevitable.
The hour was very late bordering on early when General Galan threw open the doors of the Tavern. Smoke filled the room as in most common rooms at this hour. The Tavern lay mostly empty though and the commotion and smoke all came from the dozen men dressed like they were from Dragon. Galan saw the snake. Tristan who had raped and murdered his own wife, the women Galan loved, a young girl who still saw the world as a story and adventure to be had. She was much like him before the wrinkels. The villan was just before him harrassing a young bar maid.
"Let her go Tristan! YOU WANTED TO TALK TO ME!" Galan declared bringing silence to the bar. The attractive bar maid used the oppertunity to slide back to the kitchen.
Tristan raised his half empty mug of ale, "Welcome General. As I understand they promote criminals with a habit of causing international incidents. They honor murders of other people's wives. AYE GENERAL!" Slamming the rest of his ale his smashed the mug on the table. Less than in full control of his senses he stands throwing the table on the ground. "YOu stole her, took her from me and force your evil on the world. Lets settle this now." Tristan drew his long blade with a smooth motion. His soaked black hair hid eyes corrupted by greed and hatred.
Galan kept his sword in its scabbard and responded, "Then attack. I won't need my sword."
"No, no, no. I do not attack unarmed men who refuse to defend themselves, that is a skill reserved for the honorable ambassodors of Light -- you paladins." He smiles a crooked smile that disfigures an otherwise handsome face. "I have it. You know of what I speak." He replaces his sword with a small folded piece of parchment. "This is the real weapon."
"I don't know what you think you have besides a waiting hangover. Regardless of what letter or what message you may bring you are going to proclaim to the international world that the Isle, the Bastin of Hope and virtue, is the evil aggressor. A bold claim coming from a goverment that everyone knows is ran by a crime organization and rank with corruption. What you say will mean nothing. You are a fool." Galan attempted to cut his words off before they were personal, it would be unbecoming for his anger to show. Anger was niether good nor just.
"You told Meredith that if I got in your way you would cut me down. Well I'm in your way, with the evidence in my hand that you are all exactly what we have been claiming you to be. Self righteous greedy pretenders who seek only their own political and economic gain. Are you going to cut me down?" Reaching for another's mug he spraws ale threw the air.
Galan takes the splash attack with barely a blink and responds, "Whatever you think you have and say in your drunken stuppor, you can not change justice or truth. Justice will find you for all of your actions. Good night."
General Galan left the tavern as Tristan stood fuming, "YOU WILL PAY YOU WILL ALL PAY!" Rang through the night as Galan adjusted his cape reminidng himself of his position and the trust granted him. Justice would be found but not tonight.
Lucian had spent his night in prayer. As the sun rose, he followed the crowds to the Genevan's Palace. A marvel of enginering, it combined the architecture from Crystal Empire and old Human empire concepts. Banners flew waving the flag of the Isle and the Gold Dragon of Geneva at every meter. The gold bricks of the Palace spoke the value of wise leadership that was housed with in. Being the one who had invaded Dragon, he was requested to attend for testimony. Something was wrong up a head. The gates the palace rested wide open but it was crowded with people. On lookers and commoners held back by soliders. Peering through the crowd he saw a man laying in a pool of blood just outside of the gate. The man was dressed in fine clothing in the cut common to Dragon with dark hair hiding hate filled eyes and a crooked smile that broke an otherwise handsome face.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Truth and Judgement?
Travelling the world in seconds. Lucian had been to Assyria, Atlanta and back to Assyria all before sundown. They had rescued Morgan but Lucian had yet to achieve his objective. Jared had the incriminating letters but Lucian was sure when he explained the situation to him he would hand the letter over.
Jared, High Priest of Marduk, stood from his prostrated position and stopped his wailing. His face was run ragged soaked by what must be a day of tears. As he took his cloak from a priest the priest whispered something to him. Most likely announcing the Lucian was here to see him because he fastened his cloak and walked directly to Lucian. He was a large but not imposing man. Calloused hands and too much gray in his hair for his age indicated that he stressed and worked harder than most. "A Paladin from the Isle, I welcome you and you honor me by your presence."
Lucian responded with sober solemnity, "I am Lt. Lucian. and I do hail from the Isle. It is about the Isle I wish to speak with you if you have a moment." Jared nodded and Lucian continued, "It has come to my attention that you have recieved a letter. A letter that is a gross exageration of the truth. It was penned by a dark man determined to destroy the Isle by robbing the world of their faith in it." Lucian continued to share the full story in all details. The truth, in all its painstaking details, flowed from his mouth in well rehearsed verse he had told the story enough. He emphasized how he chose the greater good and stood against evil when it had to be done.
Jared's reply shocked him, "Well I can not imagine anything in a letter that would be more incriminating and a great admission of a great evil that what you just shared with me." Lucian just blinked, "I have not received a letter and I would not have believed it had I read something like that unless it was told directly too me. To even conceive a world where a paladin would sacrifice all of his honor integrity, then come to me not sorry but with nothing but excuses and justification for his evil acts. Perhaps the Isle is not what it use to be."
Lucian fumed. He had come to the edge of the world to find this grown man crying like a child all day to tell him the truth. He told the truth and explained his righteous actions and this man all but spit in his face. Who was he to sit in judgement? This guy is nothing. Lucian responded with venom in his teeth. "WHo are you to judge me when you do nothing to fight evil but cry in your temple. It is for indecision like you that forces the hands of us on the front lines dieing to keep your lands free."
Taking Lucian by surpise and nearlly causing him to fall back, "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I AM HERE DOING! I have seen evil that the Isle did not stop destroy everything valuable in this world. Thousands dead and the temple to Marduk defiled and destroyed. Khan laid waste to the lands of Babylon and caused me to head north looking for the shelter of an Assyrian lord. Now I find that he is recieving help and aid from someone called the Alchemist who I believe to be a dark friend. Faced with the decision I have decided to trust the Lord MARDUK and let the consequence follow. If only we all had such faith."
Lucian exasperated and sighed nothing left to say, "Do you have the letter?"
"No, if I receive it I will destroy it. I would hate for a story worse than the truth to spread. Though it shames me to know the truth."
Jared simply moved past him and into the night back. Lucian too dizzy to speak. If he did not have the letter, Lord Haws lied to me. Lucian realized he had to face that embarcing situation for nothing, because Captain Haws was ill informed. Anger stemmed at the edges and Lucian white knuckled his mace. Something was wrong he was set up. Captain Haws set him up, and Lucian would find out why.
Jared, High Priest of Marduk, stood from his prostrated position and stopped his wailing. His face was run ragged soaked by what must be a day of tears. As he took his cloak from a priest the priest whispered something to him. Most likely announcing the Lucian was here to see him because he fastened his cloak and walked directly to Lucian. He was a large but not imposing man. Calloused hands and too much gray in his hair for his age indicated that he stressed and worked harder than most. "A Paladin from the Isle, I welcome you and you honor me by your presence."
Lucian responded with sober solemnity, "I am Lt. Lucian. and I do hail from the Isle. It is about the Isle I wish to speak with you if you have a moment." Jared nodded and Lucian continued, "It has come to my attention that you have recieved a letter. A letter that is a gross exageration of the truth. It was penned by a dark man determined to destroy the Isle by robbing the world of their faith in it." Lucian continued to share the full story in all details. The truth, in all its painstaking details, flowed from his mouth in well rehearsed verse he had told the story enough. He emphasized how he chose the greater good and stood against evil when it had to be done.
Jared's reply shocked him, "Well I can not imagine anything in a letter that would be more incriminating and a great admission of a great evil that what you just shared with me." Lucian just blinked, "I have not received a letter and I would not have believed it had I read something like that unless it was told directly too me. To even conceive a world where a paladin would sacrifice all of his honor integrity, then come to me not sorry but with nothing but excuses and justification for his evil acts. Perhaps the Isle is not what it use to be."
Lucian fumed. He had come to the edge of the world to find this grown man crying like a child all day to tell him the truth. He told the truth and explained his righteous actions and this man all but spit in his face. Who was he to sit in judgement? This guy is nothing. Lucian responded with venom in his teeth. "WHo are you to judge me when you do nothing to fight evil but cry in your temple. It is for indecision like you that forces the hands of us on the front lines dieing to keep your lands free."
Taking Lucian by surpise and nearlly causing him to fall back, "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I AM HERE DOING! I have seen evil that the Isle did not stop destroy everything valuable in this world. Thousands dead and the temple to Marduk defiled and destroyed. Khan laid waste to the lands of Babylon and caused me to head north looking for the shelter of an Assyrian lord. Now I find that he is recieving help and aid from someone called the Alchemist who I believe to be a dark friend. Faced with the decision I have decided to trust the Lord MARDUK and let the consequence follow. If only we all had such faith."
Lucian exasperated and sighed nothing left to say, "Do you have the letter?"
"No, if I receive it I will destroy it. I would hate for a story worse than the truth to spread. Though it shames me to know the truth."
Jared simply moved past him and into the night back. Lucian too dizzy to speak. If he did not have the letter, Lord Haws lied to me. Lucian realized he had to face that embarcing situation for nothing, because Captain Haws was ill informed. Anger stemmed at the edges and Lucian white knuckled his mace. Something was wrong he was set up. Captain Haws set him up, and Lucian would find out why.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
To pass the night with angel or demon
Raziel had been alive again for slightly over a week and he was already on top of the world. He had neutralized any threat from the Den, he had been inducted to the Great Coven governed by the Volturum. He had found a cover and completely convinced no one not even Hades himself could find him. He charmed local shop owners into convincing them to give him half of their earnings and then charmed people like mindless drones to go into those shops to spend their money. Maybe some could argue it was dishonest but it made him money and he needed to be rich. He would have enough money to collect the magic items needed to make him undefeatable and a power to shake the world. He was afterall Raziel Kane. Though now he went by a new name Edward Cullen.
Edward had decided since everything was in place and proceeding forward well he would pay the lady they called Black Velvet. Lord Hans told Edward about her. She was the leader of the Volturum, and as a rule was never spoken of. If the Coven was a secret then she was the coven's secret. Yet she had said that she would see Edward if he came to her and even had Lord Hans mention the fact. No doubt his importance and power, and unmatched skills had already gained her attention. Before long we would own and run the entire operation. TradeCity would be his, he simply had earn her trust and twist her to his will. It came very easy for him, even before being a vampire he prided himself in being able to play people like wet clay.
In the shadow of the Great TradeCity Cathederal was her estate. Walled and large even if it was not in tradecity. Most Lords that would sprawl their estates over miles anywhere else settled for a small walled plot in the crowded city, but this covered nearly an entire block of the city though obviously built before any urban planning was instituted the way it intersected and bent around streets and paths. Every detail mattered.
Armed guards openned the gate as he arrived. "Who is calling?" Edward looked beyond the man with a grandmaster mark on his sword and examined the layout. A large stone plaze with a fountain. Different colorred stone marked walking paths. Dried ivy hung from the outer wall and the wall of her home. On either side of the plaze were patches of grass and trees which curved around to behind her mansion. "Lord Raziel Kane."
"Oh yes, we have a carriage for you." A carriage? It was large for Tradecity but it was not so large one needed a carriage to walk from the front gate to the door. Maybe 100 yards, a little less. She must want to flatter me, very well I'll take it as a sign that I am worth extremity of service she offers. He simply nodded as a black carriage with lit torches on each side and curtainned windows pulled up. Drawn by 6 black strong horses and a man with a strange brown birth mark on his jaw. The guard openned the door for him and the driver offered a hand to help him up. Edward did not take his hand but easily stepped into the carriage, a step high enough a mortal would have stumbled but he glided.
Sitting on the cushioned velvet seat he observed he was alone but smelt blood fresh blood next to him under the seat. Lost in the aroma for just a minute, he was taken off guared with the woman appeared seemingly birthed out of the shadow. Half her face was veiled by a sheer black lace with purple threads that served to bring out the blackness of the veil and the purple in her eyes. Those were intoxicating eyes. Eyes meant to claim a man, eyes that had a power and a purpose a goal and a cause. They were eyes that locked you more secure than any fortress. He wanted nothing but to be lost in her gaze, then he saw the rest of her.
What little moonlight came in the cracks of the curtains reflected off her rich creamy skin. It was like a perfectly crafted statue of marble yet somehow soft. He found himself yearning to touch it, even to his surprise felt his hand move. He covered, as to not show any vulnerabilty and brought his hand to his forhead attempting to a make a gesture of respect. Though even as he inclines his head he did not have the power to draw his eyes away from her bosom. It wasn't just a veil it was a whole cloak made of that lace see through material that pretended to hide her body from his eyes. A purple and white dress held her as tight as he wished he could. She was leaning into the seat more than sitting as if inviting him near her. Finding himself trembling but only slightly he steeled his nerves before she could notice. Captivating beauty such as this must be a powerful weapon. He thought as he decided he would not be victim to such a weapon and instead examined the perfect strands of her black hair that partially covered one eye. Symetrical and perfectly beautiful.
"...and that is why I said you could visit me." how long had she been talking? If her voice were not so rich full and entrancing he would have missed that too. It was musical, like the sweet honey he remembered eating as a child for his ears. She sounded like a Dark angel that may save him or destroy him on her whim and he would be happy to do either. He had heard sonnets, orchestra's and even the singing Blade liked to pride himself on but his mind raced to find anything so rich full and beautiful as this. He had missed what she said.
"Well my lady, you know me as Raziel Kane, but for the sake of secrecy I have changed my looks as you see and go by a new name -- Edward Cullen." He hoped that somehow fit into the conversation smooth enough. The first round went to her but he did not need victory quickly. Yet he found himself redefining victory because right now all he desired was to touch and look upon her. He changed tactics to throw her off, "I was not sure I would come and see you when Lord Hans mentioned your name but I felt in building my new life there maybe place for you in it."
"I'm charmed," The words left her mouth with almost a giggle that caused his insides to nearly melt. Please do that again. "Let us celebrate finding eachother." She leaned over and for a moment Edward's heart seemed to beat again as he thought she would touch him. She was leaning forward and approaching him like a panther does her prey and he wanted to be caught. Just a moment to carress or smell her hair close. The coldness of her skin would warm my soul. If his heart worked it would have broken as she was not going to touch him but lifted a compartment in the seat next to him. Though the view he caught as she exposed the bosom that only a few threads dared to keep any illusion of modesty. When she stood up handing him the large goblet of blood he was devestated that the view left and she sat back down.
He heard the glass in his hand strain in his grib as it was about to break. He was loosing control. He slammed the blood in two solid gulping motions. The sensation of feeding helped to compete with the desires and allure he felt if only for a moment. She giggled behind her eyes and said, "You must have a serious hunger, my sweet Edward." She called me her sweet Edward. That sounded right he would be hers. NO he would not surrender his will so easily.
It was her turn to drink and see lifted the goblet with a delicate graceand slowly sipped the blood from the glass in one long powerful sensous drink. A drop ran from the edge of her full lips down her porcelian skin and was caught by her thumb. She slowly retraced the drop back to her mouth and locking Edward in full eye contact sucked the blood off her thumb and removed it slowly.
Edward nearly passed out he could not believe how good she was. He had hidden his left hand and was burrowing his fingers in it hoping that pain would compete with the urges for his attention. It did not. To his relief, the carriage stopped and the driver openned the door. He caught out first ripping himself away from her image and removing himself from the position that would comprimise his resolve. Though once he was out of the carriage he could not help but look back and watch her descend from the carriage as a queen from her throne. No a goddess from her heaven. "Welcome to my home sweet child." She strided in as servants openned the door on either side. The way she moved and walked only slightly hidden by her transparent cloak bade him to follow and he did.
The home was nice but cold. Old stones made up the walls and floors. Fine tapestries covered the large black walls but still left a feeling of cold distance. This place must have been built long ago the surface stones are actually starting to give under the wieght of the others. Several dozen torches lit the main hall yet the light could not seem to rich the entire room and even the parts it did reach were not as bright as they should be. She must be some kind of mage, or at least have one in her employ. This place does not behave naturally.
They were halfway up the stairs befor Edward knew where they were he had just followed her like a puppy following its mother. It was like he had will in the matter. Though he wanted this not just for the obvious reasons to be near her and her beauty but if he was going to run this Coven he would have to learn all the pieces.
She stood sillouetted by the torch light in a perfect feminine form. "So you were fortunate to survive the cleansing of Lord Darkness's kingdom. His death is something our race will forever mourn." Edward realized something. The fringe of her cloak held a sigil a female hand holding a down turned purple rose. Darkness's symbol was a male hand choking a purple rose. There had to be a connection with that and several other things he had noticed she must be very old. Perhaps one of the first Lord Darkness turned.
"One who was welcome in his court is of course welcome in mine." She pushed two large heavy oak doors that were over 12 feet tall as if they were silk curains and revealed behind them a bed chamber. A large bed chamber. Over a thousand square feet. Most citizens in TradeCity lived in under half this space. A fire place burned in the corner though its flame did not touch the chill of the room nor its light chase away the darkness as it should. A black cat rolled and lept off the bed racing towards Tatyana. Even the cat wants to be close to her, at least I'm not alone. She undid the knot which held the transparent cloak and it fell to the ground behind her like a waterful over the Sichuan mountains near Ping Dong. If Edward could breath the sight would have taken his breath away. She bent down and scooped up the cat and then spoke to a servant Raziel had not realized was even present. "Bring us something to share." To which the servant inclined his eyes, how he took his eyes from her Edward did not know, and left.
"I hope you will accept my invitation to stay and eat. You seemed much hungered on the ride over." Edward was torn. He felt it wrong to prey on mortals, a feeling that seperated him deeply form his brethren and sisters of this coven. He did however realize that it happenned and if he was going to live in this world with them there was a degree of tolerance and participation that would be required of him, and then of course the chance to spend more time with Tatyana. "I accept." He stepped into the bed chamber excited and nervous.
Moments later a young man was brought in by servants bound and laid on the floor. His spirit was broken and his resolve removed. He just lay prone. She stood and strided toward him. He must have just sensed the beauty for he looked up and could not look away. Like a moth the the flame he fell entranced to her spell. She stroked his face and neck to which the boy complied like a faithful pet. Placing a hand on his chest she kissed his neck softly. The young man was nothing now even if he knew what was coming he could not have resisted. She looked up at Edward and again with that intoxicating stare she pierced the boys neck. It was over for him. He could have grown to be anything, have a family of his own, run a business, become a paladin of the isle ruled the world who knew but not now. That was over. He was now nothing more than food. He was dead long before she pierced his neck, he did when he looked into her eyes.
Tatyana passionately and gentle sucked the life from his neck as she wrapped her legs around her prey. She threw her hair back with a turn of her neck and looked back to Edward. "Please join me." It was not a pleading as it may have sounded it was an order, that seemed to come with a compulsion. Whatever reservations and hesitations Edward had about feeding on humans was now gone. He joined on the other side of the neck and the boy made not a sound. They worked quickly to drain the life from him. His heart still beat in a soft rythm. The rythm of someone trying to live. The body trying to compensate for the lack of blood by pumping what was left faster and faster. The rich sweet taster filled his mouth and the aroma filled his nostrils. He consummed more and more. It was primal and powerful and passionate, and he shared it her.
Both covered in blood they kept feeding striving to suck more and deeper then they found eachother. Their life draining rythmic motions found eachothers lips and passion took them both.
The sun filled the room in the morning. Edward had stayed hours later than he had hoped yet he wanted to stay for every second she would allow, especially now there were not even transparent cloaks between them. He could survive the sun so he was not concerned and she seemed to be uneffected by it as well. Very Old. She stood sliding from his arms and brining the cat to nestle her neck. "You are always welcome my dear Edward. Now go fulfill your dreams and aspirations. I will call for you again. You will be a great asset in the saving and forwarding of our race. So long as you are committed to me. You are loyal aren't you my dear fledgling."
He was not often called loyal, infact he was given the name betrayer of hope for his disloyalty in the past. But this was different. The Volturum was exactly was he needed and hoped for, there was nothing he disagreed with and he truly yearned for her. "Of course by lady, my heart is yours." Do I mean that? of course I mean that. I'll serve her.
Edward stepped out of the carriage and left the gate. He would not be returning anytime soon despite her invitation. He enjoyed that visit too much. No one should have as much control over his senses and his will. It scared him, terrified him and intrigued adn enticed him and terrified him because it enticed him. She was too dangerous to spend time with, but given time, he would find a way to make the Coven his. Though even as he walked away he desperately sought to see her again.
Edward had decided since everything was in place and proceeding forward well he would pay the lady they called Black Velvet. Lord Hans told Edward about her. She was the leader of the Volturum, and as a rule was never spoken of. If the Coven was a secret then she was the coven's secret. Yet she had said that she would see Edward if he came to her and even had Lord Hans mention the fact. No doubt his importance and power, and unmatched skills had already gained her attention. Before long we would own and run the entire operation. TradeCity would be his, he simply had earn her trust and twist her to his will. It came very easy for him, even before being a vampire he prided himself in being able to play people like wet clay.
In the shadow of the Great TradeCity Cathederal was her estate. Walled and large even if it was not in tradecity. Most Lords that would sprawl their estates over miles anywhere else settled for a small walled plot in the crowded city, but this covered nearly an entire block of the city though obviously built before any urban planning was instituted the way it intersected and bent around streets and paths. Every detail mattered.
Armed guards openned the gate as he arrived. "Who is calling?" Edward looked beyond the man with a grandmaster mark on his sword and examined the layout. A large stone plaze with a fountain. Different colorred stone marked walking paths. Dried ivy hung from the outer wall and the wall of her home. On either side of the plaze were patches of grass and trees which curved around to behind her mansion. "Lord Raziel Kane."
"Oh yes, we have a carriage for you." A carriage? It was large for Tradecity but it was not so large one needed a carriage to walk from the front gate to the door. Maybe 100 yards, a little less. She must want to flatter me, very well I'll take it as a sign that I am worth extremity of service she offers. He simply nodded as a black carriage with lit torches on each side and curtainned windows pulled up. Drawn by 6 black strong horses and a man with a strange brown birth mark on his jaw. The guard openned the door for him and the driver offered a hand to help him up. Edward did not take his hand but easily stepped into the carriage, a step high enough a mortal would have stumbled but he glided.
Sitting on the cushioned velvet seat he observed he was alone but smelt blood fresh blood next to him under the seat. Lost in the aroma for just a minute, he was taken off guared with the woman appeared seemingly birthed out of the shadow. Half her face was veiled by a sheer black lace with purple threads that served to bring out the blackness of the veil and the purple in her eyes. Those were intoxicating eyes. Eyes meant to claim a man, eyes that had a power and a purpose a goal and a cause. They were eyes that locked you more secure than any fortress. He wanted nothing but to be lost in her gaze, then he saw the rest of her.
What little moonlight came in the cracks of the curtains reflected off her rich creamy skin. It was like a perfectly crafted statue of marble yet somehow soft. He found himself yearning to touch it, even to his surprise felt his hand move. He covered, as to not show any vulnerabilty and brought his hand to his forhead attempting to a make a gesture of respect. Though even as he inclines his head he did not have the power to draw his eyes away from her bosom. It wasn't just a veil it was a whole cloak made of that lace see through material that pretended to hide her body from his eyes. A purple and white dress held her as tight as he wished he could. She was leaning into the seat more than sitting as if inviting him near her. Finding himself trembling but only slightly he steeled his nerves before she could notice. Captivating beauty such as this must be a powerful weapon. He thought as he decided he would not be victim to such a weapon and instead examined the perfect strands of her black hair that partially covered one eye. Symetrical and perfectly beautiful.
"...and that is why I said you could visit me." how long had she been talking? If her voice were not so rich full and entrancing he would have missed that too. It was musical, like the sweet honey he remembered eating as a child for his ears. She sounded like a Dark angel that may save him or destroy him on her whim and he would be happy to do either. He had heard sonnets, orchestra's and even the singing Blade liked to pride himself on but his mind raced to find anything so rich full and beautiful as this. He had missed what she said.
"Well my lady, you know me as Raziel Kane, but for the sake of secrecy I have changed my looks as you see and go by a new name -- Edward Cullen." He hoped that somehow fit into the conversation smooth enough. The first round went to her but he did not need victory quickly. Yet he found himself redefining victory because right now all he desired was to touch and look upon her. He changed tactics to throw her off, "I was not sure I would come and see you when Lord Hans mentioned your name but I felt in building my new life there maybe place for you in it."
"I'm charmed," The words left her mouth with almost a giggle that caused his insides to nearly melt. Please do that again. "Let us celebrate finding eachother." She leaned over and for a moment Edward's heart seemed to beat again as he thought she would touch him. She was leaning forward and approaching him like a panther does her prey and he wanted to be caught. Just a moment to carress or smell her hair close. The coldness of her skin would warm my soul. If his heart worked it would have broken as she was not going to touch him but lifted a compartment in the seat next to him. Though the view he caught as she exposed the bosom that only a few threads dared to keep any illusion of modesty. When she stood up handing him the large goblet of blood he was devestated that the view left and she sat back down.
He heard the glass in his hand strain in his grib as it was about to break. He was loosing control. He slammed the blood in two solid gulping motions. The sensation of feeding helped to compete with the desires and allure he felt if only for a moment. She giggled behind her eyes and said, "You must have a serious hunger, my sweet Edward." She called me her sweet Edward. That sounded right he would be hers. NO he would not surrender his will so easily.
It was her turn to drink and see lifted the goblet with a delicate graceand slowly sipped the blood from the glass in one long powerful sensous drink. A drop ran from the edge of her full lips down her porcelian skin and was caught by her thumb. She slowly retraced the drop back to her mouth and locking Edward in full eye contact sucked the blood off her thumb and removed it slowly.
Edward nearly passed out he could not believe how good she was. He had hidden his left hand and was burrowing his fingers in it hoping that pain would compete with the urges for his attention. It did not. To his relief, the carriage stopped and the driver openned the door. He caught out first ripping himself away from her image and removing himself from the position that would comprimise his resolve. Though once he was out of the carriage he could not help but look back and watch her descend from the carriage as a queen from her throne. No a goddess from her heaven. "Welcome to my home sweet child." She strided in as servants openned the door on either side. The way she moved and walked only slightly hidden by her transparent cloak bade him to follow and he did.
The home was nice but cold. Old stones made up the walls and floors. Fine tapestries covered the large black walls but still left a feeling of cold distance. This place must have been built long ago the surface stones are actually starting to give under the wieght of the others. Several dozen torches lit the main hall yet the light could not seem to rich the entire room and even the parts it did reach were not as bright as they should be. She must be some kind of mage, or at least have one in her employ. This place does not behave naturally.
They were halfway up the stairs befor Edward knew where they were he had just followed her like a puppy following its mother. It was like he had will in the matter. Though he wanted this not just for the obvious reasons to be near her and her beauty but if he was going to run this Coven he would have to learn all the pieces.
She stood sillouetted by the torch light in a perfect feminine form. "So you were fortunate to survive the cleansing of Lord Darkness's kingdom. His death is something our race will forever mourn." Edward realized something. The fringe of her cloak held a sigil a female hand holding a down turned purple rose. Darkness's symbol was a male hand choking a purple rose. There had to be a connection with that and several other things he had noticed she must be very old. Perhaps one of the first Lord Darkness turned.
"One who was welcome in his court is of course welcome in mine." She pushed two large heavy oak doors that were over 12 feet tall as if they were silk curains and revealed behind them a bed chamber. A large bed chamber. Over a thousand square feet. Most citizens in TradeCity lived in under half this space. A fire place burned in the corner though its flame did not touch the chill of the room nor its light chase away the darkness as it should. A black cat rolled and lept off the bed racing towards Tatyana. Even the cat wants to be close to her, at least I'm not alone. She undid the knot which held the transparent cloak and it fell to the ground behind her like a waterful over the Sichuan mountains near Ping Dong. If Edward could breath the sight would have taken his breath away. She bent down and scooped up the cat and then spoke to a servant Raziel had not realized was even present. "Bring us something to share." To which the servant inclined his eyes, how he took his eyes from her Edward did not know, and left.
"I hope you will accept my invitation to stay and eat. You seemed much hungered on the ride over." Edward was torn. He felt it wrong to prey on mortals, a feeling that seperated him deeply form his brethren and sisters of this coven. He did however realize that it happenned and if he was going to live in this world with them there was a degree of tolerance and participation that would be required of him, and then of course the chance to spend more time with Tatyana. "I accept." He stepped into the bed chamber excited and nervous.
Moments later a young man was brought in by servants bound and laid on the floor. His spirit was broken and his resolve removed. He just lay prone. She stood and strided toward him. He must have just sensed the beauty for he looked up and could not look away. Like a moth the the flame he fell entranced to her spell. She stroked his face and neck to which the boy complied like a faithful pet. Placing a hand on his chest she kissed his neck softly. The young man was nothing now even if he knew what was coming he could not have resisted. She looked up at Edward and again with that intoxicating stare she pierced the boys neck. It was over for him. He could have grown to be anything, have a family of his own, run a business, become a paladin of the isle ruled the world who knew but not now. That was over. He was now nothing more than food. He was dead long before she pierced his neck, he did when he looked into her eyes.
Tatyana passionately and gentle sucked the life from his neck as she wrapped her legs around her prey. She threw her hair back with a turn of her neck and looked back to Edward. "Please join me." It was not a pleading as it may have sounded it was an order, that seemed to come with a compulsion. Whatever reservations and hesitations Edward had about feeding on humans was now gone. He joined on the other side of the neck and the boy made not a sound. They worked quickly to drain the life from him. His heart still beat in a soft rythm. The rythm of someone trying to live. The body trying to compensate for the lack of blood by pumping what was left faster and faster. The rich sweet taster filled his mouth and the aroma filled his nostrils. He consummed more and more. It was primal and powerful and passionate, and he shared it her.
Both covered in blood they kept feeding striving to suck more and deeper then they found eachother. Their life draining rythmic motions found eachothers lips and passion took them both.
The sun filled the room in the morning. Edward had stayed hours later than he had hoped yet he wanted to stay for every second she would allow, especially now there were not even transparent cloaks between them. He could survive the sun so he was not concerned and she seemed to be uneffected by it as well. Very Old. She stood sliding from his arms and brining the cat to nestle her neck. "You are always welcome my dear Edward. Now go fulfill your dreams and aspirations. I will call for you again. You will be a great asset in the saving and forwarding of our race. So long as you are committed to me. You are loyal aren't you my dear fledgling."
He was not often called loyal, infact he was given the name betrayer of hope for his disloyalty in the past. But this was different. The Volturum was exactly was he needed and hoped for, there was nothing he disagreed with and he truly yearned for her. "Of course by lady, my heart is yours." Do I mean that? of course I mean that. I'll serve her.
Edward stepped out of the carriage and left the gate. He would not be returning anytime soon despite her invitation. He enjoyed that visit too much. No one should have as much control over his senses and his will. It scared him, terrified him and intrigued adn enticed him and terrified him because it enticed him. She was too dangerous to spend time with, but given time, he would find a way to make the Coven his. Though even as he walked away he desperately sought to see her again.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Prodical Daughter
Galan savorred the piece of roast chicken, for he never knew when the meal would be his last. Everyone was together. Lucian, Bob, Greyson all sat eating their meals and making small talk. Lucian said he was off to Enron, and Babylon to fill a mission he was given by a new captian that he must have been assigned to though he could tell there was some conflict in his heart about it strange.
"When I last spoke with Jared he was headed north to Assyria, so you'll want to start looking for him there. As the gods smile on us I am headed to Assyria myself. Lord Raquel told me they had received a report that Morgan may by Assyria. Though that was all he had. She was under my command so I'm headed up there to find her. Perhaps our paths lie together for a little longer."
Galan took just a moment to be in awe. A moment ago in Atlanta and now on the edge of the known world. He had teleported many times through magic, divine gifts, the force, but he still took a moment to be grateful. Looking around what was the capital of Assyria, Ashur, Galan was underwhelmed. Compared to Dragon, Andril, TradeCity, Pingdong, Enron this was a backwater dump. Yet good people lived here, Morgan was here--somewhere.
Lucian lead the way down the street towards what must be a tavern. The buildings and signs were all different here. Passing the mud brick buildings as they walked on a packed dirt road, they stepped into a tavern. When it rains these roads must be horrible. Bob knew his way around this tavern like he had been here before. His kind always did. Galan could not help thinking perhaps Bob was a spy. the Fox knew Galan worked with Khan who had sworn to destroy the crime lord. Even though Remus seemed to want to work with him to take Filtch down, Galan could not be too careful in dealing with a man tasked to him by a man who worked for the Fox. Theives and their shadow games. He thought.
Yet he brought his mind to the task at hand. Lucian approached, "Sir we've got directions to a shrine to Marduk. They say Priest Jared spins his days their praying and lamenting. We are headed that way. No word on Morgan." If the tavern crowd had not heard no one had. It seemed some strange law of the world that anything worth knowing could be found out at the local tavern. No word on Morgan. He did not know exactly where to look next. He knew she was in trouble. She was never good really she had the attitude one would expect from a life time of slavery and forced gladiator combat -- cold and cruel. Though he tried not to judge for he had seen too much combat turn even charitable paladins into cold killing machines. Similar to the look Lucian has in his eyes since he killed Fu Mei.
Faces past as they group made their way through the city to the shrine. She may not have been good but she was not evil, she had something in her capable of love, capable of honor so long as that spark remained they could be saved. Khan was saved because someone believed in him. Galan thought he could save Lanfear, and the story was not over perhaps he still could. He knew he could help Morgan find her way back. Though he thought he was not sure she was evil, he would be surprised if Lanfear had not twisted and turned her to that end. Finding her and taking her back was just the first step. The harder step would occur when light and dark would fight for her heart.
"He's mourning through the day and communing the Lord Marduk, not to be disturbed. He ussually concludes about sunset you can return then." The voice of the priest gave Galan to realize they had arrived at the shrine. Slightly larger than a garden gazzebo and build with a stone foundatin and clay brick pillars, 6 of them, the open air shrine did not give Jared the dignity of mourning in private. Open air walls exposed his spiritually and pain to the world though Jared lamented despite the openness. There was a pool of holy water at what cermony would place as the enterance.
Galan responded to the group instead of the priest, "We have several hours before we need to return here. We'll find Morgan in the meantime." "Yes general." Came the response but Galan never heard it as he had already moved to the holy water. Praying silently to Tyr for sight beyond that of mortals he asked to be shown where Morgan was. He received it. The water rippled just slightly as the reflection of Lucian and Galan turned into the reflection of Morgan tied gagged and locked into a box. Tyr's mercy extended and Galan saw the locked box being carried by a wagon drawn by 4 horses and escorted by a small group of hobgoblins.
Galan assessed the situation and escort and felt heavily under threatened. "Greyson take us there."
With an audible pop the group of heroes arrives just behind the slow traveling caravan. If you could call it a caravan. A horse drawn wagon and 6 hobgoblins trailing it, four armored man plus the driver were in the wagon. Hobgoblins were fierce slow and stupid, this could not be all Lanfear sent to protect what must be her captive. Seeking the grace of Tyr he openned his vision with true seeing. There was an invisible hobgoblin walking along side carriage that carried no sword of club. He did not know hobgoblins could learn magic but it seemed this one had.
One of the Hobgoblins was yelling at them in the gutteral grunting that they were capable. Galan and Lucian pushed past them and leaped both grabbing the wagon as it sped off. The driver must have felt threatenned and charged the horses at full speed. Muscles flexed adn though slightly aged his physical strength left nothing lacking as he easily scaled his own weight to the top of the wagon. Lucian joined him shortly but not before Galan had engaged in battle with one of the armored men who had also climbed up top. A well placed heavy swing of Galans holy two handed sword shredded the man's armor and sent him and his blood over the side.
Lucian engaged another two men as Galan saw the mage hobgoblin keeping stride with the carriage. He had to stop this mage, a man with a sword was simple but there was too much a mage could do often with out you even knowing it was done to you. The bumbs and tumble of the carriage made it difficult to time. He drove his sword down like a spike on top of the creature. The impact drove the blade deep into the creatures shoulder and chest. The momentum carried them both to the ground and causing Galan to skid across the ground and drop his sword, luckily his armor took most of the impact. The Hobgoblin was quick to his feat and charged the Paladin. Clasping his sword he swung still on his knees and caught the beast in his left knee seperating it from the rest of his leg.
He could see back 40 yards by now Greyson had just finished dispatching the rest of the hobgoblins. One light sword in each hand he stood with an almost creepy serenity with the beasts piled around him, then he was gone.
As the beast fell to the Earth Galan got to his feat and brought down and overhead swing. In desperation the beast lifts his arms to block but its not enough to stop the impact the Galan's blade. The threat had been neutralized, but the objective was nearly 60 yards down the road now.
Lucian pummelled the guard in front of him. The man was tough and returned with a stab to Lucians thigh causing blood to rush as if from a stuck pig. There was a pop and Lucian could see Greyson from the corner of his eye. He threw one of his light swords over the front of the racing carriage and it appeared back in his hand. The last armored man turned from Lucian to Greyson to protect the driver. Greyson just thrust his weaponless hand at the man and the man was airborne. Unfortunetly for Greyson, the armored man was able to grab to the showgun's robes and cause the two of them to tumble from the charging wagon.
Attempting to be steady and not loose his footing as his flooring shook and jerked beneath him caused by the fast speed over the half overgrown road. Then everything changed. There was a snap barely audable, and the horses pulled the driver one direction adn the wagon speed off carried by the momentum in another. Alone, Lucian concerned himself with getting the box morgan was in out before the unavoidable crash. It was too late. The wheels struck a rough part of the old road and jerked sharply as it began to overturn. Lucian, hoping to avoid being pinned under the wagon leaped from the top of the carriage and braced for impact. The overturning of the wagon actually caused the carraige to slide under him and splintered with his impact. His hip hurt most likely bruised but it did not feel broken. That could have been a lot worse. He thought moving debris from himself and looking for Morgan.
Morgan had heard a lot of noise in the past half hour. Protected and concealed in this box there was little she could do. Though if she was out she was not sure what she would do even then. How had it come to this? Light filled her eyes. Squinting she could see the shilloutee of man and felt safe and reassured just by his presense. He reached down and sat her up removing the gag from her mouth. Her eyes took just a second to adjust and she recognized Raquel Al-Shatel. "Your safe now." He said then turned his attention from her, "General I leave this to your hands and judgement," then back to her, "I'm glad your safe Morgan." When he spoke it was a powerful truth that someone cared about her and what she did and thought mattered and had an impact she was worth something. He left and she was left facing Galan.
"Morgan." He said just one word but volumes travelled in his tone -- relief, worry, judgement, concern, hesitation. Men were so complicated and stupid, even Alrec though she would never see him again. She could not allow herself even the moment of sadness as she responded, "Galan." As cold as she could manage and that was her speciality.
"I'm glad to see you well. It would seem you've made some choices you regret."
Curses, bloody Paladins can sense these things, "I am were life has brought me. And now life has brought me here back to you."
Silence hung in the air for a moment and an entire communication was had. Both wanted to be closer to the other, but were too hesitant to close the distance. After the longest moment Morgan remebers Galan concluded, "You can stay her in the Palace I'll have a room made up for you until you can get back on your feet. I pray the light find and save you."
"Thank you my Lord you are very gracious." She courtesied as he turned to leave and bit back the spit she would have rather thrown at him. Controlling men was easy in one regard but disgusting in others, showing any submission to him bordered on physically painful. In a moment she was alone in her new quarters. Now alone she could allow herself to be sad and furious at all once.
Lucian approached Galan with a small piece of paper. "We found this in the carriage. We were in such a hurry to get Morgan back I did not want to bother you with it then." He handed the parchment to Galan. Opening it Galan read to himself the letter:
The cargo you carry is extremely valuable. Protect it with your lives because its worth more than all you barrell crawlers combined. Deliver it to the Alchemist and pray to the Dark Lord that he forgives you if your are late.
There was no signature.
Galan just thought, Who is the Alchemist?
"When I last spoke with Jared he was headed north to Assyria, so you'll want to start looking for him there. As the gods smile on us I am headed to Assyria myself. Lord Raquel told me they had received a report that Morgan may by Assyria. Though that was all he had. She was under my command so I'm headed up there to find her. Perhaps our paths lie together for a little longer."
Galan took just a moment to be in awe. A moment ago in Atlanta and now on the edge of the known world. He had teleported many times through magic, divine gifts, the force, but he still took a moment to be grateful. Looking around what was the capital of Assyria, Ashur, Galan was underwhelmed. Compared to Dragon, Andril, TradeCity, Pingdong, Enron this was a backwater dump. Yet good people lived here, Morgan was here--somewhere.
Lucian lead the way down the street towards what must be a tavern. The buildings and signs were all different here. Passing the mud brick buildings as they walked on a packed dirt road, they stepped into a tavern. When it rains these roads must be horrible. Bob knew his way around this tavern like he had been here before. His kind always did. Galan could not help thinking perhaps Bob was a spy. the Fox knew Galan worked with Khan who had sworn to destroy the crime lord. Even though Remus seemed to want to work with him to take Filtch down, Galan could not be too careful in dealing with a man tasked to him by a man who worked for the Fox. Theives and their shadow games. He thought.
Yet he brought his mind to the task at hand. Lucian approached, "Sir we've got directions to a shrine to Marduk. They say Priest Jared spins his days their praying and lamenting. We are headed that way. No word on Morgan." If the tavern crowd had not heard no one had. It seemed some strange law of the world that anything worth knowing could be found out at the local tavern. No word on Morgan. He did not know exactly where to look next. He knew she was in trouble. She was never good really she had the attitude one would expect from a life time of slavery and forced gladiator combat -- cold and cruel. Though he tried not to judge for he had seen too much combat turn even charitable paladins into cold killing machines. Similar to the look Lucian has in his eyes since he killed Fu Mei.
Faces past as they group made their way through the city to the shrine. She may not have been good but she was not evil, she had something in her capable of love, capable of honor so long as that spark remained they could be saved. Khan was saved because someone believed in him. Galan thought he could save Lanfear, and the story was not over perhaps he still could. He knew he could help Morgan find her way back. Though he thought he was not sure she was evil, he would be surprised if Lanfear had not twisted and turned her to that end. Finding her and taking her back was just the first step. The harder step would occur when light and dark would fight for her heart.
"He's mourning through the day and communing the Lord Marduk, not to be disturbed. He ussually concludes about sunset you can return then." The voice of the priest gave Galan to realize they had arrived at the shrine. Slightly larger than a garden gazzebo and build with a stone foundatin and clay brick pillars, 6 of them, the open air shrine did not give Jared the dignity of mourning in private. Open air walls exposed his spiritually and pain to the world though Jared lamented despite the openness. There was a pool of holy water at what cermony would place as the enterance.
Galan responded to the group instead of the priest, "We have several hours before we need to return here. We'll find Morgan in the meantime." "Yes general." Came the response but Galan never heard it as he had already moved to the holy water. Praying silently to Tyr for sight beyond that of mortals he asked to be shown where Morgan was. He received it. The water rippled just slightly as the reflection of Lucian and Galan turned into the reflection of Morgan tied gagged and locked into a box. Tyr's mercy extended and Galan saw the locked box being carried by a wagon drawn by 4 horses and escorted by a small group of hobgoblins.
Galan assessed the situation and escort and felt heavily under threatened. "Greyson take us there."
With an audible pop the group of heroes arrives just behind the slow traveling caravan. If you could call it a caravan. A horse drawn wagon and 6 hobgoblins trailing it, four armored man plus the driver were in the wagon. Hobgoblins were fierce slow and stupid, this could not be all Lanfear sent to protect what must be her captive. Seeking the grace of Tyr he openned his vision with true seeing. There was an invisible hobgoblin walking along side carriage that carried no sword of club. He did not know hobgoblins could learn magic but it seemed this one had.
One of the Hobgoblins was yelling at them in the gutteral grunting that they were capable. Galan and Lucian pushed past them and leaped both grabbing the wagon as it sped off. The driver must have felt threatenned and charged the horses at full speed. Muscles flexed adn though slightly aged his physical strength left nothing lacking as he easily scaled his own weight to the top of the wagon. Lucian joined him shortly but not before Galan had engaged in battle with one of the armored men who had also climbed up top. A well placed heavy swing of Galans holy two handed sword shredded the man's armor and sent him and his blood over the side.
Lucian engaged another two men as Galan saw the mage hobgoblin keeping stride with the carriage. He had to stop this mage, a man with a sword was simple but there was too much a mage could do often with out you even knowing it was done to you. The bumbs and tumble of the carriage made it difficult to time. He drove his sword down like a spike on top of the creature. The impact drove the blade deep into the creatures shoulder and chest. The momentum carried them both to the ground and causing Galan to skid across the ground and drop his sword, luckily his armor took most of the impact. The Hobgoblin was quick to his feat and charged the Paladin. Clasping his sword he swung still on his knees and caught the beast in his left knee seperating it from the rest of his leg.
He could see back 40 yards by now Greyson had just finished dispatching the rest of the hobgoblins. One light sword in each hand he stood with an almost creepy serenity with the beasts piled around him, then he was gone.
As the beast fell to the Earth Galan got to his feat and brought down and overhead swing. In desperation the beast lifts his arms to block but its not enough to stop the impact the Galan's blade. The threat had been neutralized, but the objective was nearly 60 yards down the road now.
Lucian pummelled the guard in front of him. The man was tough and returned with a stab to Lucians thigh causing blood to rush as if from a stuck pig. There was a pop and Lucian could see Greyson from the corner of his eye. He threw one of his light swords over the front of the racing carriage and it appeared back in his hand. The last armored man turned from Lucian to Greyson to protect the driver. Greyson just thrust his weaponless hand at the man and the man was airborne. Unfortunetly for Greyson, the armored man was able to grab to the showgun's robes and cause the two of them to tumble from the charging wagon.
Attempting to be steady and not loose his footing as his flooring shook and jerked beneath him caused by the fast speed over the half overgrown road. Then everything changed. There was a snap barely audable, and the horses pulled the driver one direction adn the wagon speed off carried by the momentum in another. Alone, Lucian concerned himself with getting the box morgan was in out before the unavoidable crash. It was too late. The wheels struck a rough part of the old road and jerked sharply as it began to overturn. Lucian, hoping to avoid being pinned under the wagon leaped from the top of the carriage and braced for impact. The overturning of the wagon actually caused the carraige to slide under him and splintered with his impact. His hip hurt most likely bruised but it did not feel broken. That could have been a lot worse. He thought moving debris from himself and looking for Morgan.
Morgan had heard a lot of noise in the past half hour. Protected and concealed in this box there was little she could do. Though if she was out she was not sure what she would do even then. How had it come to this? Light filled her eyes. Squinting she could see the shilloutee of man and felt safe and reassured just by his presense. He reached down and sat her up removing the gag from her mouth. Her eyes took just a second to adjust and she recognized Raquel Al-Shatel. "Your safe now." He said then turned his attention from her, "General I leave this to your hands and judgement," then back to her, "I'm glad your safe Morgan." When he spoke it was a powerful truth that someone cared about her and what she did and thought mattered and had an impact she was worth something. He left and she was left facing Galan.
"Morgan." He said just one word but volumes travelled in his tone -- relief, worry, judgement, concern, hesitation. Men were so complicated and stupid, even Alrec though she would never see him again. She could not allow herself even the moment of sadness as she responded, "Galan." As cold as she could manage and that was her speciality.
"I'm glad to see you well. It would seem you've made some choices you regret."
Curses, bloody Paladins can sense these things, "I am were life has brought me. And now life has brought me here back to you."
Silence hung in the air for a moment and an entire communication was had. Both wanted to be closer to the other, but were too hesitant to close the distance. After the longest moment Morgan remebers Galan concluded, "You can stay her in the Palace I'll have a room made up for you until you can get back on your feet. I pray the light find and save you."
"Thank you my Lord you are very gracious." She courtesied as he turned to leave and bit back the spit she would have rather thrown at him. Controlling men was easy in one regard but disgusting in others, showing any submission to him bordered on physically painful. In a moment she was alone in her new quarters. Now alone she could allow herself to be sad and furious at all once.
Lucian approached Galan with a small piece of paper. "We found this in the carriage. We were in such a hurry to get Morgan back I did not want to bother you with it then." He handed the parchment to Galan. Opening it Galan read to himself the letter:
The cargo you carry is extremely valuable. Protect it with your lives because its worth more than all you barrell crawlers combined. Deliver it to the Alchemist and pray to the Dark Lord that he forgives you if your are late.
There was no signature.
Galan just thought, Who is the Alchemist?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Jeric meets the wizard
Jeric looking around decided the front door was the best way. Attempting shadow form he approached the gateway but still found it blocked. He was surprised how quickly she appeared. A young woman who much have been half Drow -- she was not dark enough to be full but he skin definately was not that of ancestors who walked above ground. He looked right past if for if racial predjudice had a victim it would be he. Life as a half vampire came with limitations and benefits.
"Who are you? and what do you want?" Her voice did not match the beauty in her eyes, it was cold and commanding. Jeric responded in dignified calm that personified what Showgun should be, "I am seeking the decpticons and shall not leave till I speak with one."
"Who? This is the tower of the North wind no one by the name is present."
"I have sensed them and will not be detered, perhaps if I can not speak with them I will inform the Isle of their presence here."
"Come in for tea the master of the Tower will be with you shortly." Cold as ice.
Jeric stepped through the gateway and followed her through the immaculate gardens to a series of sitting benches with a tea table to the side. The table held a Talyun tea pot. Beautiful ivory painting decorated the pitcher and the cups. As Jeric examined and enjoyed the aestitics of the scenary, A man in long white and blue robes appeared. His hair streaked with grey was pulled back out of his face with somethign that resembled a crown. Hands moved free of any signs of aging despite the obvious toll human age had taken to his face. Despite his refined appearance and warm surroundings there was a darkness behind his eyes Jeric did not need to sense to know was there.
"I need to find the decepticons it is a matter of life or death."
The man inhales sharply and responds, "Not even an introduction. I do not take kindly to people knocking on my door and then demanding things of me. Especially things I can not provide, or even know to what you are referring. And don't drop names or threats of people you know, that will only assure you never leave. Start with your name and we can talk like civilized people."
"Master Jeric Windstar," at least thats how he always introduced himself, "my business is simple I need to see one of the golemns you are protecting its a matter of life or death."
"The mage pours some tea, "No, tell me more about yourself if I am to let you into my house and spill my secrets to you we have to build some level of trust."
Jeric did not like this man. He could easily overpower this man. No matter what magic he had it was insignificant to his greatness and power. THe power of the force could not be challenged and he would destroy this man if that was what it came to. Though it would not need to come to that. Jeric had grown use to playing diplomat and negotiating reading people and using their personalities for the means of forwarding the good. No need for violence here when diplomacy would prevail, "I've travelled most of hte known world though I am from the Mei Kong valley. Even realms like Sigil and Ravenloft have been seen by my eyes." The half gulp of tea revealed that the mage's interest was enthralled by the mention of Ravenloft.
"Truly! The land of the mist. Yet you escaped despite what you are?"
There was racial predjustice again, "I escaped because Lord Straud wanted me to. He even marked me."
The mage now looked as though his mind would explode with excitement. Jeric did not know what this man's fixation with Ravenloft was but if he could use it to gain leverage and maybe even an exchange of knowledge he would continue to spikes the man's curiousity and spike it he did. He went on telling stories always careful not to share all the details and at some critical point drop a reference to another fascinating detail that kept the man chasing tangents. He looked as if he were taking notes with his eyes and he watched Jeric solidly. Then Jeric suddenly stopped, "I will talk no more until I speak to the real man not a projection and can see the golemns."
The man vanished. Jeric knew he was a magical projection from the start there was no life no force in him to sense. A moment later the man reappeared this time the real one Jeric was ceratin. "Ok, you tell me everything I want to know about Ravenloft and I will tell you all you want to know abou these golemns. Once my curiousity has been satisfied that is."
"Very well we'll trade questions."
"You were not a vampil before dieing in Ravenloft the mist spontanously created that for you?"
"I was born that way, a god removed what she considered to be the cursed part of me. Later it was restored by a powerful Sith Master. I gave up that gift again for fear that it was corrupting my soul. When I died in Ravenloft it reinstated it to which no I have no regret. Why are the golemns here?"
"So, you were a vampil before but repressed. It must have taken the easiest form of corruption. Now you say you met Straud in Castle Ravenloft itself. Describe it to me in every detail you can remember."
"The castle is grand but cold." The mage had not answered his question, "No more mage. I must see the golemns now."
"Very well if I can convince you to talk to me no longer a toast and I take you to my golemn friends." He raised his glass to which Jeric returned. When the glasses touched their fingers brushed and the man called out coldly, "Jeric Windstar Showgun highmaster from the MeiKong traveler of Ravenloft, I imprison you deep in the earth." Nothing happenned. He must have needed my name for that. A name he did not give.
Jeric returned fire by griping the mages hand with telekensis pinning it to the ground. 4 statues in the Garden near their location turned moving towards Jeric. The Drow girl disappeared though he could still sense her approaching from behind. Then the mage tossed two dice from his un pinned hand. When they stopped they burrowed into the ground and as a seed grows into tree through the seasons a Wyvern and a Great worm grew from their burial place in the dirt.
Jeric was outnumbered but it did not matter. He easily dodged the attacks from the summoned creatures and the womans attempt to back stab. He was no so lucky with a spear that was thrown from one of the approaching golemns. As long as he had the wizard he had control. He went to strike and probe his mind but the man was gone. He had just dissapeared. Some defensive magic prepared. Jeric then realized it was not just him verses the wizard.
This is his home. He would not be able to fight the mage and all the traps he had set. Though he was sure he would not fall he would not find victory either. The mage would flew and be untraceable and even if not his directive of finding a body for X would not be met. He decided to leave.
Turning his attention to the gate way he ran. The giant worm tore the ground beneath him. The huge spiked teeth encircled him and for just a moment Jeric thought he was eaten. He spun and embracing all he was light swords swarmed and devoured the beast that would have devoured him. He kept running.
He ran hoping his ring of magic defense would give him some protection. And it did. He left the gateway and teleported straight back to Atlanta, diplomacy and force both failing to achieve what he had hoped for. X was lost.
"Who are you? and what do you want?" Her voice did not match the beauty in her eyes, it was cold and commanding. Jeric responded in dignified calm that personified what Showgun should be, "I am seeking the decpticons and shall not leave till I speak with one."
"Who? This is the tower of the North wind no one by the name is present."
"I have sensed them and will not be detered, perhaps if I can not speak with them I will inform the Isle of their presence here."
"Come in for tea the master of the Tower will be with you shortly." Cold as ice.
Jeric stepped through the gateway and followed her through the immaculate gardens to a series of sitting benches with a tea table to the side. The table held a Talyun tea pot. Beautiful ivory painting decorated the pitcher and the cups. As Jeric examined and enjoyed the aestitics of the scenary, A man in long white and blue robes appeared. His hair streaked with grey was pulled back out of his face with somethign that resembled a crown. Hands moved free of any signs of aging despite the obvious toll human age had taken to his face. Despite his refined appearance and warm surroundings there was a darkness behind his eyes Jeric did not need to sense to know was there.
"I need to find the decepticons it is a matter of life or death."
The man inhales sharply and responds, "Not even an introduction. I do not take kindly to people knocking on my door and then demanding things of me. Especially things I can not provide, or even know to what you are referring. And don't drop names or threats of people you know, that will only assure you never leave. Start with your name and we can talk like civilized people."
"Master Jeric Windstar," at least thats how he always introduced himself, "my business is simple I need to see one of the golemns you are protecting its a matter of life or death."
"The mage pours some tea, "No, tell me more about yourself if I am to let you into my house and spill my secrets to you we have to build some level of trust."
Jeric did not like this man. He could easily overpower this man. No matter what magic he had it was insignificant to his greatness and power. THe power of the force could not be challenged and he would destroy this man if that was what it came to. Though it would not need to come to that. Jeric had grown use to playing diplomat and negotiating reading people and using their personalities for the means of forwarding the good. No need for violence here when diplomacy would prevail, "I've travelled most of hte known world though I am from the Mei Kong valley. Even realms like Sigil and Ravenloft have been seen by my eyes." The half gulp of tea revealed that the mage's interest was enthralled by the mention of Ravenloft.
"Truly! The land of the mist. Yet you escaped despite what you are?"
There was racial predjustice again, "I escaped because Lord Straud wanted me to. He even marked me."
The mage now looked as though his mind would explode with excitement. Jeric did not know what this man's fixation with Ravenloft was but if he could use it to gain leverage and maybe even an exchange of knowledge he would continue to spikes the man's curiousity and spike it he did. He went on telling stories always careful not to share all the details and at some critical point drop a reference to another fascinating detail that kept the man chasing tangents. He looked as if he were taking notes with his eyes and he watched Jeric solidly. Then Jeric suddenly stopped, "I will talk no more until I speak to the real man not a projection and can see the golemns."
The man vanished. Jeric knew he was a magical projection from the start there was no life no force in him to sense. A moment later the man reappeared this time the real one Jeric was ceratin. "Ok, you tell me everything I want to know about Ravenloft and I will tell you all you want to know abou these golemns. Once my curiousity has been satisfied that is."
"Very well we'll trade questions."
"You were not a vampil before dieing in Ravenloft the mist spontanously created that for you?"
"I was born that way, a god removed what she considered to be the cursed part of me. Later it was restored by a powerful Sith Master. I gave up that gift again for fear that it was corrupting my soul. When I died in Ravenloft it reinstated it to which no I have no regret. Why are the golemns here?"
"So, you were a vampil before but repressed. It must have taken the easiest form of corruption. Now you say you met Straud in Castle Ravenloft itself. Describe it to me in every detail you can remember."
"The castle is grand but cold." The mage had not answered his question, "No more mage. I must see the golemns now."
"Very well if I can convince you to talk to me no longer a toast and I take you to my golemn friends." He raised his glass to which Jeric returned. When the glasses touched their fingers brushed and the man called out coldly, "Jeric Windstar Showgun highmaster from the MeiKong traveler of Ravenloft, I imprison you deep in the earth." Nothing happenned. He must have needed my name for that. A name he did not give.
Jeric returned fire by griping the mages hand with telekensis pinning it to the ground. 4 statues in the Garden near their location turned moving towards Jeric. The Drow girl disappeared though he could still sense her approaching from behind. Then the mage tossed two dice from his un pinned hand. When they stopped they burrowed into the ground and as a seed grows into tree through the seasons a Wyvern and a Great worm grew from their burial place in the dirt.
Jeric was outnumbered but it did not matter. He easily dodged the attacks from the summoned creatures and the womans attempt to back stab. He was no so lucky with a spear that was thrown from one of the approaching golemns. As long as he had the wizard he had control. He went to strike and probe his mind but the man was gone. He had just dissapeared. Some defensive magic prepared. Jeric then realized it was not just him verses the wizard.
This is his home. He would not be able to fight the mage and all the traps he had set. Though he was sure he would not fall he would not find victory either. The mage would flew and be untraceable and even if not his directive of finding a body for X would not be met. He decided to leave.
Turning his attention to the gate way he ran. The giant worm tore the ground beneath him. The huge spiked teeth encircled him and for just a moment Jeric thought he was eaten. He spun and embracing all he was light swords swarmed and devoured the beast that would have devoured him. He kept running.
He ran hoping his ring of magic defense would give him some protection. And it did. He left the gateway and teleported straight back to Atlanta, diplomacy and force both failing to achieve what he had hoped for. X was lost.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Windstar's search
Raquel had just dismissed Captain Dante and Master Windstar's apprentice Greyson. Raquel was always smiling, except now. Behind those commanding eyes and that stray strand of sun bleached hair their was pain, pain and the weight of a hundred worlds. Surely a man who had faced down the Dark One himself had little left that could shake him. But yet, here he was shaken, despite his well polished efforts to hide it. If he were not so use to reading people's minds he may not even had recognized it. Truly Dante's tale of this Alan going after his friends rather than him was dark and painful but there was something that shook Lord Raquel on a personel level it seemed.
Though the eternity of silence was just a moment Jeric felt too ackward to let it continue and instead offered to help, "If this Alan is from Dragon, its possible the French Man is involved. With him as important to the future as he is we should silence this Alan." Lord Raquel thinks for a moment seeming to try and bring his thoughts from something else and says profoundly, "Unless this is what makes him capable of being the leader we will all need. I am what I am and you are what you are at least in part because we had to be. We had to be that great to overcome the adversity that we met. Running in and solving his problems could kill us all."
"Who knows what the future will bring we must act with what we know now."
"I have a friend who would say this conversation is pointless because our attempts to change the future may cause it and our attempts to keep it the same may change it."
"A wise man."
"You do what you will Master Windstar, I leave Dante's fate in Dante's hands. To me this adversity no matter how horrific must be faced by him."
"I will consider your words. Then with your leave."
Jeric held the small metallic glowing green sphere in his hand. This was the spark, or the life force. This was what made that golemn Alive. It was what everyone feared. They had known it for decades know that there waiting for them a future where golemns had developped intelligence and had nearly destroyed all organic life. Mages everywhere had forbidden golemn research and burned what information they had of it. Yet all of that had not stopped that future, at least according to recent accounts from Dante. The golemn sent back from the future to defend Dante and ensure he lives was defeated by Alan and all that remained was this small metal ball. This ball housed the spirit of it or the portion of the force which gave it Life.
Jeric closed his eyes and reached his pool out to find and merge with the pool emenating from the ball in his hand--though there was no hand there was nothing but force. It was like contacting a sleeping mind. Like the rippples of the sea against the shore as the tide shifted away from land, the soul pulsated but slightly less each time. Pushing deeper, Jeric found only one major controlling drive--the need to protect Dante or General Katar, as the soul called it.
Though this was dangerous, Jeric had made a decision. X should live. If he was important enough to be sent from the future, he was important enough to save. The best Jeric could tell X needed a new body a new golemn body to live just as an elf would need a flesh body to house their force. He had heard stories mentioned before of other Golemns that had come back to ensure the creation of the spark. He did not know where they were but accounts left 3 of them still alive-if you could call it that. His plan was simple, find the bad ones destroy their spark and replace it with X's. Though he had no idea how to do that or if it could be done. Even with a country to run and a bickering council to manage and steer and an international alliance to help create, he needed to save this one soul. He had to save it because it would protect Dante and Dante would save them all.
Lifting the spark with the force he caused it to float suspended by the sheet will Jeric exerted though it was not taxing. He would use it as a reference and find something similar. The foot prints these sparks left in the force had to at least be similar to eachother. Folding his legs into a meditation position, he became the world around him.
The multiverse was an ocean. For a time, the force would materialize this ocean into individual waves. These waves would create pools in the great ocean. The pool of temperary existence and illusion of reality that was Jeric, lay calm and serene. He surrendered the illusion, his pool fading into the waves around him. Reaching out his pool was swallowed and engulfed and Jeric became a part of the whole. The whole reached further and further then stopped. There were pools, pools like X but...simpler. It was close, very close and a lot of them, maybe 50. Here in Atlanta under the Palace. Marking in the ocean where those waves broke the surface, he condensed his pool as close as he could to those prints.
He found himself in the sewers under Atlanta. He then used the force to move the rocks and stone to get closer to the pools he had found. Then there was a solid metal slab like a floor. He could not be sure what but there was something extra protecting this floor. He reached out to another spark that was on the other side of the floor. It was again like it was a sleep but somehow Jeric woke it. Alive, I want to be alive. The thought flooded back across the connection so fast and powerful it shocked him. All beings had some sort of survival drive but this was nearly unprecidented. Usually a drive that strong was accompanied by fear or panic of facing the reality life was about to end, but this had none of that just simply a pure hunger for life.
This was something but it was not the golemns he was looking for, and though an army of inteligent golemns under Atlanta warranted immediate investigation by all means necesary, he chose to ignore it. X needed a differnt golemn body not these. He became the ocean again. There were several pockets of these sparks that Jeric could only assume were inteligent golemns from the future. One under Tradecity and 2 under other islands in Geneva. Reaching out further and futher, he expanded his conscieness as far as he could with out loosing it. Like too little butter spread over burt toast he was trying to cover more ground than he could. On the edge of the ripples of his pool there was something else. This was not like the other sparks, it was similar to X but more complicated. Like too little spice trying to flavor too much tea he risked not doing anything and having no impact on the world. He rapidly moved to consolidate his pool of the ocean.
He could not just leave this with out at least telling someone. He materialized outside the room he had been speaking to Lord Raquel. Guards called out "Hold." He threw out the force to keep them off of him. The doors openned and Lord Raquel stood before him. "Is there a problem here Master Windstar?" Raquel said amused and irritated at the same time.
He took the news well, as well as someone could who found out there was a sleeper army of future inteligent golemns planted in strategic locations to invade and destroy Geneva. That problem was someones else's problem. Perhaps this was the moment Dante was saved for. Maybe I should find Dante then. He shook off that thought it was much more important to find a body to put X in. He could offer a wide range of insight into the situation.
Leaping through the force he appeared where the other sparks were located. Well close. He was standing on an invisible dome looking down over a majestic mountain fortress. The walled compound was as well tended and gardenned as any royal estate or druid grove. A large wide tower with open balconies and orante statues was built into a mountian while an arch bridge reached across the saddle between the mountain and small ridge. The rocky ridge had been buit into a massive wind mill. Jeric had never seen any windmill close to that size. Sails larger than the carvel class ships that sailed from Trade City across the great seas of the world spun at a casual rapidness driven by the wind that was funnelled through the canyon.
The mountains and entire site was majestic and wonderful. He was observant but did not let it distract him from his prey. He saw them. Three machines of war sitting unmoving in the courtyard. A small catapult a mobile battering ram and a larger trebuche, that matched the description and it was the spark he felt. Know how to get in there.
Though the eternity of silence was just a moment Jeric felt too ackward to let it continue and instead offered to help, "If this Alan is from Dragon, its possible the French Man is involved. With him as important to the future as he is we should silence this Alan." Lord Raquel thinks for a moment seeming to try and bring his thoughts from something else and says profoundly, "Unless this is what makes him capable of being the leader we will all need. I am what I am and you are what you are at least in part because we had to be. We had to be that great to overcome the adversity that we met. Running in and solving his problems could kill us all."
"Who knows what the future will bring we must act with what we know now."
"I have a friend who would say this conversation is pointless because our attempts to change the future may cause it and our attempts to keep it the same may change it."
"A wise man."
"You do what you will Master Windstar, I leave Dante's fate in Dante's hands. To me this adversity no matter how horrific must be faced by him."
"I will consider your words. Then with your leave."
Jeric held the small metallic glowing green sphere in his hand. This was the spark, or the life force. This was what made that golemn Alive. It was what everyone feared. They had known it for decades know that there waiting for them a future where golemns had developped intelligence and had nearly destroyed all organic life. Mages everywhere had forbidden golemn research and burned what information they had of it. Yet all of that had not stopped that future, at least according to recent accounts from Dante. The golemn sent back from the future to defend Dante and ensure he lives was defeated by Alan and all that remained was this small metal ball. This ball housed the spirit of it or the portion of the force which gave it Life.
Jeric closed his eyes and reached his pool out to find and merge with the pool emenating from the ball in his hand--though there was no hand there was nothing but force. It was like contacting a sleeping mind. Like the rippples of the sea against the shore as the tide shifted away from land, the soul pulsated but slightly less each time. Pushing deeper, Jeric found only one major controlling drive--the need to protect Dante or General Katar, as the soul called it.
Though this was dangerous, Jeric had made a decision. X should live. If he was important enough to be sent from the future, he was important enough to save. The best Jeric could tell X needed a new body a new golemn body to live just as an elf would need a flesh body to house their force. He had heard stories mentioned before of other Golemns that had come back to ensure the creation of the spark. He did not know where they were but accounts left 3 of them still alive-if you could call it that. His plan was simple, find the bad ones destroy their spark and replace it with X's. Though he had no idea how to do that or if it could be done. Even with a country to run and a bickering council to manage and steer and an international alliance to help create, he needed to save this one soul. He had to save it because it would protect Dante and Dante would save them all.
Lifting the spark with the force he caused it to float suspended by the sheet will Jeric exerted though it was not taxing. He would use it as a reference and find something similar. The foot prints these sparks left in the force had to at least be similar to eachother. Folding his legs into a meditation position, he became the world around him.
The multiverse was an ocean. For a time, the force would materialize this ocean into individual waves. These waves would create pools in the great ocean. The pool of temperary existence and illusion of reality that was Jeric, lay calm and serene. He surrendered the illusion, his pool fading into the waves around him. Reaching out his pool was swallowed and engulfed and Jeric became a part of the whole. The whole reached further and further then stopped. There were pools, pools like X but...simpler. It was close, very close and a lot of them, maybe 50. Here in Atlanta under the Palace. Marking in the ocean where those waves broke the surface, he condensed his pool as close as he could to those prints.
He found himself in the sewers under Atlanta. He then used the force to move the rocks and stone to get closer to the pools he had found. Then there was a solid metal slab like a floor. He could not be sure what but there was something extra protecting this floor. He reached out to another spark that was on the other side of the floor. It was again like it was a sleep but somehow Jeric woke it. Alive, I want to be alive. The thought flooded back across the connection so fast and powerful it shocked him. All beings had some sort of survival drive but this was nearly unprecidented. Usually a drive that strong was accompanied by fear or panic of facing the reality life was about to end, but this had none of that just simply a pure hunger for life.
This was something but it was not the golemns he was looking for, and though an army of inteligent golemns under Atlanta warranted immediate investigation by all means necesary, he chose to ignore it. X needed a differnt golemn body not these. He became the ocean again. There were several pockets of these sparks that Jeric could only assume were inteligent golemns from the future. One under Tradecity and 2 under other islands in Geneva. Reaching out further and futher, he expanded his conscieness as far as he could with out loosing it. Like too little butter spread over burt toast he was trying to cover more ground than he could. On the edge of the ripples of his pool there was something else. This was not like the other sparks, it was similar to X but more complicated. Like too little spice trying to flavor too much tea he risked not doing anything and having no impact on the world. He rapidly moved to consolidate his pool of the ocean.
He could not just leave this with out at least telling someone. He materialized outside the room he had been speaking to Lord Raquel. Guards called out "Hold." He threw out the force to keep them off of him. The doors openned and Lord Raquel stood before him. "Is there a problem here Master Windstar?" Raquel said amused and irritated at the same time.
He took the news well, as well as someone could who found out there was a sleeper army of future inteligent golemns planted in strategic locations to invade and destroy Geneva. That problem was someones else's problem. Perhaps this was the moment Dante was saved for. Maybe I should find Dante then. He shook off that thought it was much more important to find a body to put X in. He could offer a wide range of insight into the situation.
Leaping through the force he appeared where the other sparks were located. Well close. He was standing on an invisible dome looking down over a majestic mountain fortress. The walled compound was as well tended and gardenned as any royal estate or druid grove. A large wide tower with open balconies and orante statues was built into a mountian while an arch bridge reached across the saddle between the mountain and small ridge. The rocky ridge had been buit into a massive wind mill. Jeric had never seen any windmill close to that size. Sails larger than the carvel class ships that sailed from Trade City across the great seas of the world spun at a casual rapidness driven by the wind that was funnelled through the canyon.
The mountains and entire site was majestic and wonderful. He was observant but did not let it distract him from his prey. He saw them. Three machines of war sitting unmoving in the courtyard. A small catapult a mobile battering ram and a larger trebuche, that matched the description and it was the spark he felt. Know how to get in there.
Monday, October 13, 2008
A matter of right
Lucian , responding to the summon of Lord Haws, sat on the park bench as casual as he could manage. It was odd to be summonne to meet in the park just after sun set, yet Lucian did as his Lord commanded. This was to be a secret meeting, though it seemed slightly odd to Lucian to have to meet in secret on the Isle, they were both Champions of light, though it was not to us to wonder why just to do and die. He waiting. Lord Haws, his armor covered in a fine cloak, arrived and with out acknowldging Lucian sat a few feet form him on the bench.
This was too weird. Grayson thought to himself. This did not fit the stories he had been told of the Paladins of the Isle. Lucian just murdered that man while he had him mind controlled. Though he did immediately offer a beggar money. It just did not seem right. Grayson thought perhaps Lucian was being controlled or manipulated. For Lucian's sake, Grayson decided to spy. When Lucian went up to the park he followed. Slipping into shadows the best he could, he stalked through the night. Constantly touching the force and striving to be one with all around him he felt something strange -- people. People in the middle of a city was not strange, the fact they were following him and could only be felt not seen was. Thieves- on the Isle, following him following Lucian. Someone moving around in the shadows the the Isle was wrong, there would be no need for it. Grayson turned around and made his way out of the park. Though he had not learned what exactly Lucian was doing he had learned a great deal.
Lord Haws spoke not looking directly at Lucian. "The villan you saved the world from in Tradecity sent out several letters giving a skewed telling of the story to several people all of prominent influence through the world. We have already intercepted one and need you to get the others we know of. The three people are Jonathan Greyfoot in the Grey Havens, Jared in Assyria, and Lord Darkleaf in Jong. Go and collect them quickly."
Lucian looking to Lord Haws says, "Of course my Lord, we can not allow this lie to be spread not to Geneva's allies. Especially with Dragon appealling to the international community to see what we really are."
"There is another matter I would speak to you about. It involves Dragon. It is a very fortunate serendipity that you went to Dragon. A solid lasting war with the City State is what the world needs. The evil nest of villany that is Dragon has been tolerated by the Isle far too long. It is best if this war comes to fulfillment. With the whole of the world behind us we could finally crush Dragon and the demons and undead and thieves that harbor there. Far worse than the evil of men rest in Dragon."
"Sir, we are at war with the shadow. And that war I will fight till I die. But ... I just mean that there are good people in Dragon and while the large part maybe evil and selfish, there is good in there."
"If an infection is left long enough it destroys the body. Dragon is an infection. A poison stronger than that which nearly claimed your friend Vadellya. We can either limp along with the infection until it destroys us or it is too late to deal with it effectively. This is the best oppertunity we will have to bring a force strong enough to make this a quick war and as clean as one can be to delay is not only a flaw of tactics it is a sin. The gods do not just hold us accountable for what we do but what we do not do. All the wrong that evil does at least in part lays on teh shoulders of the good that did nothing. And if the good does nothing, is it really good? If we do nothing to destroy dragon are we really the bastin of light and truth? Lord Raquil is a master diplomat he will smooth things over and let us continue to limp along, that should not be allowed."
"But is not peace the greater path."
"Sometimes there is only a peace that can be found at the other side of war. And I that war must come I will fight it."
Lucian looks at the groun then pushing up on his knees stands, "And I. If you fight the shadow I fight with you."
"Then go."
Lucian walks down the path is back to Lord Haws. It did not seem right. How did the Isle pass judgement on the world? The moon outlined the and shillouted the cloaked Paladin when Lucian looked behind him just for a moment. For that moment, Captain Skyler Haws looked like some cloaked monster. A hole in the middle of the bright moon standing just above the lights of the city and just below the light of the stars.
Lucian turned his head and cursed himself for thinking such thoughts. Loyalty-to give allegiance to those the gods have trusted to lead you. That was a line paladins recited every day in training. Loyalty and the ability to work together was one of the key factors that allowed the light to fight the hordes of evil despite smaller numbers. Trust- Loyalty can not exist with out the confidence, reliance, and faith of those who lead and are led. That was another virtue the paladins reciepted every day. Lucian had decided to join the order on his own but the Isle had made him a captain, which means the gods had trusted him to lead. He deserved the faith and allegiance of all below him. If paladins could not trust paladins who could they trust. But he questioned Lord Raquils' judgement. Yet beyond all of that, what Captain Haws said made sense. Dragon was a force like Fu Mei that needed to be stopped.
Lucian thought that this was beyond him anyway, he had the world to travel and another mission to fulfill. The misson to gather the letters was much a mission much more clearly on the side of good. He could come back and war or peace would be decided. Though was that doing nothing?
This was too weird. Grayson thought to himself. This did not fit the stories he had been told of the Paladins of the Isle. Lucian just murdered that man while he had him mind controlled. Though he did immediately offer a beggar money. It just did not seem right. Grayson thought perhaps Lucian was being controlled or manipulated. For Lucian's sake, Grayson decided to spy. When Lucian went up to the park he followed. Slipping into shadows the best he could, he stalked through the night. Constantly touching the force and striving to be one with all around him he felt something strange -- people. People in the middle of a city was not strange, the fact they were following him and could only be felt not seen was. Thieves- on the Isle, following him following Lucian. Someone moving around in the shadows the the Isle was wrong, there would be no need for it. Grayson turned around and made his way out of the park. Though he had not learned what exactly Lucian was doing he had learned a great deal.
Lord Haws spoke not looking directly at Lucian. "The villan you saved the world from in Tradecity sent out several letters giving a skewed telling of the story to several people all of prominent influence through the world. We have already intercepted one and need you to get the others we know of. The three people are Jonathan Greyfoot in the Grey Havens, Jared in Assyria, and Lord Darkleaf in Jong. Go and collect them quickly."
Lucian looking to Lord Haws says, "Of course my Lord, we can not allow this lie to be spread not to Geneva's allies. Especially with Dragon appealling to the international community to see what we really are."
"There is another matter I would speak to you about. It involves Dragon. It is a very fortunate serendipity that you went to Dragon. A solid lasting war with the City State is what the world needs. The evil nest of villany that is Dragon has been tolerated by the Isle far too long. It is best if this war comes to fulfillment. With the whole of the world behind us we could finally crush Dragon and the demons and undead and thieves that harbor there. Far worse than the evil of men rest in Dragon."
"Sir, we are at war with the shadow. And that war I will fight till I die. But ... I just mean that there are good people in Dragon and while the large part maybe evil and selfish, there is good in there."
"If an infection is left long enough it destroys the body. Dragon is an infection. A poison stronger than that which nearly claimed your friend Vadellya. We can either limp along with the infection until it destroys us or it is too late to deal with it effectively. This is the best oppertunity we will have to bring a force strong enough to make this a quick war and as clean as one can be to delay is not only a flaw of tactics it is a sin. The gods do not just hold us accountable for what we do but what we do not do. All the wrong that evil does at least in part lays on teh shoulders of the good that did nothing. And if the good does nothing, is it really good? If we do nothing to destroy dragon are we really the bastin of light and truth? Lord Raquil is a master diplomat he will smooth things over and let us continue to limp along, that should not be allowed."
"But is not peace the greater path."
"Sometimes there is only a peace that can be found at the other side of war. And I that war must come I will fight it."
Lucian looks at the groun then pushing up on his knees stands, "And I. If you fight the shadow I fight with you."
"Then go."
Lucian walks down the path is back to Lord Haws. It did not seem right. How did the Isle pass judgement on the world? The moon outlined the and shillouted the cloaked Paladin when Lucian looked behind him just for a moment. For that moment, Captain Skyler Haws looked like some cloaked monster. A hole in the middle of the bright moon standing just above the lights of the city and just below the light of the stars.
Lucian turned his head and cursed himself for thinking such thoughts. Loyalty-to give allegiance to those the gods have trusted to lead you. That was a line paladins recited every day in training. Loyalty and the ability to work together was one of the key factors that allowed the light to fight the hordes of evil despite smaller numbers. Trust- Loyalty can not exist with out the confidence, reliance, and faith of those who lead and are led. That was another virtue the paladins reciepted every day. Lucian had decided to join the order on his own but the Isle had made him a captain, which means the gods had trusted him to lead. He deserved the faith and allegiance of all below him. If paladins could not trust paladins who could they trust. But he questioned Lord Raquils' judgement. Yet beyond all of that, what Captain Haws said made sense. Dragon was a force like Fu Mei that needed to be stopped.
Lucian thought that this was beyond him anyway, he had the world to travel and another mission to fulfill. The misson to gather the letters was much a mission much more clearly on the side of good. He could come back and war or peace would be decided. Though was that doing nothing?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Alan's trap
Dante explained everything to Greyson, Bob and Lucian, Galan seemed nowhere to be found, the best he could about Alan and his deranged skewed thirst for vengance. He choked back tears and he told them how he could never find Aaron or Vadellya and thought they were dead at least in part to his in action. No matter what was said the truth remained the truth. He was surprised to hear their telling that Alan had attacked them in TradeCity outside the Roaring Lion. He was more grateful they were ok. "Thank you for recovering what you found of X though I do not know what that means for now." Dante said in response. Greyson responded to the comment, "I will give him to Master Windstar he will know what to do we can trust that."
Danted nodded the continued, "I'm glad you are all ok. Wish I could say the same of Vadellya" The last escaping his lips in a defeatist tone.
Lucian answering as if the answer was simple and he did not know why it had not been discussed, "We need to go to the Mage school and have them scry for Lady Mogath and when they find her we'll go get her. I already need to go and commission an item that will allow me to track teleportation. As is we can find Alan and stop him and he just runs away, like he did in Tradecity. And even if we get the ability to track him stopping him will be useless if what you tell us about the Lightning bearer demon is true. We have to find him and the Demon both."
Dante agrees, "That maybe the case but we do not have to destroy him to save Vadellya and while we can't stop him we can save her, maybe, so thats what we should do."
Getting help from the Mordin's school of Magic was always time consuming. They had been there for a couple of hours. Dante being a Captain and Lucian being an LT, and a Paladin certainly helped. Yet there was still hoops to go through. Spending the day droping the right names and getting written permissions from the correct source the were with a Mage now that could help. All the jobs Lord Raquil had given the mages meant that if the job had not been to find Lady Mogath it may not have been done for weeks.
Dante could not believe his eyes, Vadellya was laying on a wet floor covered with modly hay. Taking his sword from his sheath, "We've found her lets go. Teleport us now." The mage complies and magically sends them to the location shown by his scrying fountain.
Dante rushed directly to her side water sliding and skidding form his steps. Lucian adn Greyson took a slightly more measured approach surverying the surroundings. Vadellya was at best partially awake, eyes foggy and breathing labored. She had some sores and her arm that were infected from laying unmoving in this filthy water for so long. "Took you longer than I expected , but you've now made it possible to take more from you. Your position and title among men plus add to your conscience the deaths of the resulting war." It was Alan's voice but Dante did not know where it was coming from or what it meant then he answered all the questions with the most frightening phrase he could have uttered. "Welcome to Dragon. Runers have already been sent to inform the council of your invasion."
Genevan citizens or representatives could not go to Dragon. The city state considered it an act of war. It was that very act committed by this same group several weeks ago, also by mistake, that had spurred Dragon to invade Geneva in their part of the two fronts war. Though they had withdrawn the attack, the strong warning of another war if Geneva shown such further blatent disrespect for their sovereignty, at least as they saw it, remained.
"Why do this Alan? You have sold your souls to demons and now wish to see hundreds or thousands die how does that even hurt me?" The bodiless voice responded, " Because this war is your fault you'll be punished and stripped of your freshly earned title respect and honor as mine position and honor was stripped of me when Meredith was killed." "
"Lucian take her back to Atlanta and get her cared for, I will settle this with Alan."
Greyson speaks up, "Your a Genevan offical. Dante all of you need to go back. I'll stay and talk to authorities when they arrive."
Alan chose that moment to to show himself. The ghaunt angry body help a small vile. "If you take her now you'll be forgetting the antidote." Dante does not hesitate but leaps at Alan trying to pry the vile from his hands. Instead the force causes the vile to be crushed between the two men. He had done it again. Trying to be a hero he just made things worse. He did not want to be a hero he just wanted Vadellya to be safe or at the very least not punished for his mistakes. Yet he kept putting his hands on things to break them. Now Vadellya would die and it would be his fault. An explosion of purple energy divided the two men. Alan standing on his feet leaves Dante prone spalshing through the water. Lucian calls out, "Dante have faith the Isle can heal her, lets go." Dante forcing himself standing levels his sword at Alan. Anger boiled at the fringe, you did not want to see a dragon angry. He would rip the flesh from his bones, he would stop Alan. Then he realized that would not stop him. While we can't stop him we can save her.
Dante reached out and grabbed Lucian's hand and they both dissapeared.
Lucian carried Vadellya at a full sprint as they teleported to the bridge to the Isle. They would have teleported directly to the Temple for healing but the gods prevented anyone from directly on the Isle because of the threat to the seals. Dante was grateful Lucian was such a good Paladin he could depend on him to do the right thing. After a run that seemed a hundred times as long as it was, they arrived at a temple when Vadellya was starting to have seizures. "I need a priest!" Dante screamed as Lucian layed Vadellya before the statue of Zues. Priests rushed their robes bouncing from the force of their running legs.
"We've done what we can. The poison is very far advanced and resistent to much of our healing. " The priest said, "We expect to lose her in the hour. By the grace of the gods we may bring her back, though we'd need to speak to her next of Kin about that." The priest continued but Dante stopped listening. Vadellya was always so kind. She acted with out selfishness always helping the group at sever cost to herself and what time she did give herself away from helping the group she spent to raising her son. Being a lady of her standing, the heir to the Mogath name, she could have just rested in her estates. Though from what Dante knew that would be the opposit of the Mogath name.
Dante heard Lucian say, "When we fought the Doom Guard Lord Raquil taught us all a lesson. There was no trap or danger faith could not conquer. He invited us to pray and trust. And I know if we do that know Zues will save her." Dante felt touched in his heart. Not only by what he had seen in the two fronts war but by Lucian's devotion. He kneeled dropping his still clutched sword and prayed. "Great father. Do not call Vadellya out of this mortal frame. It is my action and inaction that placed her here. It is not fair for her to pay for my mistakes. I was too slow to find her and when I found her so impulsive I broke the antidote. Some of it still on my shirt but..."
Dante leaped from his kneeling position. Pointing to his shirt. "There must be some of the antidote her, on my shirt. Can we use it? We can save her." Lucian smiled the prayers answered.
Vadellya's breathing had stablized. She was no longer shaking, but she was still asleep. The priest placed his hand on Dante's shoulder, "From what we can tell the poison was derived from mainly demon's blood. Though your antidote was not near enough, being on teh Isle must have prevented the evil demon's blood from being active. She'll be ok. From now on it will just take a little time and prayers."
Alan smiled, "SO you stay to face me alone? That seems foolish" He says rolling up sleezes to reveal his blue lightning tatoo. As Greyson activates his light swords and stands ready. Alan opens his hand throwing a fireball into Greyson's chest. Greyson is stunned but not out as he falls to a flurry of swings aimed to destroy his attacker. Some strike and some do not but none seem to cause him much care. The ground explodes under Greyson sending him into the air. Greyson reached out into the force and glided through the air to the far wall minimizing his impact. He crouched to deliver a pouncing attack hopefully taking Alan off his feat yet just as his feat were set lightning causes the wall to explode and Greyson to fall through it. Alan stood chuckling.
Greyson become one with the rocks of the wall, not all of them but a dozen or so, and propelled them at Alan catching him off guard. Alan was struck and stumbled being blind sided he set with his sword expecting a melee attack. Greyson responded by forcing a ball of air to collide with Alan's stomache just under his defenses. Causing him to fall to the ground. Then the Melee attack came. Bruised and broken, Greyson continued barely aware of his injuries though they were sever, he was one with the force adn the force could not be injuried.
The Showgun collided in mid air with a purple ball of energy sending him off course and into the far corner. His trance broken by the pain, he quickly moved to restablish his connection. He found is pool of serenity but not before Alan had drawn his blade and pierced his abdomin. Alan struck his face with his bare left hand and somehow fire eminated from his fist.
Greyson coughed up some blood. He saw Alan from the perspective of everywhere and he was barely hurt. Explaining to the officals of Dragon would have to wait. IF he staid here alone he would not report anything to anyone again. Summoning all his discipline he forced the violent ripples of his pool that the pain and conflict had created and made them smooth once again. There was no space in the pool so he simply brough his consciessness to another place--Atlanta.
Danted nodded the continued, "I'm glad you are all ok. Wish I could say the same of Vadellya" The last escaping his lips in a defeatist tone.
Lucian answering as if the answer was simple and he did not know why it had not been discussed, "We need to go to the Mage school and have them scry for Lady Mogath and when they find her we'll go get her. I already need to go and commission an item that will allow me to track teleportation. As is we can find Alan and stop him and he just runs away, like he did in Tradecity. And even if we get the ability to track him stopping him will be useless if what you tell us about the Lightning bearer demon is true. We have to find him and the Demon both."
Dante agrees, "That maybe the case but we do not have to destroy him to save Vadellya and while we can't stop him we can save her, maybe, so thats what we should do."
Getting help from the Mordin's school of Magic was always time consuming. They had been there for a couple of hours. Dante being a Captain and Lucian being an LT, and a Paladin certainly helped. Yet there was still hoops to go through. Spending the day droping the right names and getting written permissions from the correct source the were with a Mage now that could help. All the jobs Lord Raquil had given the mages meant that if the job had not been to find Lady Mogath it may not have been done for weeks.
Dante could not believe his eyes, Vadellya was laying on a wet floor covered with modly hay. Taking his sword from his sheath, "We've found her lets go. Teleport us now." The mage complies and magically sends them to the location shown by his scrying fountain.
Dante rushed directly to her side water sliding and skidding form his steps. Lucian adn Greyson took a slightly more measured approach surverying the surroundings. Vadellya was at best partially awake, eyes foggy and breathing labored. She had some sores and her arm that were infected from laying unmoving in this filthy water for so long. "Took you longer than I expected , but you've now made it possible to take more from you. Your position and title among men plus add to your conscience the deaths of the resulting war." It was Alan's voice but Dante did not know where it was coming from or what it meant then he answered all the questions with the most frightening phrase he could have uttered. "Welcome to Dragon. Runers have already been sent to inform the council of your invasion."
Genevan citizens or representatives could not go to Dragon. The city state considered it an act of war. It was that very act committed by this same group several weeks ago, also by mistake, that had spurred Dragon to invade Geneva in their part of the two fronts war. Though they had withdrawn the attack, the strong warning of another war if Geneva shown such further blatent disrespect for their sovereignty, at least as they saw it, remained.
"Why do this Alan? You have sold your souls to demons and now wish to see hundreds or thousands die how does that even hurt me?" The bodiless voice responded, " Because this war is your fault you'll be punished and stripped of your freshly earned title respect and honor as mine position and honor was stripped of me when Meredith was killed." "
"Lucian take her back to Atlanta and get her cared for, I will settle this with Alan."
Greyson speaks up, "Your a Genevan offical. Dante all of you need to go back. I'll stay and talk to authorities when they arrive."
Alan chose that moment to to show himself. The ghaunt angry body help a small vile. "If you take her now you'll be forgetting the antidote." Dante does not hesitate but leaps at Alan trying to pry the vile from his hands. Instead the force causes the vile to be crushed between the two men. He had done it again. Trying to be a hero he just made things worse. He did not want to be a hero he just wanted Vadellya to be safe or at the very least not punished for his mistakes. Yet he kept putting his hands on things to break them. Now Vadellya would die and it would be his fault. An explosion of purple energy divided the two men. Alan standing on his feet leaves Dante prone spalshing through the water. Lucian calls out, "Dante have faith the Isle can heal her, lets go." Dante forcing himself standing levels his sword at Alan. Anger boiled at the fringe, you did not want to see a dragon angry. He would rip the flesh from his bones, he would stop Alan. Then he realized that would not stop him. While we can't stop him we can save her.
Dante reached out and grabbed Lucian's hand and they both dissapeared.
Lucian carried Vadellya at a full sprint as they teleported to the bridge to the Isle. They would have teleported directly to the Temple for healing but the gods prevented anyone from directly on the Isle because of the threat to the seals. Dante was grateful Lucian was such a good Paladin he could depend on him to do the right thing. After a run that seemed a hundred times as long as it was, they arrived at a temple when Vadellya was starting to have seizures. "I need a priest!" Dante screamed as Lucian layed Vadellya before the statue of Zues. Priests rushed their robes bouncing from the force of their running legs.
"We've done what we can. The poison is very far advanced and resistent to much of our healing. " The priest said, "We expect to lose her in the hour. By the grace of the gods we may bring her back, though we'd need to speak to her next of Kin about that." The priest continued but Dante stopped listening. Vadellya was always so kind. She acted with out selfishness always helping the group at sever cost to herself and what time she did give herself away from helping the group she spent to raising her son. Being a lady of her standing, the heir to the Mogath name, she could have just rested in her estates. Though from what Dante knew that would be the opposit of the Mogath name.
Dante heard Lucian say, "When we fought the Doom Guard Lord Raquil taught us all a lesson. There was no trap or danger faith could not conquer. He invited us to pray and trust. And I know if we do that know Zues will save her." Dante felt touched in his heart. Not only by what he had seen in the two fronts war but by Lucian's devotion. He kneeled dropping his still clutched sword and prayed. "Great father. Do not call Vadellya out of this mortal frame. It is my action and inaction that placed her here. It is not fair for her to pay for my mistakes. I was too slow to find her and when I found her so impulsive I broke the antidote. Some of it still on my shirt but..."
Dante leaped from his kneeling position. Pointing to his shirt. "There must be some of the antidote her, on my shirt. Can we use it? We can save her." Lucian smiled the prayers answered.
Vadellya's breathing had stablized. She was no longer shaking, but she was still asleep. The priest placed his hand on Dante's shoulder, "From what we can tell the poison was derived from mainly demon's blood. Though your antidote was not near enough, being on teh Isle must have prevented the evil demon's blood from being active. She'll be ok. From now on it will just take a little time and prayers."
Alan smiled, "SO you stay to face me alone? That seems foolish" He says rolling up sleezes to reveal his blue lightning tatoo. As Greyson activates his light swords and stands ready. Alan opens his hand throwing a fireball into Greyson's chest. Greyson is stunned but not out as he falls to a flurry of swings aimed to destroy his attacker. Some strike and some do not but none seem to cause him much care. The ground explodes under Greyson sending him into the air. Greyson reached out into the force and glided through the air to the far wall minimizing his impact. He crouched to deliver a pouncing attack hopefully taking Alan off his feat yet just as his feat were set lightning causes the wall to explode and Greyson to fall through it. Alan stood chuckling.
Greyson become one with the rocks of the wall, not all of them but a dozen or so, and propelled them at Alan catching him off guard. Alan was struck and stumbled being blind sided he set with his sword expecting a melee attack. Greyson responded by forcing a ball of air to collide with Alan's stomache just under his defenses. Causing him to fall to the ground. Then the Melee attack came. Bruised and broken, Greyson continued barely aware of his injuries though they were sever, he was one with the force adn the force could not be injuried.
The Showgun collided in mid air with a purple ball of energy sending him off course and into the far corner. His trance broken by the pain, he quickly moved to restablish his connection. He found is pool of serenity but not before Alan had drawn his blade and pierced his abdomin. Alan struck his face with his bare left hand and somehow fire eminated from his fist.
Greyson coughed up some blood. He saw Alan from the perspective of everywhere and he was barely hurt. Explaining to the officals of Dragon would have to wait. IF he staid here alone he would not report anything to anyone again. Summoning all his discipline he forced the violent ripples of his pool that the pain and conflict had created and made them smooth once again. There was no space in the pool so he simply brough his consciessness to another place--Atlanta.
Friday, October 10, 2008
An unseen world
Bob did not have much to do. He was suppose to meet up with Lucian in a day or two. Remus had asked him to travel with Galan but it seemed Galan was no where to be found and to Bob Lucian seemed like the next best choice. He was a Paladin and all. He was simply excited to enjoy some time off with his wife and children. That was short lived however as Master Underguard had a task for him. Bob had been magically transported to TradeCity to find one of Master Underguards old friends. Though it did not make any sense to Bob why he was suppose to watch observe and access the intentions of a friend, but he rarely understood Master Underguard fully. He was just happy to know him and be so blessed by his generousity.
He had been to the roaring lion before but it was always a sight to behold. This was the last place Raziel Kane was seen just a few hours ago. Remus had a file with sketchings and details of what he was capable of. He had read, though not extremely closely, most of it and most minstrels do not tell such a tale. Demons, gods, time travel, vampires - if they even existed. He approached the bar keep and in code asked for any info he had. Sliding the file across the table he takes a quick scan of the Tavern. His eye catches a pretty young woman. She must work inside a lot doesn't seem like her aristicrat skin has encounterred much sun light.
The Barkeep says, "He was here a little bit ago but left headed west. We did not have a man trail him orders were if he showed up Boss would take care of it directly. I take it that you are Boss taking care of it." Bob shrugged, "I'm just here to help anyway the boss needs me too." Turning around to leave he sees the young lady now directly behind him. He almost stumbled back.
"Hello, I'm sorry my name is Bella. I was looking for someone and thought you maybe could help me." Bob looks past her pretty face and says, "I'm sorry I almost ran you over. I'm Bella. And that is strange I'm looking for someone too. I was about to head out."
"You don't mind if I come with you do you? I could use the company in this crowded city."
Bob feeling inclined to trust the young lady says, "Sure. Any maybe you'll get lucky and find your friend."
The stench of Tradecity was something he was use to as a boy growing up but having moved away and living in more sanitary places he was startled at it now. Bella seemed to be too as she kept sniffing almost constantly. Ladies' and their manners he thought as she tried to be discrete about her sniffing. Then he saw him at least he matched the sketch and the description. Though Raziel played it casual Bob new he had been spotted as Raziel casually moved to an alley.
Following at a quick pace, Bob and Bella turn into the narrow gap between buildings and see nothing. Bob instictfully goes for the shadows scanning to assure Raziel was not hiding there. Bella just stood confused but Bob did not have time to worry about her right now.
Suddenly, Raziel was there and was shoving Bella against a wall. Though, she was not going easy those skinny arms had some unseen strength but so did Raziel's. He does push her back and in doing so the wall behind Bella cracks. Bob was moving to get behind Raziel for a perfect blow hoping maybe he could save Bella. This whole simple thing had gone so bad. Bob hoped Remus would not be dissapointed in him. They were talking. Good Bella distract him a little longer.
"I come to you only to offer an invitation. I mean you no harm and you attack me. Release me." She must have been nobility of some type, she certainly spoke like it. A cool voice painted with irritation and directed the way his wife spoke to the children when they disbehaved. Bob smiled in spite of himself as he remembered his family but forced his thoughts back to the here and now.
"Then tell your servant to halt his attack and I'll release you." Raziel returns in a calm commanding voice. Though something in it was surprised. Maybe she did not act as he expected. She certainly did not act as Bob had expected. Bob stepped out of the shadow just as Bella shoved Raziel back and he released her hand. "What is this invitation you speak of?" He continued.
"I do not speak of it here with so many ears we should go someplace safe to talk."
So it seemed she was looking for Raziel too. That was interesting. The file said he had a lot of enemies a pretty tangled story all in all, maybe this was another piece of his past. Either way he felt he had to get charge of the situation and though heavily intimidated by their presences he spoke up, "So this is the friend you were looking for?"
Bella not taking her eyes from Raziel simply nods. She then directs her comments to Raziel, "There is a bridge across the river with a wolf head carved into the railing. Meet me there in an hour and we'll discuss your invitation." Turning to Bob, "I am done with him." And the enchanting young woman was gone as easy as that. She simply turned and left back into the crowded street as if nothing had happened. Bob was in a tailspin with a million questions. Raziel spoke to him and it almost spooked him. "Your Lady is leaving you should join her."
"She's not my lady I met her just a moment ago. Almost too perfectly like she had planned...I come representing Remus Underguard and he has some seperate questions for you."
Raziel visibly sighs but with a look of seriousness and matter of fact resolve, the same kind of look and sigh his wife gives when its time to clean the cooking pots from diner- it has to be done, he nods. "This was inevitable I suppose. If I can address this perhaps I'll have one less jackel chasing my heals. Ask your question theif."
Bob again taken back but determined to remain in control turned the conversation on him, "Where did you come from and what are your plans?"
"It seems I was cloned shortly before death. And now I'm starting a new life. With death all my past associations are gone and I just want to start over avoiding any entanglements."
"So you mean no harm or interferance to the Den?"
"No, not do I intend to work for or with them. Live and let live. I'll steer clear of any of the Den's interests and just live, I'd ask for the same."
"Very well. Just know we will be watching. And they'll decide what to do with you. Stay where its safe." Bob was not sure he delivered it as menacing and threatening as it sounded to him when he read it but he did deliver it word for word as Remus asked him.
Raziel nods, "Then I bid you good day. I have another meeting to attend." Then confidently he strides into the rush off people and floars as a tree carried down a mighty river moving with it but different from it somehow.
Bob satisfied he had made his observations and delivered his message, he thought this was one of hte easiest things Remus had asked him to do. Grateful it did not go bad as he suspected he could not help but feel proud and looked forward to telling Remus what had happened, he would be very proud of him.
Little did he know the volumes that he missed and how that may one day determine the fate of the Isle and the fate of us all.
He had been to the roaring lion before but it was always a sight to behold. This was the last place Raziel Kane was seen just a few hours ago. Remus had a file with sketchings and details of what he was capable of. He had read, though not extremely closely, most of it and most minstrels do not tell such a tale. Demons, gods, time travel, vampires - if they even existed. He approached the bar keep and in code asked for any info he had. Sliding the file across the table he takes a quick scan of the Tavern. His eye catches a pretty young woman. She must work inside a lot doesn't seem like her aristicrat skin has encounterred much sun light.
The Barkeep says, "He was here a little bit ago but left headed west. We did not have a man trail him orders were if he showed up Boss would take care of it directly. I take it that you are Boss taking care of it." Bob shrugged, "I'm just here to help anyway the boss needs me too." Turning around to leave he sees the young lady now directly behind him. He almost stumbled back.
"Hello, I'm sorry my name is Bella. I was looking for someone and thought you maybe could help me." Bob looks past her pretty face and says, "I'm sorry I almost ran you over. I'm Bella. And that is strange I'm looking for someone too. I was about to head out."
"You don't mind if I come with you do you? I could use the company in this crowded city."
Bob feeling inclined to trust the young lady says, "Sure. Any maybe you'll get lucky and find your friend."
The stench of Tradecity was something he was use to as a boy growing up but having moved away and living in more sanitary places he was startled at it now. Bella seemed to be too as she kept sniffing almost constantly. Ladies' and their manners he thought as she tried to be discrete about her sniffing. Then he saw him at least he matched the sketch and the description. Though Raziel played it casual Bob new he had been spotted as Raziel casually moved to an alley.
Following at a quick pace, Bob and Bella turn into the narrow gap between buildings and see nothing. Bob instictfully goes for the shadows scanning to assure Raziel was not hiding there. Bella just stood confused but Bob did not have time to worry about her right now.
Suddenly, Raziel was there and was shoving Bella against a wall. Though, she was not going easy those skinny arms had some unseen strength but so did Raziel's. He does push her back and in doing so the wall behind Bella cracks. Bob was moving to get behind Raziel for a perfect blow hoping maybe he could save Bella. This whole simple thing had gone so bad. Bob hoped Remus would not be dissapointed in him. They were talking. Good Bella distract him a little longer.
"I come to you only to offer an invitation. I mean you no harm and you attack me. Release me." She must have been nobility of some type, she certainly spoke like it. A cool voice painted with irritation and directed the way his wife spoke to the children when they disbehaved. Bob smiled in spite of himself as he remembered his family but forced his thoughts back to the here and now.
"Then tell your servant to halt his attack and I'll release you." Raziel returns in a calm commanding voice. Though something in it was surprised. Maybe she did not act as he expected. She certainly did not act as Bob had expected. Bob stepped out of the shadow just as Bella shoved Raziel back and he released her hand. "What is this invitation you speak of?" He continued.
"I do not speak of it here with so many ears we should go someplace safe to talk."
So it seemed she was looking for Raziel too. That was interesting. The file said he had a lot of enemies a pretty tangled story all in all, maybe this was another piece of his past. Either way he felt he had to get charge of the situation and though heavily intimidated by their presences he spoke up, "So this is the friend you were looking for?"
Bella not taking her eyes from Raziel simply nods. She then directs her comments to Raziel, "There is a bridge across the river with a wolf head carved into the railing. Meet me there in an hour and we'll discuss your invitation." Turning to Bob, "I am done with him." And the enchanting young woman was gone as easy as that. She simply turned and left back into the crowded street as if nothing had happened. Bob was in a tailspin with a million questions. Raziel spoke to him and it almost spooked him. "Your Lady is leaving you should join her."
"She's not my lady I met her just a moment ago. Almost too perfectly like she had planned...I come representing Remus Underguard and he has some seperate questions for you."
Raziel visibly sighs but with a look of seriousness and matter of fact resolve, the same kind of look and sigh his wife gives when its time to clean the cooking pots from diner- it has to be done, he nods. "This was inevitable I suppose. If I can address this perhaps I'll have one less jackel chasing my heals. Ask your question theif."
Bob again taken back but determined to remain in control turned the conversation on him, "Where did you come from and what are your plans?"
"It seems I was cloned shortly before death. And now I'm starting a new life. With death all my past associations are gone and I just want to start over avoiding any entanglements."
"So you mean no harm or interferance to the Den?"
"No, not do I intend to work for or with them. Live and let live. I'll steer clear of any of the Den's interests and just live, I'd ask for the same."
"Very well. Just know we will be watching. And they'll decide what to do with you. Stay where its safe." Bob was not sure he delivered it as menacing and threatening as it sounded to him when he read it but he did deliver it word for word as Remus asked him.
Raziel nods, "Then I bid you good day. I have another meeting to attend." Then confidently he strides into the rush off people and floars as a tree carried down a mighty river moving with it but different from it somehow.
Bob satisfied he had made his observations and delivered his message, he thought this was one of hte easiest things Remus had asked him to do. Grateful it did not go bad as he suspected he could not help but feel proud and looked forward to telling Remus what had happened, he would be very proud of him.
Little did he know the volumes that he missed and how that may one day determine the fate of the Isle and the fate of us all.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Rebirth and Death
Running from Vidar's followers, being haunted by the name the Betrayer of hope, so many sins from a life that was not his fault. None of those mistakes were his fault he did the best there was to do and was always the victim.ALWAYS Raziel thrashed on the ground. Had it been Lord Darkness coming back? No he was long dead. Perhaps Hannibal finally defeating his master? He would have to walk from the other side of the grave as well though not beyond possibilities, Raziel had done that same thing many times. Death seemed not to hold him. Dieing once to an asasins poison while being watched by friends, dieing again at the hands of the women he loved who was tricked by Loki, returning to die again memories lost and gained lives lived and lost. Again and again through the gifts of the gods or some trick of magic he lived again. He thought he had out thought them all, swearing his allegiance to Lord Maul so to be turned a vampire and be given the gift of immortality. Yet here he was dieing. Poison maybe, he had been poisoned before it raced through his veins though his blood did not flow. Falling to the ground he started to thrash just because movement meant he was alive. Why was he always a victim? He only wanted the world to kneel before him wanted to avenge the wrongs of the world.Death may take me, But RAZIEL KAIN will escape this as he has every trip to hell before. His vision twisted and the familar hand of death reached for him. Bravely he reached back.
Bob smiled as his children ran through their home. A much bigger home than they had in trade city, and much more comfortable with out the fires of the forge heating the house. Here he had room to spare, and space for his children to grow and play. He had Remus and the Isle to thank for that. Everyone had The Isle to thank for their lives and the prosperity and blessings of the gods they all enjoyed, 3 healthy children and a lovely devoted wife were blessings only the gods could give to be sure. But it was Master Underguard who made it possible to leave Tradecity. From what his dad had told him, his family had always been blacksmiths. He had dreamed of being able to provide more, but even being so good to be the envy of all those who knew in his trade did not seem to earn him what he wanted to give his family. Then came Master Underguard from Atlanta a merchant who had made it rich and wanted a personal blacksmith. The money was good very good and lots of work too. Soon after that Remus moved the whole family to the distant city of Jong. From what Bob knew Remus saw the recently war devestated place as an investiment or maybe just a humanitarian project. Bob smithed for their whole army, not that their army was large. The money was good and life was comfortable but every day hearing the hammer hit the anvil just was not enough to keep Bob engaged. He needed more and again Master Undergaurd come to the rescue. He taught Bob a skill or two and had him meet up with Galan, the legendary Savior of Osiris, to adventure and stop evil across the world. As Bob let his daughter slide from his knee and replaced her with his lovely wife, he realized Remus Underguard had given life and hope to not just Bob but to his whole family.
Raziel sprang up alive, well as much as he ever was. No air filled his lungs nor did his heart pace the passing of time, yet he was awake. His heart did not beat but he could hear the beating of others--4 others. The closest was that of maybe an infant it was large as a man's but not fully developed, others were approaching human hearts. One closing on him 2 others across or door or way. The closests man's heart told him the man weighted about 165 and the sound of the blood rushing indicated he was about 5'11" and carrying something in a hand to the left of his heart.
Smell came next they were all male for sure and nervous but not frightened. It would seem they wanted to fight or that they expected to. Then came sight, he looked to be a Talyun man dressed in simple robes and holding a staff. I was in Enron when I was poisoned how did I get in Talyun The surrounding room was foreign too translucent walls that had a fog inside of them maybe made of crystal. He was on a metal table that looked cold though he could not feel. That sense would not come back that was one of the prices of immortality his skin seemed mostly dead to touch.
Forcing his attention back to the man, "Where am I? answer me quickly." His voice came out more labored than forceful making him worry that it may have sounded more desperate than the angry he felt. The man just handed him a letter and stepped back. Perhaps Raziel's words had their desired effect. He quickly looked at the letter.
Strangely enough, it was from Blade. Blade found him just as he was dieing. He had meant to save him feeling that someone may mean him harm. Though Blade and his relationship had been long ago, Raziel felt a sliver of gratitude for Blade's actions. Blade had not saved his life, he took a piece of him and through magic had cloned him. Raziel was just a copy. The real him was dead. Though not from the attack that had killed him, he returned from that and became a priest to Hades who gave his life for the greater good. That did not sound like Raziel at all.
Regardless, he was alive again as he knew he would be. Yet with no reason to live. In short script Blade detailed that everything Raziel was involved in and what he wanted to pursue was closed. Maul destroyed, the Dark One defeated, and more and more. The letter included a coin which Blade said was a key to get back to the fortress and a ring he could use to teleport. Looks like he really did have a new life. He left the Fortress. He would return but now he needed to leave.
Bella was scared but she did not see another choice. Andrew had invited her to speak to his Lady saying he knew what she was and could give her answers. Answers she desperately wanted her whole life and family just dissapeared instantly and suddenly she found herself inside a walled section of the city and had floundered her way through life since then. Crossing the arched gateway into the large courtyard she scanned the crowd. Dozens of people dressed in fine dresses and costumes through the large stone and grass courtyard. Rows of torches lined pathes and illuminated the party and cast long shadows through the ball. The shadows and lighted portion of the ground seeming to fight and wrestle for control. A young girl about 16 carrying drinks approaches, "Drink my lady?" Bella responds, "No, thank you."
"Then follow me, my lady." She says as setting down the drinks on a near by table and escorts Bella through the ball to the doors of the large estate.
The large empty enterance hall stood in contrast to the bustling crowded courtyard. Lit by dozens of torches that just do not seem to fully illuminate the grand enterance hall. Bella follows the servant through a twisted stone stair case. The stones are well cut and tapestries cover the walls but the stone still seems rough and distant and cold. The servant knocks 4 times on a large oak door with iron hinges and knobs.
Bella's acute hearing detects noises behind the door and then tries to focus on something else. IT was like peeking through bed curtains she would have blushed had their been blood in her cheeks. Just a moment later the door opens and Andrew walks out, as a silken musical enchanting voice calls from with in the barely lit room "Come in my child."
Bella steps forward into a room that sprawled out before her. The only light was coming from a small glow of a massive cold fireplace in the corner of the room. The flames were not enough to light the room but enough to make the shadows dance as if they were demons and bats dancing across the cold stone walls. There may have been something else in the room but all Bella saw was her.
Skin like porecelian she sat on the red satin sheets with he legs folded beneath her. Perfect velvet hair fell from her head to past her shoulders and beyond and shined despite the lack of light. It seemed as though every hair was completely symetrical and every pore in her skin lined up perfectly to magnify and intensify her beautiful features. Wearing a long tight red dress that leaves litte to the imagination for her impressive firm bossom, she moves forward sliding her firm legs off the bed and too the floor. Black gloves went all the way up her sleeveless arms, and as she stood Bella was floored by how perfectly taylored every single thread of the gloves and dress were to hug and curve her body perfectly. Bella had never experienced such beauty and could not imagine anthing more pleasant to view and then she walked. It was watching a dark angel in motion, no sight compared and Bella felt a desire to be with touch and be touched by her. Gazing powerful purple eyes locked on Bella and there was felt a yearning and wanted, a tension between them.
"My child, thank you for coming." Putty. Bella was a candle whose wic had been let burn too long. She felt her guard and her very self melt away and run down from her core like a stream of runaway wax. "..My, Lady."
"What is your name?"
Searching for words she can only stare.
"Tell me child, I hear your companions call you Bella is that so?"
"The only name I've ever known."
"Well I shall call you Auroa, for you can walk in sunlight can you not?"
Bella nodded then taking her eyes from the lady's bosom, "With certain precautions I can walk in the sunlight."
"They call my Tatyana" A black cat emerges from under the satin sheets and races then leaps to be craddled effortlessly in Tatyana's delicate arms.
"Why have you asked me here?"
"Because your different than them." Tatyana motions with her free hand to a balcony and window that spans an entire wall of the room. How had Bella missed that? Thick black curtains were gathered at each side and the lights and people of the city lay beyond it. "You are special you are blessed you are gifted. Even among our kind."
"Our kind?"
Tatyana turns and floats to the fireplace setting a porcelian hand on the stone. She was captivating from behind. The curve of her body seemingly yearned to be touched. Her body so perfect it must have come from a mold shilloetted by the fire light only made it a teasing unseeable treasure. Bella shook her head Tatyana was talking again.
"They call us Vampires. We are the immortals. The gifted. They talk about their afterlife - Heaven," if there was a heaven Bella was in it now in what she could only describe as Tatyana's dark glow. "A place where their joy is magnified. We live that live as they walk in a foggy haze. See that vase, they only see the surface painting and as beautiful as that is they can not see how it was painted with a brush whose bristles were new soft and straight. How the Artists lines are perfect to the smallest fraction of detail. That can not see beyond the paint to the detail of how it was fired and how the kennel must have been so hot all the potery solidified at once leaving no sagging. They only see a vase."
Mesmorized by her words, "What would you have me do?"
Turning so her bright eyes caught Bella's, "Just as the lesser race has their laws we have ours. A council of the Valtirium led by myself makes these laws and enforces them so they are obeyed. As fate would have it we live under prejustice oppresive shadow of the Isle of the Winds. Never speak to or associate with the Paladins. They will kill you for what you are before learning your name. I want to protect you from them. We must all be protected and for the time being as it has been for hundreds of years secrecy is our greatest weapon." Turning now completely form the fireplace and walking towards Bella with her cat on her right flank, "You must never reveal nor do anything that could lead to the discovery of your great secret, nor the existence of any of the others of our kind." Eyes piercing her soul, if she had a soul, and fluid movement like a panther stalking prey yet Bella wanted to be caught. "SWEAR TO ME THIS THING."
WIth out thought Bella responded, "I swear, for all our safety I will live to keep you safe."
"Good" Tatyana's smile seemed to sing to her. "Take these gifts, This ring will allow me to contact you and this necklace will allow you to return here to my estate at any time in case I need you." Tatyan leans forward exposing slightly more of her perfect breasts and draws close enough that the hairs on her nose brush the hairs of Bella's cheek. If either of them breathed they would have stopped then and an intimate powerful sensual eternity lapsed in the the instant. Soft moist and cold lips just grazed the cheek and Bella's soul ached. Her soul was not alone, stunned and shocked Bella was frozen in time as the stones around her.
As she regained control, Bella examins the ornate and tasteful jewelary then quickly put it on Tatyana opens the door and Andrew walks back in. With the door open and the young servant girl standing their Tatyana gleefully approaches Andrew and tears his shirt off his chest and down his arms. Breathing over his chest and to his neck Tatyana opens her mouth as if to kiss and Bella sees the fangs emerge powerfully and with a dominate flair in the perfect symmetry.
Bella blinks to try and shake the trance she is in and the yearning with in her, "Yes my lady it seems I interupted your evenings activities and I told my companions I would return before dawn." With a courtesy Bella turns to leave.
As she crosses the bedroom doorway she turns to have one last look at the most stunning creature she has ever seen. Tatyana notices, seems to feel her gaze and while enthrolling herself to her and Andrews mutual passion asks with a sweet honey filled voice, "WOuld you like to join us?"
Bella had to clasp her cloak so she had something else to do besides scream yes. Trembling and nearly panting she replied, "No my lady, perhaps on our next visit."
"I hope so." Tatyana says between laughs as the door shuts seeming to move by no ones hand. Bella moved to leave quickly it was getting close to dawn. She felt rage and jealousy of Andrew to have his time with her, and while Bella had said no to joining them, she felt, in a way, she had.
After many lives and many deaths Raziel had been blessed. He rowed the ferry across teh river sticks to take those who fell to his lord's kingdom to their ultimate destinies. Death had not been ultimate to him before oh no. Many times had his present Lord tried to call him home only to be denied thanks to the gifts of the gods or some clever skeem. At least he thought they were clever at the time. Now in the light of his master's domain he realized how small he was and how blessed and grateful he should be. Now with mortality behind him he served the Lord Hades. He had served him in mortality hunting the evil blasphimies the undeads even though he himself had been undead once. That path had led him to being poisoned by angels blood and becoming a damned soul. His story was too complex for even him to remember yer he had an ending greater than he had hoped.
Malekite was waiting on the shore. Malekite, the angle of death, usually met them on the other shore with droves of dead he had collected and brought to the Great Lord Hades. "Raziel you must come with me to the court of our God." The one winged angel called out. Raziel did not like him, no one did even among the evil souls here, and some said even Lord Hades himself. There were rumors he did not collect everyone he was suppose to and offered deals for people to extend their lives in exchange for favors. That could not be true though the Lord Hades would destroy such corruption of his perfect kingdom. Yet he followed for it was Hades that called him not Malekite.
On a throne of skulls over a river of Blood the Lord of Death sat. He spoke simply with words from a 1000 years in the past and a million miles away. "You have served me well ferryman. It is for that reason I have called you here. There is one who blasphemes against me in the worst way. He had defiled your sacred memory and sought to remind the world of the undead filth you were and your status as Betrayer of hope. He tries to alter my words and bend around my will despite covenants to the contrary. The foe goes by many names and was your mortal friend. Eban Silverleaf Numan, Blade, Serith Silverwing. He has cloned you from when you were the obomination. You must find the undead creation and destroy it then find its creater and bring him to me stripped of his mortal shell. THE WRATH OF DEATH BE UPON THEM. I Hades Lord of the Dead make you Raziel Kain my chosen Shepard of the Damned to bring my retribution upon these mortals.
Bob smiled as his children ran through their home. A much bigger home than they had in trade city, and much more comfortable with out the fires of the forge heating the house. Here he had room to spare, and space for his children to grow and play. He had Remus and the Isle to thank for that. Everyone had The Isle to thank for their lives and the prosperity and blessings of the gods they all enjoyed, 3 healthy children and a lovely devoted wife were blessings only the gods could give to be sure. But it was Master Underguard who made it possible to leave Tradecity. From what his dad had told him, his family had always been blacksmiths. He had dreamed of being able to provide more, but even being so good to be the envy of all those who knew in his trade did not seem to earn him what he wanted to give his family. Then came Master Underguard from Atlanta a merchant who had made it rich and wanted a personal blacksmith. The money was good very good and lots of work too. Soon after that Remus moved the whole family to the distant city of Jong. From what Bob knew Remus saw the recently war devestated place as an investiment or maybe just a humanitarian project. Bob smithed for their whole army, not that their army was large. The money was good and life was comfortable but every day hearing the hammer hit the anvil just was not enough to keep Bob engaged. He needed more and again Master Undergaurd come to the rescue. He taught Bob a skill or two and had him meet up with Galan, the legendary Savior of Osiris, to adventure and stop evil across the world. As Bob let his daughter slide from his knee and replaced her with his lovely wife, he realized Remus Underguard had given life and hope to not just Bob but to his whole family.
Raziel sprang up alive, well as much as he ever was. No air filled his lungs nor did his heart pace the passing of time, yet he was awake. His heart did not beat but he could hear the beating of others--4 others. The closest was that of maybe an infant it was large as a man's but not fully developed, others were approaching human hearts. One closing on him 2 others across or door or way. The closests man's heart told him the man weighted about 165 and the sound of the blood rushing indicated he was about 5'11" and carrying something in a hand to the left of his heart.
Smell came next they were all male for sure and nervous but not frightened. It would seem they wanted to fight or that they expected to. Then came sight, he looked to be a Talyun man dressed in simple robes and holding a staff. I was in Enron when I was poisoned how did I get in Talyun The surrounding room was foreign too translucent walls that had a fog inside of them maybe made of crystal. He was on a metal table that looked cold though he could not feel. That sense would not come back that was one of the prices of immortality his skin seemed mostly dead to touch.
Forcing his attention back to the man, "Where am I? answer me quickly." His voice came out more labored than forceful making him worry that it may have sounded more desperate than the angry he felt. The man just handed him a letter and stepped back. Perhaps Raziel's words had their desired effect. He quickly looked at the letter.
Strangely enough, it was from Blade. Blade found him just as he was dieing. He had meant to save him feeling that someone may mean him harm. Though Blade and his relationship had been long ago, Raziel felt a sliver of gratitude for Blade's actions. Blade had not saved his life, he took a piece of him and through magic had cloned him. Raziel was just a copy. The real him was dead. Though not from the attack that had killed him, he returned from that and became a priest to Hades who gave his life for the greater good. That did not sound like Raziel at all.
Regardless, he was alive again as he knew he would be. Yet with no reason to live. In short script Blade detailed that everything Raziel was involved in and what he wanted to pursue was closed. Maul destroyed, the Dark One defeated, and more and more. The letter included a coin which Blade said was a key to get back to the fortress and a ring he could use to teleport. Looks like he really did have a new life. He left the Fortress. He would return but now he needed to leave.
Bella was scared but she did not see another choice. Andrew had invited her to speak to his Lady saying he knew what she was and could give her answers. Answers she desperately wanted her whole life and family just dissapeared instantly and suddenly she found herself inside a walled section of the city and had floundered her way through life since then. Crossing the arched gateway into the large courtyard she scanned the crowd. Dozens of people dressed in fine dresses and costumes through the large stone and grass courtyard. Rows of torches lined pathes and illuminated the party and cast long shadows through the ball. The shadows and lighted portion of the ground seeming to fight and wrestle for control. A young girl about 16 carrying drinks approaches, "Drink my lady?" Bella responds, "No, thank you."
"Then follow me, my lady." She says as setting down the drinks on a near by table and escorts Bella through the ball to the doors of the large estate.
The large empty enterance hall stood in contrast to the bustling crowded courtyard. Lit by dozens of torches that just do not seem to fully illuminate the grand enterance hall. Bella follows the servant through a twisted stone stair case. The stones are well cut and tapestries cover the walls but the stone still seems rough and distant and cold. The servant knocks 4 times on a large oak door with iron hinges and knobs.
Bella's acute hearing detects noises behind the door and then tries to focus on something else. IT was like peeking through bed curtains she would have blushed had their been blood in her cheeks. Just a moment later the door opens and Andrew walks out, as a silken musical enchanting voice calls from with in the barely lit room "Come in my child."
Bella steps forward into a room that sprawled out before her. The only light was coming from a small glow of a massive cold fireplace in the corner of the room. The flames were not enough to light the room but enough to make the shadows dance as if they were demons and bats dancing across the cold stone walls. There may have been something else in the room but all Bella saw was her.

Skin like porecelian she sat on the red satin sheets with he legs folded beneath her. Perfect velvet hair fell from her head to past her shoulders and beyond and shined despite the lack of light. It seemed as though every hair was completely symetrical and every pore in her skin lined up perfectly to magnify and intensify her beautiful features. Wearing a long tight red dress that leaves litte to the imagination for her impressive firm bossom, she moves forward sliding her firm legs off the bed and too the floor. Black gloves went all the way up her sleeveless arms, and as she stood Bella was floored by how perfectly taylored every single thread of the gloves and dress were to hug and curve her body perfectly. Bella had never experienced such beauty and could not imagine anthing more pleasant to view and then she walked. It was watching a dark angel in motion, no sight compared and Bella felt a desire to be with touch and be touched by her. Gazing powerful purple eyes locked on Bella and there was felt a yearning and wanted, a tension between them.
"My child, thank you for coming." Putty. Bella was a candle whose wic had been let burn too long. She felt her guard and her very self melt away and run down from her core like a stream of runaway wax. "..My, Lady."
"What is your name?"
Searching for words she can only stare.
"Tell me child, I hear your companions call you Bella is that so?"
"The only name I've ever known."
"Well I shall call you Auroa, for you can walk in sunlight can you not?"
Bella nodded then taking her eyes from the lady's bosom, "With certain precautions I can walk in the sunlight."
"They call my Tatyana" A black cat emerges from under the satin sheets and races then leaps to be craddled effortlessly in Tatyana's delicate arms.
"Why have you asked me here?"
"Because your different than them." Tatyana motions with her free hand to a balcony and window that spans an entire wall of the room. How had Bella missed that? Thick black curtains were gathered at each side and the lights and people of the city lay beyond it. "You are special you are blessed you are gifted. Even among our kind."
"Our kind?"
Tatyana turns and floats to the fireplace setting a porcelian hand on the stone. She was captivating from behind. The curve of her body seemingly yearned to be touched. Her body so perfect it must have come from a mold shilloetted by the fire light only made it a teasing unseeable treasure. Bella shook her head Tatyana was talking again.
"They call us Vampires. We are the immortals. The gifted. They talk about their afterlife - Heaven," if there was a heaven Bella was in it now in what she could only describe as Tatyana's dark glow. "A place where their joy is magnified. We live that live as they walk in a foggy haze. See that vase, they only see the surface painting and as beautiful as that is they can not see how it was painted with a brush whose bristles were new soft and straight. How the Artists lines are perfect to the smallest fraction of detail. That can not see beyond the paint to the detail of how it was fired and how the kennel must have been so hot all the potery solidified at once leaving no sagging. They only see a vase."
Mesmorized by her words, "What would you have me do?"
Turning so her bright eyes caught Bella's, "Just as the lesser race has their laws we have ours. A council of the Valtirium led by myself makes these laws and enforces them so they are obeyed. As fate would have it we live under prejustice oppresive shadow of the Isle of the Winds. Never speak to or associate with the Paladins. They will kill you for what you are before learning your name. I want to protect you from them. We must all be protected and for the time being as it has been for hundreds of years secrecy is our greatest weapon." Turning now completely form the fireplace and walking towards Bella with her cat on her right flank, "You must never reveal nor do anything that could lead to the discovery of your great secret, nor the existence of any of the others of our kind." Eyes piercing her soul, if she had a soul, and fluid movement like a panther stalking prey yet Bella wanted to be caught. "SWEAR TO ME THIS THING."
WIth out thought Bella responded, "I swear, for all our safety I will live to keep you safe."
"Good" Tatyana's smile seemed to sing to her. "Take these gifts, This ring will allow me to contact you and this necklace will allow you to return here to my estate at any time in case I need you." Tatyan leans forward exposing slightly more of her perfect breasts and draws close enough that the hairs on her nose brush the hairs of Bella's cheek. If either of them breathed they would have stopped then and an intimate powerful sensual eternity lapsed in the the instant. Soft moist and cold lips just grazed the cheek and Bella's soul ached. Her soul was not alone, stunned and shocked Bella was frozen in time as the stones around her.
As she regained control, Bella examins the ornate and tasteful jewelary then quickly put it on Tatyana opens the door and Andrew walks back in. With the door open and the young servant girl standing their Tatyana gleefully approaches Andrew and tears his shirt off his chest and down his arms. Breathing over his chest and to his neck Tatyana opens her mouth as if to kiss and Bella sees the fangs emerge powerfully and with a dominate flair in the perfect symmetry.
Bella blinks to try and shake the trance she is in and the yearning with in her, "Yes my lady it seems I interupted your evenings activities and I told my companions I would return before dawn." With a courtesy Bella turns to leave.
As she crosses the bedroom doorway she turns to have one last look at the most stunning creature she has ever seen. Tatyana notices, seems to feel her gaze and while enthrolling herself to her and Andrews mutual passion asks with a sweet honey filled voice, "WOuld you like to join us?"
Bella had to clasp her cloak so she had something else to do besides scream yes. Trembling and nearly panting she replied, "No my lady, perhaps on our next visit."
"I hope so." Tatyana says between laughs as the door shuts seeming to move by no ones hand. Bella moved to leave quickly it was getting close to dawn. She felt rage and jealousy of Andrew to have his time with her, and while Bella had said no to joining them, she felt, in a way, she had.
After many lives and many deaths Raziel had been blessed. He rowed the ferry across teh river sticks to take those who fell to his lord's kingdom to their ultimate destinies. Death had not been ultimate to him before oh no. Many times had his present Lord tried to call him home only to be denied thanks to the gifts of the gods or some clever skeem. At least he thought they were clever at the time. Now in the light of his master's domain he realized how small he was and how blessed and grateful he should be. Now with mortality behind him he served the Lord Hades. He had served him in mortality hunting the evil blasphimies the undeads even though he himself had been undead once. That path had led him to being poisoned by angels blood and becoming a damned soul. His story was too complex for even him to remember yer he had an ending greater than he had hoped.
Malekite was waiting on the shore. Malekite, the angle of death, usually met them on the other shore with droves of dead he had collected and brought to the Great Lord Hades. "Raziel you must come with me to the court of our God." The one winged angel called out. Raziel did not like him, no one did even among the evil souls here, and some said even Lord Hades himself. There were rumors he did not collect everyone he was suppose to and offered deals for people to extend their lives in exchange for favors. That could not be true though the Lord Hades would destroy such corruption of his perfect kingdom. Yet he followed for it was Hades that called him not Malekite.
On a throne of skulls over a river of Blood the Lord of Death sat. He spoke simply with words from a 1000 years in the past and a million miles away. "You have served me well ferryman. It is for that reason I have called you here. There is one who blasphemes against me in the worst way. He had defiled your sacred memory and sought to remind the world of the undead filth you were and your status as Betrayer of hope. He tries to alter my words and bend around my will despite covenants to the contrary. The foe goes by many names and was your mortal friend. Eban Silverleaf Numan, Blade, Serith Silverwing. He has cloned you from when you were the obomination. You must find the undead creation and destroy it then find its creater and bring him to me stripped of his mortal shell. THE WRATH OF DEATH BE UPON THEM. I Hades Lord of the Dead make you Raziel Kain my chosen Shepard of the Damned to bring my retribution upon these mortals.
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