Captain Falconhand gave her briefing cooly and with composure. She was an experienced commander. They all say gathered around a large crystal ball structure in the Border Fort. This was the most southern Imperial outpost. No more than a hundred yards from where they now sat was the Darkwood, an ancient forest of vast size and populated by a large variety of monsters and other creatures. Despite the Crystal Empires might, they had not been able to colonize the wood. Mostly because they saw no value in doing so. While it was in the empire on the map, they exercised no real control.
She continued, "Everyone must stay on the path. There are worn paths through the wood which things seem to behave relatively normal. Crossing the path into the forest itself causes one to be randomly teleported to a location within the wood. We can expect several types of encounters once inside. The wood is native home to monsterous creatures such as giant spiders, scorpions, orcs and the like. The wood also has portals to many lower planes. Demons and undead are reported plentiful too. Also keep in mind there is likely to be a significant population of Imperial citizens. One of our duties here is to keep fugitives and others from escaping into the wood. We do not always succeed. Many outlawed dark religious movements and treason meaning fugitives have escaped into the Wood through the centuries. There is really no way to tell the full extend of whatever society they have built with in it. While our current lead theory to the cause of the zombie outbreak and attempted invasion is this Veritas, we must stay open to all possibilities. Our orders to determine the source of them and destroy if possible come from the Empress, may she live forever, and should be carried out as such. Any questions?"
"What can you tell us more about the behavior of magic?" Blade asked. Though Galan believed he went by Serith now. Released from the Mercykiller prison a sworn MercyKiller himself. In Khan's last notes to Galan about his plan to destroy Filtch it mentioned that Blade would no longer be a concern. He had to trust that to be truth even if he was here with them. He was serving as one of Lord Raquel's personal attendants and was assigned to help since he was the mage who cast the trapping spell on Veritas last time.
She responded, "That it is unpredictable. Sometimes it casts perfect other times it will form the wrong spell or an undesired results. Many times it will not work at all. The whole thing seems to be, to one degree or another, a wild magic zone." Serith gave a serene expression and nod. "With no other questions let me show you what little scrying we had returned from out scouts.
Day 1
All fifteen of us still accounted for. Nothing exciting to report. The Genevan's seen a very curious. Not at all what I heard or thought it would be. Their General is a pious Paladin and so is his guard. Beyond that they seem a rough collection of whatever they could find at the time. They must not highly value nobelity because they seem to have sent 2 princesses. One a mage and one named Bella who appears to be totally worthless. Though she has a hand servant who at least carries weapons if no armor. Galan's chief officer Captain Dante is impulsive and rash. His mage Morgan is crude and abrasive. I believe she even did not wish immortality when invoking the Empresses name once. Serith is one of Lord Raquel's personel guards and carries blades of a blade singer. While it would appear many of them have skill their is no polish. No uniformity no cohesion. Though I am glad to have it. We make camp in a small opening in the path, splitting the watch amongst us and the Genevans.
Day 2
Spiders and laid traps for us through the night. If it were not for the crude and obnoxious mage we may have suffered a casualty. Though they act too quickly and without polished thought they are resourceful. Coming across a fork in the road today, Bella started talking about intuition and instinct. Crazy enough the Genevan's all responded to her with respect and she started guessing the way to go. Most likely for the best since that takes us to the Moonwell. give us a chance to resupply water. It also brough us to an overgrown and long abandoned temple to set. Camp as been set up and we will take the first half of the night as a watch still no zombies.
Day 3
I was wrong to trust the Genevians. Rather by intention or neglect they have ruined us. Captain Dante's watch was more concerned with exploring the temple than keeping watch. I lost one of my men to a demon inside the temple and 3 more to zombies that came upon us during the night. We finally repelled the attack to have Dante emerge from the temple having released a sealed Vorta demon demanding to know something about someone known as Alan. Luckily, the shogun that travels with them destroyed the sacred vase and sent the Demon back to hell. Dante seemed genuinely disappointed. I hope they all burn when I exercise the contingency.
We torched the camp site and moved on. Rather than travel through the night, we set up camp just short of the Moonwell. It is just I Jacob and Thomas now. Divided the watch to 3 shifts, each of us taking one. I don't trust those Genevan vagabonds.
General Galan does show traits of a good leader. One that you would expect form the Isle. He reproved the lack of duty sharply but kept everyone focused on the mission. He keeps talking about what will we do when we find veritas. Well Due to the Empress's, may she live forever, instructions no one can know. Though I may regret killed Galan and Greyson the rest of the worthless bunch the world will be better without. I do believe we saw Veritas today. To the west of the path there was a gypsy camp. 3 people that waved at us and invited us to share their fire. Since the camp was with in the woods and outside the path we could not get to them. I could have ended it all then. No matter what you are you want survive the ultimate in Imperial magic research- spirit bomb.
A strange occurrence at the well made me believe we can finish this tonight. A large pack of well over 200 wolves approached the clearing that well was in while not entering the path. One of the mages conjured a rabbit and sent it in while Captain Dante attempted to communicate. The rabbit left the path and wondered into the wood. Captain Dante said one the wolves called the summoner had granted them power and strength. And identified the summoner as one of the men in the gypsy camp. When they left I ordered my men through. Galan felt it suicide and said he would go back now that it was confirmed we were dealing with Veritas it was best to prepare. He invited me to go with him. If I knew only what he knew i would have done the same.
Day 5
They got it from me. Thomas and Jacob torn and devoured before my eyes. I only wanted to get close enough to ensure victory. The creature who took it was no human nor was he wolf. Not a werewolf either. With the face of a bat he commanded the wolves. I have barely escaped and know this is the end. I pray to Andrea that I may find the Spirit Bomb and activate it. Burn this whole Olympus forsaken place down. If I fail, I can only hope General Galan will succeed.
Morgan smiled as she heard the screams in the distance. Those arrogance Imperials got what they deserved. And the Empress, may she drink my vomit, can mourn them if she wishes. They tried teleporting out but it failed. Though once Captain hand up her butt left the General thought they should leave as well. They could see them from the path for a little ways but the forest grew thick where it was not before and all Morgan could do to know where there were was to judge the distance from the source of the screaming.
OOC: Author's note - This are the first embedded videos, post comment and let me know your feedback. I did not create nor do I own these videos. All credit goes to the authors.
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