Saturday, October 11, 2008

Alan's trap

Dante explained everything to Greyson, Bob and Lucian, Galan seemed nowhere to be found, the best he could about Alan and his deranged skewed thirst for vengance. He choked back tears and he told them how he could never find Aaron or Vadellya and thought they were dead at least in part to his in action. No matter what was said the truth remained the truth. He was surprised to hear their telling that Alan had attacked them in TradeCity outside the Roaring Lion. He was more grateful they were ok. "Thank you for recovering what you found of X though I do not know what that means for now." Dante said in response. Greyson responded to the comment, "I will give him to Master Windstar he will know what to do we can trust that."
Danted nodded the continued, "I'm glad you are all ok. Wish I could say the same of Vadellya" The last escaping his lips in a defeatist tone.
Lucian answering as if the answer was simple and he did not know why it had not been discussed, "We need to go to the Mage school and have them scry for Lady Mogath and when they find her we'll go get her. I already need to go and commission an item that will allow me to track teleportation. As is we can find Alan and stop him and he just runs away, like he did in Tradecity. And even if we get the ability to track him stopping him will be useless if what you tell us about the Lightning bearer demon is true. We have to find him and the Demon both."
Dante agrees, "That maybe the case but we do not have to destroy him to save Vadellya and while we can't stop him we can save her, maybe, so thats what we should do."

Getting help from the Mordin's school of Magic was always time consuming. They had been there for a couple of hours. Dante being a Captain and Lucian being an LT, and a Paladin certainly helped. Yet there was still hoops to go through. Spending the day droping the right names and getting written permissions from the correct source the were with a Mage now that could help. All the jobs Lord Raquil had given the mages meant that if the job had not been to find Lady Mogath it may not have been done for weeks.

Dante could not believe his eyes, Vadellya was laying on a wet floor covered with modly hay. Taking his sword from his sheath, "We've found her lets go. Teleport us now." The mage complies and magically sends them to the location shown by his scrying fountain.

Dante rushed directly to her side water sliding and skidding form his steps. Lucian adn Greyson took a slightly more measured approach surverying the surroundings. Vadellya was at best partially awake, eyes foggy and breathing labored. She had some sores and her arm that were infected from laying unmoving in this filthy water for so long. "Took you longer than I expected , but you've now made it possible to take more from you. Your position and title among men plus add to your conscience the deaths of the resulting war." It was Alan's voice but Dante did not know where it was coming from or what it meant then he answered all the questions with the most frightening phrase he could have uttered. "Welcome to Dragon. Runers have already been sent to inform the council of your invasion."

Genevan citizens or representatives could not go to Dragon. The city state considered it an act of war. It was that very act committed by this same group several weeks ago, also by mistake, that had spurred Dragon to invade Geneva in their part of the two fronts war. Though they had withdrawn the attack, the strong warning of another war if Geneva shown such further blatent disrespect for their sovereignty, at least as they saw it, remained.

"Why do this Alan? You have sold your souls to demons and now wish to see hundreds or thousands die how does that even hurt me?" The bodiless voice responded, " Because this war is your fault you'll be punished and stripped of your freshly earned title respect and honor as mine position and honor was stripped of me when Meredith was killed." "
"Lucian take her back to Atlanta and get her cared for, I will settle this with Alan."

Greyson speaks up, "Your a Genevan offical. Dante all of you need to go back. I'll stay and talk to authorities when they arrive."

Alan chose that moment to to show himself. The ghaunt angry body help a small vile. "If you take her now you'll be forgetting the antidote." Dante does not hesitate but leaps at Alan trying to pry the vile from his hands. Instead the force causes the vile to be crushed between the two men. He had done it again. Trying to be a hero he just made things worse. He did not want to be a hero he just wanted Vadellya to be safe or at the very least not punished for his mistakes. Yet he kept putting his hands on things to break them. Now Vadellya would die and it would be his fault. An explosion of purple energy divided the two men. Alan standing on his feet leaves Dante prone spalshing through the water. Lucian calls out, "Dante have faith the Isle can heal her, lets go." Dante forcing himself standing levels his sword at Alan. Anger boiled at the fringe, you did not want to see a dragon angry. He would rip the flesh from his bones, he would stop Alan. Then he realized that would not stop him. While we can't stop him we can save her.
Dante reached out and grabbed Lucian's hand and they both dissapeared.

Lucian carried Vadellya at a full sprint as they teleported to the bridge to the Isle. They would have teleported directly to the Temple for healing but the gods prevented anyone from directly on the Isle because of the threat to the seals. Dante was grateful Lucian was such a good Paladin he could depend on him to do the right thing. After a run that seemed a hundred times as long as it was, they arrived at a temple when Vadellya was starting to have seizures. "I need a priest!" Dante screamed as Lucian layed Vadellya before the statue of Zues. Priests rushed their robes bouncing from the force of their running legs.

"We've done what we can. The poison is very far advanced and resistent to much of our healing. " The priest said, "We expect to lose her in the hour. By the grace of the gods we may bring her back, though we'd need to speak to her next of Kin about that." The priest continued but Dante stopped listening. Vadellya was always so kind. She acted with out selfishness always helping the group at sever cost to herself and what time she did give herself away from helping the group she spent to raising her son. Being a lady of her standing, the heir to the Mogath name, she could have just rested in her estates. Though from what Dante knew that would be the opposit of the Mogath name.

Dante heard Lucian say, "When we fought the Doom Guard Lord Raquil taught us all a lesson. There was no trap or danger faith could not conquer. He invited us to pray and trust. And I know if we do that know Zues will save her." Dante felt touched in his heart. Not only by what he had seen in the two fronts war but by Lucian's devotion. He kneeled dropping his still clutched sword and prayed. "Great father. Do not call Vadellya out of this mortal frame. It is my action and inaction that placed her here. It is not fair for her to pay for my mistakes. I was too slow to find her and when I found her so impulsive I broke the antidote. Some of it still on my shirt but..."

Dante leaped from his kneeling position. Pointing to his shirt. "There must be some of the antidote her, on my shirt. Can we use it? We can save her." Lucian smiled the prayers answered.

Vadellya's breathing had stablized. She was no longer shaking, but she was still asleep. The priest placed his hand on Dante's shoulder, "From what we can tell the poison was derived from mainly demon's blood. Though your antidote was not near enough, being on teh Isle must have prevented the evil demon's blood from being active. She'll be ok. From now on it will just take a little time and prayers."

Alan smiled, "SO you stay to face me alone? That seems foolish" He says rolling up sleezes to reveal his blue lightning tatoo. As Greyson activates his light swords and stands ready. Alan opens his hand throwing a fireball into Greyson's chest. Greyson is stunned but not out as he falls to a flurry of swings aimed to destroy his attacker. Some strike and some do not but none seem to cause him much care. The ground explodes under Greyson sending him into the air. Greyson reached out into the force and glided through the air to the far wall minimizing his impact. He crouched to deliver a pouncing attack hopefully taking Alan off his feat yet just as his feat were set lightning causes the wall to explode and Greyson to fall through it. Alan stood chuckling.

Greyson become one with the rocks of the wall, not all of them but a dozen or so, and propelled them at Alan catching him off guard. Alan was struck and stumbled being blind sided he set with his sword expecting a melee attack. Greyson responded by forcing a ball of air to collide with Alan's stomache just under his defenses. Causing him to fall to the ground. Then the Melee attack came. Bruised and broken, Greyson continued barely aware of his injuries though they were sever, he was one with the force adn the force could not be injuried.

The Showgun collided in mid air with a purple ball of energy sending him off course and into the far corner. His trance broken by the pain, he quickly moved to restablish his connection. He found is pool of serenity but not before Alan had drawn his blade and pierced his abdomin. Alan struck his face with his bare left hand and somehow fire eminated from his fist.

Greyson coughed up some blood. He saw Alan from the perspective of everywhere and he was barely hurt. Explaining to the officals of Dragon would have to wait. IF he staid here alone he would not report anything to anyone again. Summoning all his discipline he forced the violent ripples of his pool that the pain and conflict had created and made them smooth once again. There was no space in the pool so he simply brough his consciessness to another place--Atlanta.

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