Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Away at the monastary

Katsumi kept her pace. She could not let on that she knew she was being followed.  Whoever was trailing her was good, very good.  He has most likely been there for weeks.  If it were not for the monks comments and subtle training of the nature of qi she would have never noticed him at all.  It is only when she meditates and feels the extra qi close to her that she even knows he's there.

Could he be from the den? Not likely they have coins and the like to spy on us.  It must be someone from my father. 

It had been risky to return home, especially and not stay.  She needed the Iocane powder but was still honor bound to help Nathan and see this to the end as he was the one who freed her from Darkness's service.  One day she would return home, when she found out exactly what to say.

Now. She thought as she spun a curved throwing knife the direction of the spy. It struck stone behind her target as she hoped but it spooked her tail to flee and now she could follow. The spy took off and scaled a nearby wall covered in ivy.  Katsumi threw another knife striking his hand causing him to fall.  He landed and tumbled tossing his own dagger at her.  It struck her in the left shoulder with enough force to spin her around. Would my father's men be allowed to kill me?  I did leave and have yet to explain, but even that would only earn disowning not killing.

Katsumi dove behind cover avoiding 3 ninja stars that embedded themselves into the tree stump she hid behind.  To make matters more complicated a group of monks entered the courtyard.  She needed to find this spy with out hurting or alerting them.  They were so nervous about outsiders that something like this could get everyone thrown out and stop Nathan's investigation.  She lay flat on the ground hoping they would leave.  When they did not after 5 minutes she took a nearby rock and tossed it across the yard.  It made a sound in the far bushes and she took her moment.

So did he.  The both sprung from their hiding places queued by the sound of the rock. They nearly ran into eachother running along the wall trying to make it over the wall. Before the monks could turn around she dove into a tree and he tumbled over a broken part of the wall. 

It was only a few moments before the monks left but she could not find the spy.  He had gone over the wall and left no sign.  He had too far of a headstart to expect him to be anywhere close.  curse those monks. Katsumi was sure she would meet him again. She would just have to wait until they came back to find out their secrets.

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