Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Worthy of an Empress - may she live forever

"Anastasia, you must listen to me. The dragons and the elves are in full open war, there is no place in this country it won't touch.  You are in danger.  Even if not from the war the chances someone will find you here in a fortified strong hold are very very high.  We have another location already set up you can hide there. We must move quickly.  I'm here to personally escort and protect you through the move."

She put on her regal look.  He was no longer talking to Anastasia but to the institution of Empress, may it live forever.  "I am well aware of the problems in the Grey Havens.  Dante's intetions to serve the elves were well meaning, however, he lacked the political skill to make it work effectively.  Representatives of the dragons have been in contact with Gerzon to offer him the role of Regent since he is Vadellya Greyfoot's only child he can make a legitamite claim to the throne at least until Dante's child is born and grown.  Gerzon has been instructed to accept.  With Vadellya gone the Empire is the remaining parent to Gerzon so he will act under my Imperial authority."

"And you will rule the Grey Havens."

"There will be some creative application of jurisdiction but the defacto leader will be myself.  As soon as I claim the throne with endorsement of the Dragon's savior they will act to protect us here from Malekites forces.  NOrmally it would not be enough to stand againt the Imperial army but exhausted by the crusade and Malekites coupe they will not be able to over power us.  Especially with Geneva by the side of Gerzon faithful paladin to Logar.  Then once safe the word will spread to the imperial nobles that I have a seat of power and the backing of Geneva.  They will be motivated to action or at least not scared into submission, and I can take back the Empire from the one winged angel.  Fear not Councilman, when I have the crystal throne I am open to giving the grey haven's to Geneva in gratitude for your services."

"Well your majesty that is simply a move worthy of an Empress,  your mother would be proud."

"The Chamption of the Light, Lady of Life, Ruler of the 7 kingdoms, Defender of the Faith, Empress of the Crystal throne will no longer hide in corners.   She will do her best to save her people."

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