Showgun I can answer your questions and resolve your concerns. We can discuss this with out violence and make things right for all sides. Please tell no one of this encounter this evening or our meeting and come to the Triumph de Solai a music theature and we can discuss this.
Greyson openned his communicator. It was a psionic object that allowed conscience thoughts to travel from one to another and another force user could pull out those thoughts and receive a message. This one was syncronized to a matching device in Master Windstar's possesion. Master, I have discovered a complex and potentially violent group of Vampires operating in Trade City. I am going tot he Triumph de Solai to meet with one of them now. They operate under the Great Cathederal. More to follow.
He ceased existing in the temple and began existing outside the theature.
He steps through the unlocked doors and down the long isle between the rows seats. Only one light in the room. A solitary candle lit on the stage. Resting on a tall stool like one would see in a tavern. Though this one was a high polished smooth black. Tavern stools did not stay smooth. Just behind the light stood a well dressed man with a commanding presence. He rested a leather violin case on a small bench and unfastened the metal snaps. THe case openned revealing the finest of red velvet lining. He spoke with a voice that seemed meant to sing rather than simply talk. "Welcome Master Showgun. The force is certainly with you tonight. My name is Victor. Welcome to the premier music theature in all Tradecity. Not a feet one could accomplish in just one life time I assure you."
"You own the theature then?" Greyson responded the example of Showgun peace and emotionless conversation.
"The records say my Grandfather openned it."
"Of Course."
"Mortals, even elves with their superior hearing, can not appreciate the level of beauty in a piece of music. Many things that sound wonderful to your flawed ears cause us to cringe with the imperfections it is riddled with. The slightest pressure of the musicians fingers on a string can cause the note to be off. A proper setting of course is also essential. As sound travels through the air it refelcts and bends. A proper theature can make an ok performance sound grand and a grand performance earth shattering. Do you play?"
"I have a small measure of talent. It helps me meditate. Though I think we should get to the matter at hand."
"Music has many powerful effect on the soul. Religions write hymns and Showgun have their chants. I have my violin." With a soft gracefull motion he pulls the bo across the srings and it makes an evil hiss.
Greyson reaches out with his sense and feels 6 other consciencenesses lurking in the shadows. "What about Bella?"
"Its a funny thing. You coming to save here, when if not for you she would not need saving. In fact, if you would have left well enough alone and not followed her to Trade City then you both could have survived. Now I asked you not to tell anyone about our meeting."
"I did not tell anyone, so I have broken no agreement."
"Well I did not tell you that a dozen vampires would not rip you into a hundred pieces. So then I guess we can pass the evening both of us with our honor intact."
The musical carryings of his voice effortlessly flowed into a powerfull epiclly sad piece of violin music. He tried to ceaseexisting and will himself else where but the music was so entrancing and provoked such powerful images in his mind he could not fully concentrate.
(note: the images in the video are not important to the story.)
He had to do this the old fashioned way-run. He made it under the balcony before three of them leaped down from above. Kicked the door open in his stride to see one waiting for him.

He reached through to manipulate the force and throw her off of him but his mind was so cloaded he could barely manage any serenity. It was enough to that with a hip toss and roll he broke her grip. Dizzy and confused he tried to run. Bumping into the door frame he spun around and was tackeled by a flying devil and pinned to the ground. Fangs pierced his neck and his pool shrank. Pain sheered his senses for a moment. He struggled in panic but was now pinned down by several of the foul creatures. He had to teleport it was his only hope. With every second he was less himself and just less anything.
The violin still rang in his ears and the images of fallen angles and crying totruted souls was both gruesome and beautiful. He had to push past it. Closing his eyes and laying perfectly still he became the world around him. It felt good for a moment to stop and listen to the music every note intoxicating his ears and imagination. There was no more wonderful or horrible way to go and he decided to let it happen. NO. He called for a deep deep center the smallest spec that the force of the multiverse had concieved as him constantly flowing with the force. He was a cave of perfect ice. Silence stillness, serenity. He went to will his existence to the Catacombs and find Bella before they killed her.
It failed. He popped back to reality and the pain of being eaten reminded him where he was. Ice cave. Bleeding angles. NO focus His pool was still and he stopped existing and started again.
He was on the ramp way tot he Isle. Nothing else was clear except his blood was staining ground. He stood up but between being dizzy fromthe loss of blood and the lose of his life force,when he tried to stand he fell. He was only vaguely aware of someone coming up to him. THe bleeding stopped he could feel that. Then he willed himself to Vadellya.
"I have to save her." He whispered, "Stoneskin. Give me stone skin."
Vadellya responded, "Of course. What's goingon?"
It was too dangerous to both Bella and Vadellya and anyone else to tell them everything. He most likely would not be coming back but if he drug others along there would be no way to stop them. But if he did not go Bella was dead for sure that he knew.
"Just do it."
She did. Greyson willed himself to the Cathederal. Bella

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