Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jeric meets the wizard

Jeric looking around decided the front door was the best way. Attempting shadow form he approached the gateway but still found it blocked. He was surprised how quickly she appeared. A young woman who much have been half Drow -- she was not dark enough to be full but he skin definately was not that of ancestors who walked above ground. He looked right past if for if racial predjudice had a victim it would be he. Life as a half vampire came with limitations and benefits.

"Who are you? and what do you want?" Her voice did not match the beauty in her eyes, it was cold and commanding. Jeric responded in dignified calm that personified what Showgun should be, "I am seeking the decpticons and shall not leave till I speak with one."

"Who? This is the tower of the North wind no one by the name is present."

"I have sensed them and will not be detered, perhaps if I can not speak with them I will inform the Isle of their presence here."

"Come in for tea the master of the Tower will be with you shortly." Cold as ice.

Jeric stepped through the gateway and followed her through the immaculate gardens to a series of sitting benches with a tea table to the side. The table held a Talyun tea pot. Beautiful ivory painting decorated the pitcher and the cups. As Jeric examined and enjoyed the aestitics of the scenary, A man in long white and blue robes appeared. His hair streaked with grey was pulled back out of his face with somethign that resembled a crown. Hands moved free of any signs of aging despite the obvious toll human age had taken to his face. Despite his refined appearance and warm surroundings there was a darkness behind his eyes Jeric did not need to sense to know was there.

"I need to find the decepticons it is a matter of life or death."

The man inhales sharply and responds, "Not even an introduction. I do not take kindly to people knocking on my door and then demanding things of me. Especially things I can not provide, or even know to what you are referring. And don't drop names or threats of people you know, that will only assure you never leave. Start with your name and we can talk like civilized people."

"Master Jeric Windstar," at least thats how he always introduced himself, "my business is simple I need to see one of the golemns you are protecting its a matter of life or death."

"The mage pours some tea, "No, tell me more about yourself if I am to let you into my house and spill my secrets to you we have to build some level of trust."

Jeric did not like this man. He could easily overpower this man. No matter what magic he had it was insignificant to his greatness and power. THe power of the force could not be challenged and he would destroy this man if that was what it came to. Though it would not need to come to that. Jeric had grown use to playing diplomat and negotiating reading people and using their personalities for the means of forwarding the good. No need for violence here when diplomacy would prevail, "I've travelled most of hte known world though I am from the Mei Kong valley. Even realms like Sigil and Ravenloft have been seen by my eyes." The half gulp of tea revealed that the mage's interest was enthralled by the mention of Ravenloft.

"Truly! The land of the mist. Yet you escaped despite what you are?"

There was racial predjustice again, "I escaped because Lord Straud wanted me to. He even marked me."

The mage now looked as though his mind would explode with excitement. Jeric did not know what this man's fixation with Ravenloft was but if he could use it to gain leverage and maybe even an exchange of knowledge he would continue to spikes the man's curiousity and spike it he did. He went on telling stories always careful not to share all the details and at some critical point drop a reference to another fascinating detail that kept the man chasing tangents. He looked as if he were taking notes with his eyes and he watched Jeric solidly. Then Jeric suddenly stopped, "I will talk no more until I speak to the real man not a projection and can see the golemns."

The man vanished. Jeric knew he was a magical projection from the start there was no life no force in him to sense. A moment later the man reappeared this time the real one Jeric was ceratin. "Ok, you tell me everything I want to know about Ravenloft and I will tell you all you want to know abou these golemns. Once my curiousity has been satisfied that is."

"Very well we'll trade questions."

"You were not a vampil before dieing in Ravenloft the mist spontanously created that for you?"

"I was born that way, a god removed what she considered to be the cursed part of me. Later it was restored by a powerful Sith Master. I gave up that gift again for fear that it was corrupting my soul. When I died in Ravenloft it reinstated it to which no I have no regret. Why are the golemns here?"

"So, you were a vampil before but repressed. It must have taken the easiest form of corruption. Now you say you met Straud in Castle Ravenloft itself. Describe it to me in every detail you can remember."

"The castle is grand but cold." The mage had not answered his question, "No more mage. I must see the golemns now."

"Very well if I can convince you to talk to me no longer a toast and I take you to my golemn friends." He raised his glass to which Jeric returned. When the glasses touched their fingers brushed and the man called out coldly, "Jeric Windstar Showgun highmaster from the MeiKong traveler of Ravenloft, I imprison you deep in the earth." Nothing happenned. He must have needed my name for that. A name he did not give.

Jeric returned fire by griping the mages hand with telekensis pinning it to the ground. 4 statues in the Garden near their location turned moving towards Jeric. The Drow girl disappeared though he could still sense her approaching from behind. Then the mage tossed two dice from his un pinned hand. When they stopped they burrowed into the ground and as a seed grows into tree through the seasons a Wyvern and a Great worm grew from their burial place in the dirt.

Jeric was outnumbered but it did not matter. He easily dodged the attacks from the summoned creatures and the womans attempt to back stab. He was no so lucky with a spear that was thrown from one of the approaching golemns. As long as he had the wizard he had control. He went to strike and probe his mind but the man was gone. He had just dissapeared. Some defensive magic prepared. Jeric then realized it was not just him verses the wizard.

This is his home. He would not be able to fight the mage and all the traps he had set. Though he was sure he would not fall he would not find victory either. The mage would flew and be untraceable and even if not his directive of finding a body for X would not be met. He decided to leave.

Turning his attention to the gate way he ran. The giant worm tore the ground beneath him. The huge spiked teeth encircled him and for just a moment Jeric thought he was eaten. He spun and embracing all he was light swords swarmed and devoured the beast that would have devoured him. He kept running.

He ran hoping his ring of magic defense would give him some protection. And it did. He left the gateway and teleported straight back to Atlanta, diplomacy and force both failing to achieve what he had hoped for. X was lost.

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