The ships burned. The whole fortress burned. The fire was just the first. When it had run its course the would take the time to undermine every rock of the foundation, leave them nothing to come back to. Drakus would leave the dirty slavers with nothing. For too many generations of both Man and Dwarf Talyun Emperors had enslaved his people. Used them as fodder for his wars, slaves for his mines. Some of the once mighty clans had completely forgotten who they were and even fought the liberation army as it crushed slaver settlement after settlement.

The Dwarves were no longer lose warring clans. Under the banner of Truehammer and the leadership of the Bear of Truehammer, they had fought back. Against the united MIght of the Dwarves the slavers fell before them. It was only a matter of a few short weeks and they where now running back to their Island home with their tails between their legs.
The shouting and cheering of Dwarves filled the air. They were both cheeribg Drakus and themselves in victory. The victory had not come with out sacrifice. This last strong hold held very srong. Well enough defended most of the slavers escaped on their boats, the fortress took 2 days and many lives to fall. Drakus raised his axes in the air and called, "HAIL THE VICTORIOUS DEAD!" All the united clans and all their warriors present joined in granting the highest respect to those who died with the highest honor. "HAIL!!!!"
With Talyun defeated and the Clans united, it was time to journey to Atlanta and meet with the Council. He had been summonned over a week ago and had even needed to petition a time before them to present the Dwarven clans as part of the of the Great Geneva to serve the light. Though first their was mourning and celebrating to do. For a dwarf those often meant the same thing -- ALE.
Many memories confronted Drakus as he stepped through the magnificent halls of the Genevan Palace. It seemed like a life ago when he acted as Tassadar's body guard. That boy may have been young and naive but with the possible exception of Nathan he had never known a greater man. He put all the thoughts of the past behind him and focussed on the now as he stood before both Raquel and Atrayu.
Lord Raquel spoke first, "I have been told the Dwarven people are stronger than ever. My eyes and ears tell me the Talyun slave trade has ran dry. I could not be more happy for your people. And I am sure your people could not be more happy with you."
"You speak kindly my Lord. Now that our petty differances have been put aside nothing can stand before us. We are a strong and proud people."
"As well you should be. It is the greatness of your people I wish to speak to you about. We are forming an international council. A neutral ground were peoples and nations can resolve trade dispute and territory disagreements with out resorting to war. A place where the world can unite under the banner of forwarding the purposes of the light and we can act united against the shadow as we did in the two fronts war. A war that may have been lost with out you and your brave warriors. Since we want it to be as free from one nation control as possible we want to build a new city, a new meeting place in the wilds over the east side of the World's Ending Mountains. The best craftsman in the world should build it. And your clans are not just the best warriors but also the best craftsmen. What will it cost for you to build us this grand city?"
"My Lord I am honored at your words. We would but as one thing. To be allowed to give our united and joint strength to Geneva. Would you accept us as part of your great nation?"
Atrayu simply nods and Lord Raquel's face lights up seemign to swell with joy, "BRAVO! Of course our Dwarven brothers are welcomed to the great Geneva nation. I would however have one condition before I consent fully. The great Bear of Truehammer should sit with us on this council as a joint leader. This system was designed for several people to take part in council. with Jerico retiring, Tassadar passing, and Lord Atrayu focussed solely on protecting the seals I need another man I can trust. As you have demonstrated just profound leadership of the dwarven people and use to live and serve at court you are an ideal choice."
Drakus must have been visibly stunned and the short pause before his resposne drew on. He was being asked to be one of the most powerful men in the world. He was more dazed than he had been after his best chucking of Dwarven Spirits.
"What I offer you is no life of privillage. But it is already yours. To serve eachother and in that we are made free. Enron has also petitioned to join Geneva with Jonathan as a council member. that is under discussion here. But the invitation to you is with out reservation."
Drakus nodded, "I must discuss with this with the Elders. I will let you know promptly."
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