Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Divine Gift

Lucian engrossed himself in prayer as the Priests performed the ritual. This had started with prayer and it seemed right to him to end it in prayer. In the begining, all Lucian's world revolved around catching and stopping the Vampires who had destroyed his family. For that purpose, he wanted a holy mace to act in his hands as the ultimate weapon for righteousness. The Great Father and his priests had taught Lucian that he was to be a weapons in Zues's hands and he wanted the mace in his. All the innocnents suffering and the evil happening just before his eyes and he was chasing his own selfish crusade. They had told him to defeat Fu Mei and he had- though he felt that she had still defeated some piece of him. No! what I did had to be done. It was the right choice.

The priests returned holding it in their arms. The mace was large enough it gave the thin priest a hard time to hold it up. Cupping the Holy Avenger Mace in his hands, Lucian felt blessed and powerful. He realized the gift was not the mace but the perspective and understanding the Great Father had granted him in his journey.

Little did he know the level that would be tested or how his soul would hang in the balance.

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