Greyson thought chosing to trail Moriana instead of Bella was a mistake. He had arrived in Trade City about 12 hours behind her. If she had done anything it must have been before he caught up with her. Strangely enough she had spent the past day and a half just sitting around in the Great Cathederal. 

She had moved around with in it and under it but had not left. The building was impressive in its size in comparison to the other buildings crowded around it. There were some nicer estates so a block or two to the west. The Cathederal held large stained glass windows some as much as five stories high.
He had done most of his spying from outside the cathederal. Reaching through his mind to hers the slightest of all contacts just to tell where she was. He had practived patients as his masters had taught him. He was simply waiting for some answers. Galan was sure these two would lead them back to Tatyana.
Greyson decided that he would just probe her mind to see what she knew about Tatyana and see if this was all a waste of time or not.
He stepped into the Cathederal past the holy water. He did not sprinkle himself as other patrons. He did not need the blessings of the gods. They were powerful beings sure but no being should be worshiped they were all just manifestations of the force. He sat on a hard oak pew in the very back of the Cathederal with several rows of columns and pillars between him and Moriana who was lighting candles at the altar. He closed his eyes and smoothed his pool. Merged it with hers and began searching through her memories. Her mind was filled with impressions of Tatyana Greyson viewed one of them.

She was standing on a balcony with the moon behind her. The light of the moon as it refelcted off her bone porcelian skin caused it to sort of glow. The light her pale skin emitted drew the eyes to her skin- smooth and perfect. There must have been some wind during this event because her hair caught softly and swayed like the finest Mei Kong silk. The hair faded from black to red effortlessly the shadows seeming to intentionally compliment the volume and gloss of her hair and the perfectly symetrical shape of her face. That face with those eyes could easily ensnare someone. Greyson understood why there would be so much strong impact on the mind from this woman. She was stunning to every detail. He kept pooring deeper and deeper of the image of those inviting eyes and flawless skin. He examined it closer and closer. No matter the detail of his review, it was perfect, not a blemish or a fold or wrinkle.
His concentration was broken as his physical ears heard a scream from with in the Cathederal. He unfortunetly lost the image of divine beauty as the shadow laden church filled his view.
Moriana was the one who had screamed. She was being lifted by a priest and she was shaking. Blood fell from both of her ears. Greyson realized what had happenned. The image was so intoxicating inviting it drew him in to the mind so deep he had hurt her physical mind.
He needed to focus his attention elsewhere. He decided it was time to look for Bella, Moriana was not going anywhere for a while. He calmed his pool and searched the ocean. To his surprise Bella was near his physical body. She was below him in the Cathederal. He merged the pools leaking to input from Bella's 5 senses to his body so he could she what she say and hear what she heard.
He sees 3 cloaked men speaking to her. They are dressed like monks here at the Cathederal.
"The Voltirium will see you now. Lord Tyros take her in." Openning a large think old oak door, they stepped into a room lit by a pale blue light. A large stone table in the middle and around it several individuals that Greyson could not make out their faces.

The way Bella's view changed she must be kneeling. One of them spoke, "Auroa. You have violated laws of the coven and risked exposing the coven to both Paladin and Showgun. Taking undue risk and not addressing the fact that you were discovered place all of us at risk. Moriana servant to Velvet informs us of your tretchery and is her to speak against you."
Moriana's voice fills Bella's ears, "I feel it maybe too late Elders. My mind was recently attacked. The Showgun has followed me or her. We are all in danger."
Bella looks to her left and sees MOriana kneeling and a man in a blue coat simply tear her head from her shoulders. Blood covers the stone and through the link Greyson can feel the hunger cripple Bella's senses. Greyson hears through Bella's ears Bella blurt out. "I have done nothing but execute Tatyana's will. She sent me to spy on the Paladins and gain their trust. I work for her."
"Dare not speak Black Velvets name. You are young and sloppy fledgling. You will be prisoner here until we can determine the truth of your words and reach our decision. More important is the Showgun. He maybe close. Search the Cathederal and find him. Lord Tyros do not stop until he's brought before us helpless."
Greyson broke the bound and did a mass contact to be able to identify the pools of all the beings present. He focused on his physical form and made for the door. As soon as he was out of public view he stopped existing there and manifested his existence at the Showgun temple.
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